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Baluch feudal destroyed govt imported tomatoes

well , one thing king Reza Pahlavi did right was destroying these feudal lords in Iran and disarming them, every one of them put a wrong step get arrested and in many cases disappeared . they are a blight and those action teach them a necessary lessons .
Is this Shia-Sunni tussle ? Mindless to destroy food during this time..
Is this Shia-Sunni tussle ? Mindless to destroy food during this time..
No. I read somewhere that these imported tomatoes might bring down the high price of the local tomatoes they are cultivating in their farms.

Similar things happen in India too sometimes, where farmers destroy their own crops to raise the price of the crop (especially seen with tomato and onions).
Auzbiallah to deliberately destroy food is one of the big sins, and with people starving after the flood this is evil.
These sardars truly are demonic people.
One day a true army will come and finish their filthy rule off.
No one's more demonic than the neutral colonial sepoys sitting in GHQ pindi.
Sardars shouldn't even exist. Land should have been distributed among baloch people long time ago. But you know what? Even educated baloch doesn't dare talk against sardars who own all the land. Status of average baloch is that of dalit in front of their sardar. If sardars tell them go fight state, they do.

Anti-Pak sardars run off to Europe and leave behind their slaves who join BLA etc on their orders. Pro Pak sardars stay here and oppress their people with backing of state.

State is too weak to do the right thing, distribute land among baloch people on equal basis.
Land reforms, interesting, is it done in the rest of Pakistan?

My family gave up voluntarily almost 400 acres of prime land near Hyderabad, India because of urban land ceiling act back in 1970. My grandfather decided to donate to a co-operative society instead of government.
Ayub Khan & Bhutto tried to bring in similar laws. But i think it was struck down as being un-islamic.

Qazalbash Waqf v Chief Land Commissioner
Even in Canada all land is owned by Monarchs of England , the cities and villages are only places people have been sold 1% of land , all other Region of Canada belong to Monarch / or state

It is only in Pakistan where people own 10,000 acres of land
Sucks for the guys who is losing money on the investment. In civilized nation he would be arrested and prosecuted. Right now it looks like he has no fear of prosecution
well , one thing king Reza Pahlavi did right was destroying these feudal lords in Iran and disarming them, every one of them put a wrong step get arrested and in many cases disappeared . they are a blight and those action teach them a necessary lessons .
He hanged them. Will Pakistan do the same?

Is this Shia-Sunni tussle ? Mindless to destroy food during this time..
Saudi regime told some tribal leaders that shia tomatoes should be destroyed, even if it's from neighbouring country or during crisis situation.
There are only a few regions in Pakistan that can grow tomatoes in this season. So these people in Balochistan (and some regions in KPK) were really hoping to make extra money this year. Now if you start importing from Iran or anywhere else then their whole business plan gets thrown out of the window. Hence the destruction of "Shia tomatoes"
I thought Shia tomatoes were black.

These are red?

**** feudals everywhere. They deserve a bullet in the head.
Ok two.
He hanged them. Will Pakistan do the same?

Saudi regime told some tribal leaders that shia tomatoes should be destroyed, even if it's from neighbouring country or during crisis situation.

Pakistan will never hang these people. They are from the same social circles who make up our parliaments, our judiciary, our landowners and our senior military leadership.

All connected to each other. Best of frenemies. The British during the Victorian era considered it very important to have a son who was a doctor, another as a lawyer and one as a military officer. We copied that mentality and those already in power ensure they have sons in politics, the legal fraternity and the military to ensure they have influence and reach.

Our politicians often split across different parties.
My family gave up voluntarily almost 400 acres of prime land near Hyderabad, India because of urban land ceiling act back in 1970. My grandfather decided to donate to a co-operative society instead of government.

how much would it be worth today ?
India did the right thing by snatching all lands and statuses of these so-called royals and feudals.

They had a functional democracy we inherited the Army used to perks
Turned Liaqat Ali into Qurbani Ka Bakra

Pakistani Army has been groomed since 1947 to have certain characters who continue to be in affair with Power Grab

The grooming is done, in a very symbiont relation with foreign players

Enticed with fancy Ball room dances and Golf course and 5-star lifestyle

Our constitution did not came till 1971 by then all the Tola was used to VIP perks , like cocaine addicts these groups were above the law

I look at Ayub Khan looks like Sisi , in Egypt a dictator

These actors did not give chance to Fatima Jinnah with all the Dirty dealing it is example of their corrupt nature

This Naked torturing is a new thing

Even now the Ciper loves don't want to cut the Ambilocal chord and want to get perks

Pakistani History is continuously hidden or purposely diluted to keep large masses unaware of the crimes committed by past criminals in love with Power

Which Pakistan is this Pajwa protecting ? 85% country is in hand of looters
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