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Baluchi branch of Al-Qaeda

Harakat ansar and adel army they were founded after Syrian revolution they are different from jundallah they want money and heavy weapons to attack IRGC bases need a lot of weapons from arab countries

I did some searching and have found that after Rigi's execution the left overs of Jondallah have renamed themselves to Jaish-al Adl.

They have a page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/سازمان-جیش-العدل/212095305575570

They also put up this video 3 days ago, but i think it is old?

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man this cancer is not gonna end soon better we shift in Australia
I'm just hoping not to see any suicide attack in these days especially in Zahedan as they're against Shias and might try to target people in Ashura like a couple of years ago .
Both Jeash al-Adl and Ansar al-Furqan (formally Harakat Ansar Iran) have claimed to have carried out new but separate attacks on the IRGC within the past couple of weeks.

Jeash al-Adl

Ansar al-Furqan
So they killed a poor train driver who does nothing to anyone.

@Hazzy997 clap for your terrorist cousins
So they killed a poor train driver who does nothing to anyone.

@Hazzy997 clap for your terrorist cousins

What are you talking about and why are you tagging me? All I see is videos titled with IRGC clashes.
What are you talking about and why are you tagging me? All I see is videos titled with IRGC clashes.
Your cousins are blowing shit up. He's notifying you. Thought the news might cheer you up.
Terrorists kill 24 Shias on Pakistan-Iran border

The death toll in a twin suicide attack the Pakistani town of Taftan, which is near the border with Iran, reached 24 on Monday, including four terrorists, a senior administration official said.

Akbar Hussain Durrani, the Home Secretary of Balochistan, said that ten buses carrying Shia pilgrims had entered Pakistan from Iran on Sunday evening, Dawn reported.

"When the buses were parked at two hotels, there were explosions," Durrani said.

He said the blasts were followed by intense firing near the hotels. "We fear rise in casualties," he added.

Qambar Dashti, the Commissioner Quetta Division, told Dawn that 14 out of the total 18 injured persons were in critical condition. "We have shifted all the injured persons to Combined Military Hospital in Quetta for treatment," he said.

The dead bodies and injured were shifted in six army helicopters from Pak-Iran border Taftan to Quetta on Monday morning.

"We will hand over the dead bodies to their heirs after completing identification," Dashti said.

Pakistan’s Frontier Corps and Levies personnel were called to bring the situation under control.

A Sunni-militant group Jaishul Islam claimed responsibility for the attack.

Militants have been attacking Shia pilgrims in Mastung and other parts of Balochistan for more than eight years.

Governor of Balochistan Muhammad Khan Achakzai and Chief Minister Balochistan Abdul Malik Baloch strongly condemned the incidents and termed it a pre-planned conspiracy to destroy the peace of the province.

In their separate statements, they directed law enforcement agencies to double their efforts to arrest the perpetrators of the terrorists attacks.
Funny how Iranic peoples like Baluchis or Kurds always cause trouble in Iran while Azeris, a Turkic people are perfectly integrated into the society.
Funny how Iranic peoples like Baluchis or Kurds always cause trouble in Iran while Azeris, a Turkic people are perfectly integrated into the society.
It have nothing to do with race Azeris are also mixed of turks iranians and kavkazians
it's religious reasons shia kurds in kermanshah are loyal to iranian state
Funny how Iranic peoples like Baluchis or Kurds always cause trouble in Iran while Azeris, a Turkic people are perfectly integrated into the society.

Dont generalize dickhead. Just because a few out of a entire ethnic group are brainwashed and fcked up doesnt mean they are all the same.

Majority of Iranians are educated and sane people and rotten apples like these subhumans exist, yes but thankfully they are a very minority.

However, the Kurds that some of you claim are Turk have been pissing all over you since decades. So do something about that.
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