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Bangladesh bans film over villain's dress sense

Can't you ask for independent observers from the UN to oversee the elections?

Foreign observers are invited to check on the elections which could turn out to be controversial.

Foreign observers including the US Ambassador praised the fairness of the Kashmir elections.
Election of 1996 the electorate was coerced into voting AL after several months of continuous hartal and it is doubtful whether the AL would have got a two-thirds majority in 2008 if its had not been for 1/11.

That must be true.

Hans Christen Andersen endorsed it or was it the Grimms Brothers?

And, Munshi maharaj, you want to tell us Bangladeshi are real fools and scared punks to be 'coerced'?

OK since you claim to be the know all, I believe you and I will quote you that Bangladeshis are scared punks and stupid since you are the know all!

OK by you?
That must be true.

Hans Christen Andersen endorsed it or was it the Grimms Brothers?

And, Munshi maharaj, you want to tell us Bangladeshi are real fools and scared punks to be 'coerced'?

OK since you claim to be the know all, I believe you and I will quote you that Bangladeshis are scared punks and stupid since you are the know all!

OK by you?

No I will not be provoked by your provocations. I will not get banned again so soon just to please you.
I am not provoking, I am astonished that as a barrister, you cannot field your thought logically.

No wonder all find the Bangladeshi Judiciary a standing Joke!

It is juvenile to feel that the citizens of a country can be coerced to give votes so that a political party gets two third majority.

Such statement is an insult to Bangladesh as a Nation, to its citizenry since it makes them to be illiterate, unintelligent yokels and holds up to the world that Bangaldesh is a standing joke in the name of a nation.

Your post indicated such.

Therefore, questioning it since it was an outrageous insult to the Bangladeshis and their Nation, is hardly provoking you.

In fact, you have provoked with this inanity and an insult to Bangladesh and its citizenry!
Whats the big deal. In India the criminal politicians in the movies are always shown to wear Ghandi caps which is now the trademark of Congress Party...but that didn't stop from winning elections.
Once again, the AL shows its true colors. A party hell-bent on using propaganda to further its futile and pathetic causes.

Silly reasoning, truly silly. Gotta love the delusional world of the AL :tup:
Wow!! I am speechless. So AL trying to tell us that Mujib coater can not be criminal. I suspect if Awami stay in power for another term then they will make a law to protect the holiness of Mujib coat. ;)
Typical of Bangaleshi politics.

Next someone will object to projecting a female villian with the Khaleda Zia's beehive like hairstyle!


Can't blame Khaleda for trying to look fashionable and western because the military is beyond the narrow confines dictated by the conservatives in society.
I am not provoking, I am astonished that as a barrister, you cannot field your thought logically.

No wonder all find the Bangladeshi Judiciary a standing Joke!

It is juvenile to feel that the citizens of a country can be coerced to give votes so that a political party gets two third majority.

Such statement is an insult to Bangladesh as a Nation, to its citizenry since it makes them to be illiterate, unintelligent yokels and holds up to the world that Bangaldesh is a standing joke in the name of a nation.

Your post indicated such.

Therefore, questioning it since it was an outrageous insult to the Bangladeshis and their Nation, is hardly provoking you.

In fact, you have provoked with this inanity and an insult to Bangladesh and its citizenry!

Of course the citizens of a country can be coerced and often tricked into voting a particular way. How did Hosni Mubarak win elections or Saddam Hussain? They rigged the votes and forced voters to vote for them. If it has happened in Bangladesh it is because of the political redundancy and fascism of the AL and their mentors in India.
The mujib coat is also wear by pakistani politian like nawaj sharif and others .so our "father" was just copying the pakistanis .nothing distictive in his dress code.
Of course the citizens of a country can be coerced and often tricked into voting a particular way. How did Hosni Mubarak win elections or Saddam Hussain? They rigged the votes and forced voters to vote for them. If it has happened in Bangladesh it is because of the political redundancy and fascism of the AL and their mentors in India.

How pathetic.

Adding insult to injury!

Comparing Bangaldesh to Egypt and Iraq?!!!! :what: :eek:

They (Iraq and Egypt) had a democracy?

Or a façade?

Say what you want, but Bangladesh has a democracy, even if with warts and all.

If Bangladesh was like Egypt and Iraq, then Khaleda or Hasina would have been exterminated, depending who on was in power.

Therefore there would have been no scope of hartals and other ways to harass or bring the govt down. Heard of any hartals or demonstration in Iraq or Egypt before the Tahrir Square?

How many times through elections have govt of Egypt and Iraq changed?

Has the govts of Bangladesh not changed many a time?

Please don't insult Bangladesh or its citizens any more. Even I, as a foreigner, am getting embarrassed at your ludicrous portrayal of Bangladesh as if it were a cesspool and in the pits as Iraq and Egypt were as far as democracy was concerned!!

I have serious doubts if you are a Bangladeshi, since no one can slander one's own nation with falsehood that decry the nation!
It is unfortunate that censor board follows such shamefull
criteria in selection methods but please discuss this rigging stuffs in a suitable thread. Really getting annoyed to see this
thread title pop up in the defense updates every few minutes.
Rather make a new thread regarding this discussion.
It is unfortunate that censor board follows such shamefull
criteria in selection methods but please discuss this topic in a suitable thread. Really getting annoyed to see this
thread title pop up in the defense updates every few minutes.
Rather make a new thread regarding this discussion.

Address it to Munshi Maharaj who is slandering your country.

Unless of course you to feel that Bangladesh is the cesspool in democracy!

Any true citizen would have some shame in their bones instead of interjecting with inanities.

I, as a foreigner, am batting for Bangladesh and objecting to the canard that Bangladesh is a sham and is of disrepute as Iraq's Saddam and Egypt's Hosni, who in any case never had a democracy going in their country and instead had an autocratic rule brooking no dissent.

Further, do you reply to all threads that 'pop up'?

Is there any compulsion or diktat that indicates that all threads that 'pop up' have to be looked into or answered?

In fact, you are getting annoying by giving unsolicited advice as if you are some village morol (head)!
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