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Bangladesh – a tale of two women

poor thing, you are pleading to spare Awami leeague thugs and their looting on the ground of my personal life; how pathetic. Here is new Awami looting news fresh out of press, nephew of Awami League half minister hijacked RAJUK (Capital development authority) tender document for 250 million taka.

মন্ত্রীর ভাগ্নের নেতৃত্বে টেন্ডার ছিনতাই

গৃহায়ন ও গণপূর্ত প্রতিমন্ত্রী আবদুল মান্নান খানের ভাগ্নে আবদুস সালাম খানের নেতৃত্বে প্রকাশ্যে রাজউকের ২৫ কোটি টাকার টেন্ডার ছিনতাইয়ের অভিযোগ পাওয়া গেছে। র্যাব-পুলিশের সামনেই গতকাল সকালে রাজধানীর মতিঝিলে রাজউক ভবনে এ ঘটনা ঘটে। টেন্ডার ছিনতাইয়ের ঘটনায় ওই সময় উপস্থিত থাকা সরকারদলীয় বিভিন্ন অঙ্গসংগঠন যুবলীগ ও শ্রমিক লীগের ঠিকাদারসহ সাধারণ অংশগ্রহণকারীরা সাংবাদিকদের কাছে ক্ষোভ প্রকাশ করেছেন।
আবদুল মোনেম লিমিটেডের নির্বাহী পরিচালক এম এ কালাম বলেন, ‘যখন জোর করে আমাদের ছেলেদের হাত থেকে টেন্ডার ডকুমেন্টস নিয়ে যায়, তখন র্যাব-পুলিশ সবাই ছিল, কিন্তু কেউ এগিয়ে আসেননি। পরে যখন প্রকল্প পরিচালকের কাছে গেলাম, তখন প্রকল্প পরিচালকের কথায় পুলিশ তত্পরতা দেখাতে শুরু করল এবং বিভিন্ন ভবনে ও রাস্তায় লোকদেখানো দৌড়ঝাঁপ শুরু করে।’
????????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ??????

You seriously need to go out more and develop a life beyond defence.pk you silly BNP Bihari monkey.

Everyone knows the Awami League are corrupt and so are the BNP including your beloved Tariq Zia.

What are you trying to do on this sub-forum with labelling even anti-Awami posters like me as "Awami League"?

Is this your revenge for 71 and the defeat of your Bihari brethren?

You are talking rubbish and this has nothing to do with Pakistan and there is no need for such long-winded drivel from a biased Pakistani nationalist.

There are many different sub-fora for Pakistan here where you can ramble on as much as you want.

However this thread is about Bangladesh and the two Bangladeshi leaders.

I don't remember having addressed you.

We can draw parallels to a lot of things that have happened in Pakistan to 1971. I have been reading some of your posts and you are inherently biased and abusive towards the biharis and razakars. I had a number of family members in Dhaka and they are good people. It is useless to hate or mistreat people just because of their past, their religion or ethnicity.

The last point is very hard to explain to a nation built on the name of an ethnic group or people. In either case I won't argue that point. For a nation to progress the equal treatment of all citizens is necessary, however. I would hope that Bangladesh progresses in the same direction... as we are hoping our Pakistan does.

I was arguing with Seqdal over the fact that ethnic identity plays a role in our thinking when we are supposed to be a collection of ethnic groups... not actually a nation based on ethnicity as is Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan or Bangladesh. There are certain parallels to the situation in Bangladesh which is why the post belongs here.

I remember Bengladeshis here being extremely pro-pakistani and anti-indian in the past... big change in the recent year or so...
I don't remember having addressed you.

We can draw parallels to a lot of things that have happened in Pakistan to 1971. I have been reading some of your posts and you are inherently biased and abusive towards the biharis and razakars. I had a number of family members in Dhaka and they are good people. It is useless to hate or mistreat people just because of their past, their religion or ethnicity.

The last point is very hard to explain to a nation built on the name of an ethnic group or people. In either case I won't argue that point. For a nation to progress the equal treatment of all citizens is necessary, however. I would hope that Bangladesh progresses in the same direction... as we are hoping our Pakistan does.

I was arguing with Seqdal over the fact that ethnic identity plays a role in our thinking when we are supposed to be a collection of ethnic groups... not actually a nation based on ethnicity as is Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan or Bangladesh. There are certain parallels to the situation in Bangladesh which is why the post belongs here.

I remember Bengladeshis here being extremely pro-pakistani and anti-indian in the past... big change in the recent year or so...

1. Your post was patronizing and extremely discourteous. It is not etiquette to completely speak about the affairs on another country in a thread dedicated to a specific country.

If this thread was about Bangladesh and then someone from Brazil came to talk about Brazil and 3/4 of a page on Brazilian domestic affairs that would not be appropriate and to be honest somewhat rude.

I would not go in to a thread about Pakistani affairs and then write a 20 paragraph mini-thesis on Bangladesh in the middle of that thread to derail the thread and make it go off topic.

Please learn what propriety is.

2. You know nothing about me and I am not anti-Bihari apart from making some taunts to some razakars and other trolls.

Where you do have a point but which also exposes your complete ignorance of Bangladesh and thus further reinforces the point that you should not be posting much here especially super-long - no let me rephrase that not super-long but super-super-superlong - paragraphs on a thread about Bangladeshi affairs as it shows how ill-informed you are.

Razakars are not an ethnic group.

We Bangladeshis feel the same way about razakars as Pakistanis feel about the Taliban.

Razakars are followers of a political ideology and have deep hatred for Hindus, one of the razakars on this forum frequently tries to legitimize 1971 Yahya Khan army killings (notice I do not want to associate the whole of Pakistan with the actions of one drunk and depraved general) by saying that Yahya Khan's army mainly targeted Hindus. Razakars are highly communal and anti-Hindu.

However not only that they are in fact anti-Bengali and anti-Bangladeshi as they despise indigenous Bengali culture and want Bengalis to adopt "Pakistani" culture. Razakars are too ignorant to know there is no such thing as "Pakistani" culture and if anything what they think is "Pakistani" culture is a synthetic hybrid of Punjabi-Mohajir (Hindostani) culture.

Razakars on this forum have:

- Attacked the Bengali flag lying and claiming the red circle comes from Hinduism, complete and utter invented nonsense.

- Attacked the Bangladeshi national anthem falsing claiming it contains "shirk" and then going on to say that the alleged "shirk" is Tagore (the writer of the anthem's) reference to natural beauty.

- Attacked the Bengali language, and claiming Urdu is superior.

- Ruin threads that highlight positive news about Bangladesh.

- Engage in personal abuse, harassment and attacks on posters who disagree with them including swearing at them and their families using foul language, sometimes in Bangla, sometimes in Urdu.

Razakars have a deep hatred for the Bangladeshi nation and were involved in war crimes and running brothels for Yahya Khan's army.

This forum is full of razakars and therefore the quality suffers due to their excesses and abuse e.g. anti-Bangladeshi traitor Idune.

As for Biharis, my comments about them are only meant in response to razakar trolls but I support their complete integration in to Bangladesh, and I have Bihari/Urduwala friends myself and have pointed out that for example Bangladeshi nationalist lawyer Dr Hamida Hossein is a Bangladeshi of Sindhi ethnicity born in Sindh, Pakistan.

3. You know nothing about Bangladesh and are in no position to compare it with Pakistan. Modern Bangladeshi nationalism is inclusive and includes people of different ethnicities (e.g. Mongoloid Chakmas some of whom are generals in the army) and different religions (e.g. Buddhists, Hindus and Christians). This Bangladeshi nationalism is somewhat different to the pan-Bengali nationalism of the Awami League.

4. 1971 was not about Bengali nationalism it was about political rights and equality.

Bengalis were always Muslim first and Bengali second placing ethnicity before religion thus enduring second-class citizenship in the united Pakistan, Pakistanis were Pakistani first and Muslim second and chose ethnicity above Islam by refusing to give political power to majority-Bengalis and then launching a war against them. Even on the very eve of the war no one in East Pakistan (apart from a tiny minority) wanted independence but it was forced upon them.

You in your highly offensive, ignorant and completely irrelevant post have insulted Bengalis and our freedom struggle of which you know nothing about. Keep your uninformed opinions to yourself and preferably in a relevant sub-forum.

5. I am not going to waste time even reading this thread from now on because it has been ruined by 1 and a half Pakistanis.

1 being this Havzi guy and the half being wannabe-Pakistani Idune.

I have said what I have said and educated the ignorant.

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