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Bangladesh aiming to boost ties with KSA: Nazmul Islam

I am not double user and I say what I want it's not trolling

@amr bin abd wid al amiri says otherwise. Which is your double user.

Making idiotic comments/off-topic comments/trolling is not something that should be tolerated. Go pollute another thread and look for attention there. Stop wasting my time. You already tried to troll this thread below minutes ago.

Pakistani government engages Imam of Kaaba to lead polio campaigns

What the hell is wrong with you wannabe Arab?

Please keep in mind my Brother that Pakistani people don't have issues with ordinary Bangladeshi people.

We love our Bangladeshi Brothers and this is my personal opinion but in my humble opinion most Bangladeshi Brothers are better Muslims than us Pakistanis.

My opposition is ONLY towards this present Govt. in Bangladesh which is targeting our Muslim Brothers in Bangladesh to appease India.

Pakistani Govt. cannot dare to hang any Muslim Scholar from Jammat e Islami.

Jamaat e Islami is not TALIBAN. They are an ideological Party of Islam.

So you support the Murder of People who disagree with you ?

So much for you being a man of peace.

They were convicted and sentenced by the courts so it is not murder. Please don't come back with BS about the quality of the proceedings - name me one court case in all of Asia whose legal standards would pass muster in any first world country.

Every child and man in BD knows what Kader Molla did - we don't need a hypocritical and inconsistent call for justice from you. Deal with your own problems first.

I don't need to tell you how many terrorists have been found taking refuge with your ideological party.
Bangladesh is a massive 150 million people nation which is more than 42 years old. It is the third largest and also a Sunni Muslim nation.

Bangladesh does not border Afghanistan or Iran neither it has a military powerful enough or willing enough to send hundreds of thousands of troops to aid Saudi Arabia in any full scale war if requested (Pakistan would do it without thinking twice).

If Bangladesh had any real value, Saudi Arabia would've courted the country way back in the 1980s. To the outside world, Bangladesh is almost like some sort of an Indian-protectorate with no independent policy, influence or any global reach.

Due to political reasons (influenced by Pakistan), Bangladesh cannot get close to Arab Sharif just like Afghanistan cannot under President Hamid Karzai (12-years and counting). However, I expect Bangladesh to get Pakistani blessings as soon as Pakistan brings Taliban back in power in Afghanistan.

Figure out what Deobandi is and what is Tablighi Jama'at and Taliban are within Deobandi, then you will understand. By the time Bangladeshis themselves understand this, they're likely to be facing an Indian military invasion.

Don't be so insecure man. No one is going to come between you and your beloved..!

BD would love KSA's support and we have always tried to make as many friends as possible. But of course BD won't get involved in someone else's war, we are still struggling to get ourselves on our own feet.

And you may be right, we do not influence policy in the world and we may be insignificant in terms of power - but that is not every country's ambition. For us, to have peace and stability in our land is enough. Whilst you,re up on your high horse, maybe you should consider your own outlook in this regard.

Ps. It is not BD who needs to consider Taliban, Deobandi and TJ, it is you guys who have let all these groups run riot in your country.

Bangladesh is the native country of al-Hasani

Look i respect Shia and Sunni alike - as Muslim history owes much to both. But please don't get personal and do not use Bangladesh in a pejorative sense.

That is because some idiots and racists in the Middle East think that they will provoke another person from the Middle East if they tell him that he is from South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa/Horn of Africa or somewhere else. Mind you that we are talking about a tiny idiotic minority with such disgusting views but nevertheless they do exist and are often vocal and willing to make themselves look like complete morons.

So that was sadly his attempt. But as an Bangladeshi you should not take this seriously at all.

Anyway guys, please do not turn this into a Pakistan vs Bangladesh fight thread now. The same happened in that thread with KSA and India which turned into a Pakistan-India fight.

That is because some idiots and racists in the Middle East think that they will provoke another person from the Middle East if they tell him that he is from South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa/Horn of Africa or somewhere else. Mind you that we are talking about a tiny idiotic minority with such disgusting views but nevertheless they do exist and are often vocal and willing to make themselves look like complete morons.

So that was sadly his attempt. But as an Bangladeshi you should not take this seriously at all.

Anyway guys, please do not turn this into a Pakistan vs Bangladesh fight thread now. The same happened in that thread with KSA and India which turned into a Pakistan-India fight.
Like when you call people Kazakh nomad
First of all, I do not see what Deobandi and Tablighi Jamaat have to do with relations with Bangladesh and KSA. Alhamdulilah, It's great to see that Bangladesh is looking to further strengthen their relationship with KSA and hopefully the rest of the Muslim world as that's how it should be in the first place. KSA and Bangladesh have always had ties but I am aware that things were slight strained before? Something to do with Bangladeshi manpower not being allowed access? Never mind.

The port city of Chittagong has historically known to be how the Arabs first entered Bangladesh and personally, to me I think Islam first entered Chittagong and not to be Hazrat Shahjalal Mujarrid RA.

People of this land were familiar with Islam before the conquest of Bengal. Arab merchants had links with Chittagong port since pre-Islamic period. It has been proven in recent studies that a group of Sahabis including Abu Oakkas Malik, Quyes Ibn Sairadi, Tameem Ansary, Urrah Ibn Assasa, Abu Quyes Ibn Harisa came to Chittagong in 618 during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (PUB). They preached Islam there for few years and then went to China.

The following Sahabis came to Bangladesh through Chittagong seaport after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (PUB):
- Abdullah Ibn Utban
- Assem Ibn Amr Tameemi
- Sahel Ibn Abdi
- Suhael Ibn Adi

Authenticity? I'm not too sure, but it's still quite interesting. All the best for KSA and Bangladesh.


That is because some idiots and racists in the Middle East think that they will provoke another person from the Middle East if they tell him that he is from South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa/Horn of Africa or somewhere else. Mind you that we are talking about a tiny idiotic minority with such disgusting views but nevertheless they do exist and are often vocal and willing to make themselves look like complete morons.

So that was sadly his attempt. But as an Bangladeshi you should not take this seriously at all.

Anyway guys, please do not turn this into a Pakistan vs Bangladesh fight thread now. The same happened in that thread with KSA and India which turned into a Pakistan-India fight.

On this forum everything turns in to a Pakistan vs India fight lol.
Thanks you buddt

That is because some idiots and racists in the Middle East think that they will provoke another person from the Middle East if they tell him that he is from South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa/Horn of Africa or somewhere else. Mind you that we are talking about a tiny idiotic minority with such disgusting views but nevertheless they do exist and are often vocal and willing to make themselves look like complete morons.

So that was sadly his attempt. But as an Bangladeshi you should not take this seriously at all.

Anyway guys, please do not turn this into a Pakistan vs Bangladesh fight thread now. The same happened in that thread with KSA and India which turned into a Pakistan-India fight.

Thank you buddy. It really is a minefield of hidden agendas here.

Published — Saturday 1 February 2014

Last update 1 February 2014 12:26 am

The Bangladesh consulate in Jeddah is working to establish channels of communication between the trading communities in the port cities of Jeddah and Chittagong. A senior delegation is expected to visit the Kingdom soon to explore business opportunities in both countries said Maryland Namul Islam, consul general of Bangladesh in Jeddah.
Chittagong is a strategic port in Asia and the business hub of Bangladesh while Jeddah is an important port on the Red Sea.
Nazmul Islam said that Chittagong is strategically located sharing borders with Burma, China and India while the landlocked neighbors such as Nepal and Bhutan need the port as an entry point for cargo to be transported to their countries.
Besides these two countries, the emerging economic giant India also wants access to Chittagong to send goods to its seven north-eastern states.
The top priorities which will be explored in the proposed visit by the Bangladesh delegation will be garments, pharmaceuticals and the manpower sectors, Nazmul Islam said.
The Bangladesh consul general visited the Makkah Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Wednesday to meet with officials to discuss the strengthening of business ties between the two countries. Nazmul Islam was received by vice president of MCCI, Mazin Bin Fuad Tunsi and presented him with a memento.
The Makkah Chambers will play an important role in developing business channels between the two countries, Nazmul Islam added.
“Bangladesh is expecting to receive positive news from the Kingdom in terms of manpower recruitment from Bangladesh,” he said.
Nazmul Islam confirmed that the recruitment process is expected to take place soon and that the Bangladesh Embassy in Riyadh has been working closely with Saudi authorities in this regard.
Bangladesh is one of the few countries where the Haj pilgrimage costs did not surge compared to other countries owing to its strong economy.
In the last five years, its GDP has grown at an average rate of 6.3 percent per year, in the midst of one of the worst global downturns in recent times.
It has achieved its 2015 UN Millennium Development Goals two years in advance. In 2013, it had brought down the number of poor to less than 30 percent of its population-a target set for 2015 by the UN.
In most indices of human development, especially gender- related, Bangladesh has surged miles (in some cases, yards) ahead of India and other south Asian nations. Where India is unable to manage its spiraling current account deficit, Bangladesh sits on a comfortable current account surplus of $2.57 billion for the first time in history since independence.

Bangladesh aiming to boost ties with KSA: Nazmul Islam | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Good news for both countries. A lot of potential for closer ties on all fields. @kalu_miah @Saiful Islam

Esteemed Brother, Bangladesh has been taken over by India using Indian agents so called "secular Muslims", in reality who are Islam-hating Indian slaves, killing Muslims in Bangladesh everyday. This is the so called "independence" we achieved in 1971 (the reality is we are now a protectorate and vassal state of India), which was supported by many of our well meaning but short-sighted leaders, many of whom were brainwashed but patriotic socialists and communists, playing the role of useful idiots for cold war Indo-Soviet agenda to break Pakistan, the most powerful Muslim country then. Indian agent Awami League broke their back later when they opposed India, these former socialists and communists have now joined together with Indian agent Awami League to form the current India-supported dictatorial govt., legitimized using a fake election. India is taking advantage of the fact that it surrounds us on all 3 sides and we just have a small border with 3rd country Myanmar, who also kills Muslims and also the fact that the patriotic Islamic leaning BNP-Jamat alliance is led by incompetent leaders like Khaleda Zia and Tarique Rahman, who let India and Indian agents bring us to this situation under their watch.

Please pray for us, as our future do not look good for the time being and we see no hope. We are surrounded by enemy and have been infiltrated and thoroughly compromised by enemy agents and traitors. Current govt. is part of it, so please do not trust anyone from them and their supporters.
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That sounds very worrying brother. Can you give me some material to read so I can get to know about the situation? I have only followed the political crisis sporadically. I have to admit that. So my knowledge is not as big as an educated Bangladeshi like you who probably follows the day to day events every single day.

That sounds very worrying brother. Can you give me some material to read so I can get to know about the situation? I have only followed the political crisis sporadically. I have to admit that. So my knowledge is not as big as an educated Bangladeshi like you who probably follows the day to day events every single day.

Yes bro, the situation is worrying. But the good thing is that India cannot digest this large population in a densely populated Muslim country, it will destabilize India itself. But they cannot leave it alone either, because they are afraid to loose control of their North East states:


Today Chinese leadership are not very far sighted, mostly they are into wealth and stashing that wealth outside China with the worry that their restive population will overthrow them some day. China's absence has created a vacuum in this strategic area where US is trying to create an anti-China alliance with its Pivot to Asia (USA, India, Australia, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore and Philippines). India is taking full advantage of this opening to score a goal and secure its interest installing its puppet regime in Bangladesh.

To get a good idea about the background of creation of Bangladesh and Zia's rise to power please read the pdf file link in this post:
East Pakistani Soldiers during Operation Searchlight | Page 18

I will post other links and answer any questions you have.
All the best Bangladesh but know this, Bsngladesh will need to establish strong relations with Pakistan first before aiming for Saudi Arabia. Unless ofcourse, Bangladesh can mass produce nukes, ready and waiting to be delivered to the Custodian of the Two Holy Masaajid.

My god you just crossed Zaravan's record for verbal diarrhea. It is an achievement. My god you would even make Saudis cringe.
My god you just crossed Zaravan's record for verbal diarrhea. It is an achievement. My god you would even make Saudis cringe.

What does this even mean? I thought of you as a clever user. What do you mean? Saudi Arabian Sunnis and Shias are not killing each other. Sure there are quite a few vocal radicals who are misguided but they do not represent a whole country or people. You live in the US. There are about 60.000 Saudi Arabain students of all backgrounds (Arabs, Hejazis, Nadjis, Southerners, Khaleeji, Afro-Arabs, Saudi Arabians of only partial Arab ancestry, Saudi Arabians of non-Arab ancestry, people from villages, towns, big cities, from conservative families, liberal ones, poor, rich) enlisted at American universities so you should know quite a few if you are a student at any major American university.

I mean what do you picture in your head when you make such comments?

All those below are ordinary Saudi Arabians from all areas of the country and of all backgrounds.

Loujain Al Houthloul

Tariq Al Mubarak

Saja Kamal

Aziz Humaid


"Flower man" from the mountain city of Habala in Asir Province


Old Bedouin man in a market in Riyadh:

Old man from the Eastern Province:

Saudi Arabian girls in some of the many traditional costumes:

The princess Deena Al-Juhani:


Somehow I fell that you picture all Saudi Arabians as Osama Bin Laden who actually was half Yemeni and half Syrian. Only born in KSA. Or some old, tall and scary looking Najdi Bedouin with a big beard and Arab dress. Many people do this.


Do you know about the situation in Bangladesh and can you give an unbiased view? It seems like a very controversial/emotional topic for many.

Basically the ruling party of Bangladesh had an opposition party leader executed for war crimes committed in 1971. Now if he committed said crimes or not God knows best but the motives were to weaken her opposition right before the general election which was then won by the ruling party (all the opposition boycotted said elections). Anyway her party is a "secular" party and the opposition was an "Islamic" party. Many Bangladeshis believe the ruling party has sold its soul to India and depending on who you ask it may or may not be true lol. Also the ruling party often stirs shit up against Pakistan over the civil war which pisses off Pakistanis as well and their supporters burned Pakistani flags in front of the Pakistani embassy. There was also a lot of violence breaking out after the execution and now both sides are accusing the other of targeting minority Hindus, that is pretty much the gist of it.

Who is this saja kamal? @al-Hasani :man_in_love:
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