Then what you will say about Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,Azerbaijan,Tajikistan,Kyrghistan,Albania, Iran,Malaysia,Somalia,Afghanistan and other muslim countries founded on ethnic consideration? Even 22 Arab states are based on particular Arab ethnic branches. Except for Pakistan and 1/2 others, all the muslim countries are founded upon ethnicity, language and culture.What can be done about that?
We did not rebelled against any ''Ideologically Islamic nation'' but rebelled against an ideologically Munifiq nation.A Munafiq nation where Yahia Khan, a Drunkard(even drank during Ramadan) and womanizer(who is General Rani?) hold the supreme position in govt. and military. Prophet Muhammad (Sw.) said that, Munafiqs are the bigger enemy of Muslim than Mushriq. It was a Farz-e-ein for ourselves to rebel against such a Munafiq nation and free 70 million muslim from it's Jahil rules.Allah was with us and he used Mushriq India to punish the Munafiq Shaitan.