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Balochistan – The other side of the story

If any CHINESE or any FORIEGN firm is contracted for any kind of development project:

1. It must work in partnership with local investors or entrapreneurs.

2. It must be compelled to undertake social projects (school, hospital etc.) in the locality instead of paying taxes.

3. Vocational training centre must be developed by the company.

4. If the company has a huge investment, then some of its investment should be treated as EQUITY (shares) and some of it be treated as SECURED DEBT. In this way, a company will not become the MAJOR SHAREHOLDER.

According to corporate laws, a SHAREHOLDER is considered an owner and thus, can influence DECISION MAKING through the Board of Directors. While a CREDITOR (one who has given debt) can only ask for interest and repayment of his debt; and has little say in decison making, if any.

If the foreign company's investment can be divided into debt and equity, it will dilute its power. At the same time, the company can earn decent profit and interest and thus the INCENTIVE to invest remains intact.
I'll narrate some firsthand experiences that people known to me have had in the recent past in parts of Baluchistan.

First is that some Army Officers were on an exercise somewhere in Baluchistan and when it was lunch time they took out their lunch boxes and had lunch , after wards they disposed off the packing papers and boxes.

The heartbreaking thing that they saw was some little children picking up those papers and boxes and just lick whatever was left on the boxes and papers.

The officers were very saddened by this and they decided to give the rest of the packed meals to those children and what officer narrated to me that that way those children ate at that moment , it was the most heart breaking moment he had ever seen.

'dynamics of tribal society' have not helped these children and will not help them in times to come , some dork living in Lahore cannot understand this as his edlers have been filling him up with ethnic garbage about the 'Panjabis'.

Let me narrate another one

Again there were some troops deployed in the troubled areas and some local people complained to the army personnel that they don’t have access to drinking water. So on their own initiative, the CO asked his men to dig out a well so people can have access to water.
As the activity of boring was going on the local Saradar's men turned up and asked the working to stop the work. When questions were asked and the Sardar's men were told that the well is being dug as people in this area asked for it and they have no access to water at this point the Sardars' men pointed to a 'Gandah Nala' ( a dirty stream ) and said they have to drink from there.

These are the type conditions that are prevailing on ground.

By the way Waffen SS you should leave Lahore as you are not a 'local' and you have either taken up a Job that rightfully first belongs to a 'Panjabi' or you have taken up residence in Lahore as an ‘outsider’.

See you should not even be a resident Lahore as purchase of Land in Lahore should only be allowed to 'Panjabis'

What you have to say about this? I have used exactly YOUR arguments here, lets see you respond to this
If any CHINESE or any FORIEGN firm is contracted for any kind of development project:

1. It must work in partnership with local investors or entrapreneurs.

2. It must be compelled to undertake social projects (school, hospital etc.) in the locality instead of paying taxes.

3. Vocational training centre must be developed by the company.

4. If the company has a huge investment, then some of its investment should be treated as EQUITY (shares) and some of it be treated as SECURED DEBT. In this way, a company will not become the MAJOR SHAREHOLDER.

According to corporate laws, a SHAREHOLDER is considered an owner and thus, can influence DECISION MAKING through the Board of Directors. While a CREDITOR (one who has given debt) can only ask for interest and repayment of his debt; and has little say in decison making, if any.

If the foreign company's investment can be divided into debt and equity, it will dilute its power. At the same time, the company can earn decent profit and interest and thus the INCENTIVE to invest remains intact.
And any company which is asked to accept such conditions will say; go to hell and leave the project.

You need to learn about the real world.
I'll narrate some firsthand experiences that people known to me have had in the recent past in parts of Baluchistan.

First is that some Army Officers were on an exercise somewhere in Baluchistan and when it was lunch time they took out their lunch boxes and had lunch , after wards they disposed off the packing papers and boxes.

The heartbreaking thing that they saw was some little children picking up those papers and boxes and just lick whatever was left on the boxes and papers.

The officers were very saddened by this and they decided to give the rest of the packed meals to those children and what officer narrated to me that that way those children ate at that moment , it was the most heart breaking moment he had ever seen.

'dynamics of tribal society' have not helped these children and will not help them in times to come , some dork living in Lahore cannot understand this as his edlers have been filling him up with ethnic garbage about the 'Panjabis'.

Let me narrate another one

Again there were some troops deployed in the troubled areas and some local people complained to the army personnel that they don’t have access to drinking water. So on their own initiative, the CO asked his men to dig out a well so people can have access to water.
As the activity of boring was going on the local Saradar's men turned up and asked the working to stop the work. When questions were asked and the Sardar's men were told that the well is being dug as people in this area asked for it and they have no access to water at this point the Sardars' men pointed to a 'Gandah Nala' ( a dirty stream ) and said they have to drink from there.

These are the type conditions that are prevailing on ground.

By the way Waffen SS you should leave Lahore as you are not a 'local' and you have either taken up a Job that rightfully first belongs to a 'Panjabi' or you have taken up residence in Lahore as an ‘outsider’.

See you should not even be a resident Lahore as purchase of Land in Lahore should only be allowed to 'Panjabis'

What you have to say about this? I have used exactly YOUR arguments here, lets see you respond to this

I think this Sardar system we have in Balochistan should be eliminated. Give power to the people of Balochistan not the sardars who are like dictators in that province.

For there to be development in Balochistan like there is in Punjab, there also needs to be a democratic system in Balochistan like Punjab and target killings must come to an end. Punjab invites everyone from Pakistan to come work, visit, and live in the province while if a Punjabi wants to just visit Balochistan province he is targeted. That must come to an end. No where in the world if you go to visit some other place they kill you because of your ethnic group, its a shame it happens in one's own country.

You're a citizen of Pakistan, you have a right to live and work anywhere in Pakistan except Azad Kashmir where you have to have special permission because Kashmir is still a disputed territory.
Ayub Khan was an idiot he gave iran part of Balouchistan now sisitan which we(BALOUCH) want back...And agha doesnt mean sir it means big brother.

can you eloborate and explain this is detail plzz, i am not fimiliar with this part of pak history, thanks..
The scenario in Baluchistan exists because of multiple reasons. Some of the main reasons are (but not limited to):

1. The old age tribal system, and the voracious sardars:
The Baloch are an extremely tribal and fiercely independent people. They are honorable and hardworking. They have fought and defeated the British, willingly opted to become a part of Pakistan and are a breed apart. (Check up history 101, I don’t need to discuss further) Just like any other underdeveloped area of Punjab or Sind or Kyber Pakhtunkhaw, the Baloch also believe in a ‘chieftain’. This chieftain needs to be valiant, honorable and just. The chieftain is supposed to look after the affairs and well being of the people. In antiquity, this concept was present, but the present sardars absolutely lack all the above-mentioned characteristics of a ‘SARDAR’. They have become corrupt and gluttonous and thrive on the subjugation of the people. The tribal system needs to be revisited and reengineered. In time, the people will realize whats happening outside their domain and adopt a better way of governance. Now I’m not saying that the sardari system be abolished, and democracy be installed, I’m merely insinuating that the old and authentic values of the sardari system be brought back and DESERVING people be given a shot at sardari. Check out the history of the Bugtis and you will find that they are not sardars, or nawabs, just pirates and robbers who came to power by force and claimed to be sardars. (No honor in that, a crucial value in Baloch tribalism.)

2. Extremely poor and undeveloped eco-infra structure:
Machiavelli states that if a prince deprives his subjects and gives them only enough to sustain and that too with excruciating difficulties, the price (read sardar) will automatically hold on to power. If the Baloch don’t have a full stomach and other basic amenities of life, how else will be think of anything greater in life like education and evolvement.

3. Utter lack of awareness and illiteracy:
The Baloch blindly follow the sadar because they are confused, they don’t know any better. Just like the wine intoxicated and womanizing Peers of Sind and Punjab, the sardar is no better. Education is stunted by the sardars who fear that education will emancipate the thinking of the Balcoh people and force them to think out of the box and in revolutionary ways.

4. Baluchistan being a treasure cove of natural resources: The sardars always quarrel with the governments because they just want more and more royalties to fill their coffers. And when the government refuses to submit to their egocentric and selfish demands. They chant anti state slogans. Baluchistan is of significant importance in the world stage because of Gwadar and other mineral resources. This is pivotal for the emergence of Pakistan as a force to be reckoned with in the world podium. That is why external factors like Indian RAW, Israeli MOSAD, American CIA/SAD, Iranian SAVAT are vehemently working for the decimation of the Baluchistan. All the Sardars are touts to these intelligence agencies. The bustard sardars just want big Pay Offs and have formed a cartel. While in essence the ‘Big Pay Offs’ are peripherals in the big picture.
5. Provincial bias: No doubt provincialism is being used by the sardars but this is in fact a real problem as well. Punjab being the biggest provinces the biggest benefactor every time. And in every scenario. This needs solemn addressing. The Balochis need to be appeased by giving them their due shares. Don’t get me wrong, but the average Punjabi has nothing to do with this, only the greedy politicians and the hand full of families that run the country.

The Pakistan army definatlyhas arole to protect Pakistan from foreign elements and to protect its brothers in need in Baluchistan. Secondly, as Clauswitzs stated, "WAR IS ONLY AN EXTENSION OF DIPLOMACY", thefore, diplomatic stances need to be sincere and needs serious metamorphosis as well .

My 2 cents worth………..

well i think it has been the fault of both sides..
balochi sardars always hindered development..but its the fault of GOP as well..they shouldnt have given up to pressure..see thay have a single medical college n the whole province n many students come to other provinces..
these sardars inflamed the insurgency but i believe tha balochi middle class doesnot trust them bcoz when it comes to their benefit they abandon them n run for seats in parliamnt..
n this khan of kalat must have guts to come back to pakistan n do something for his ppl instead of saying all that rubbish..
on tha other hand GOP should take up the matter seriously..that "aghaz e haqooq e balochistan " was a non starter, need to do something on urgent basis..
once we get over the water issue, cant we divert some canals to balouchistan?? get the people there involved in development... once they have jobs n security who the hell would fight for the bloody BLA???

but then again that is if we ever get enough water :(
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