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Bangladesh army denied graveyard spot for son of ex army chief and President


Dec 14, 2008
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United States
Tribune Online Report
The BNP has been denied of permission to bury Arafat Rahman Koko at the Banani Military Graveyard.

BNP's ally Kalyan Party Chairman Mohammad Ibrahim made the disclosure at a briefing in front of Khaleda Zia's Gulshan office on Tuesday.

He said: “As a member of former military officer's family, Koko has the right to be buried at the military graveyard. It is quite frustrating.”

“We do not know the reason behind the denial. But we hope such incident will not happen with any other military family member.

The location of the burial would be informed later, he added.

The younger son of late president Ziaur Rahman and BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia died in Malaysia on Saturday from cardiac arrest.

Koko’s first janaza was held on Sunday after Zuhr prayers at Malaysian national mosque Masjid Negara in capital Kuala Lumpur. His body was then kept at the mortuary of the University of Malaya.

- See more at: Koko's burial at military graveyard denied | Dhaka Tribune
Tribune Online Report

He said: “As a member of former military officer's family, Koko has the right to be buried at the military graveyard. It is quite frustrating.”

Not sure how this works as Hindus cremate their dead, but I thought a military graveyard was for those who served &not their kin.
Zia's family made Armed force as like their own asset. But BD Armed forces now moved out from this.
From what I recall Zia killed thousands of Air force officers of BD. And BNP is anti air force and turned some enmilty between Air and Armed forces. That is why whenever BNP comes to power no development happens in Air force.
Air force of BD is in bad shape today because of this.
Not sure how this works as Hindus cremate their dead, but I thought a military graveyard was for those who served &not their kin.
That is generally what happens everywhere.

The perks of the Armed Forces are reserved for those serving only. The immediate family is given some benefits, even that however is reserved till the kids reach a certain age(18 or 25 years).

Beyond that, its just the serving personnel and their spouse who get the benefits.

Does BD have a different system? Otherwise I don't get how the demand for this is justified.
Here is BDforever lie exposed.

Rule as posted below is army officers serving or retired and their wife, children, parents and in laws are entitled for military graveyard spot.

Rule also said, officer who served more than 25 years get priority for such privilege. Ziaur Rahman served Bangladesh army for 26 years was army Chief and President, announced declaration of Bangladesh independence and led battle front.

Here is BDforever lie exposed.

Rule as posted below is army officers serving or retired and their wife, children, parents and in laws are entitled for military graveyard spot.

Rule also said, officer who served more than 25 years get priority for such privilege. Ziaur Rahman served Bangladesh army for 26 years, announced declaration of Bangladesh independence and led battle front.

if it is true then should get the permission
calm down ISIS, i said what i know

It is trademarked indo awami tradition to call people name to cover their crime. good you have proved to be awami terrorist and lair. It goes to show how bdmil send an awami terrorist to dish out its propaganda.
Zia's family made Armed force as like their own asset. But BD Armed forces now moved out from this.
From what I recall Zia killed thousands of Air force officers of BD. And BNP is anti air force and turned some enmilty between Air and Armed forces. That is why whenever BNP comes to power no development happens in Air force.
Air force of BD is in bad shape today because of this.
LOL, have you ever taken a look at the Air Force. We only have 8 attack fighters (all Mig-29) and a couple of dozens of trainers. We don't have any attack helicopter either.
LOL, have you ever taken a look at the Air Force. We only have 8 attack fighters (all Mig-29) and a couple of dozens of trainers. We don't have any attack helicopter either.

Yes, BD air force is in bad condition that is what I told. What is your point?
BNP also were against procurement of those Migs the sharpest teeth of BD air force.
Which were bought by AL. But BNP wanted to sell those Migs coming in power. Lol
Very sham full revenge by Awami govt. as a son of amry officer Koko deserve the right to be buried in army graveyard

calm down ISIS, i said what i know

Bhai you are the heart of Bangladesh defense forum don;t make any comment which destroy your credential .
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