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Balochistan problem: ‘Guerrilla war a real possibility’

The ground situation seems entirely different to me ; On one hand Media is severely restricted even to get correct estimate of extra-judicial killings by Pakistani security forces and also disappearances due to state personnel. If the situation persists, then the next hammer to fall may very well be on Balochistan.

Ground situation ...Lol.. you are talking like you live in Baluchistan?
Oh we dont have any problems any where every thing is just hunky dowry ... sub sahi hai doodh dahi hai !

Of course there are problems, many serious problems, no doubt about it. I am ready to talk to them some place where the "audience" is mature enough to have serious, logical discussions. I have already told you, I have detailed internal assessment reports on Balochistan for 2009 & 2010, & have pretty in depth knowledge about what is transpiring all over Balochistan.

For eg (2010 statistics): Quetta, Khuzdar, Mastung & Kech had been the most volatile in Balochistan, with 189, 130, 61 & 46 number of attacks (includes terrorism, & all other kinds of violence) respectively in 2010. Then there were districts (the majority) that had less than 10 attacks in 2010, Pishin, Loralai, Chagai, Zhob, Musakhel, Noshki, Ziarat, Barkhan, Kachhi to name a few.
Now a days their are almost No attacks from Baloch attacks which are now taking place are of sectarian nature which need to be sorted out through other ways I hope MMA is revived again because at least it was able to control sectarian violence to a great extent
according to many media persons in the pakistan,you are repeating same in the baluchistan as you did in the bangladesh.

Media persons .... They can say whatever they want... Thats what democracy it.... Its their opinion dont call it Gound REALITY...

Bangladesh and Baluchistan are two different cases... Media wasn't free in Bangladesh... Bangladesh was surrounded with enemy state.... Enemy was giving full support to insurgents including heavy arty before insurgent attack Pakistani position....

Large population have anti army sentiment but not Anti Pakistan sentiment.... And that anti army sentiment is now fading away because of coal projects started with help of army.... Cadet colleges... Jawan recruitements etc etc....
A nice one. Thanks for the share. True most of it is.
Yes. I do think that Balochistan is being forced to break from Pakistan. The BLA cannot do anything without external support. The support is being given by India, Israel, some ME countries and French.

So, yes, I do think it is high time we consider them over the rest of Pakistan. Even us, Sindhis, Punjabis, Paktuns and Kashmiris aren't being given our rights and demands, but I still think the Army must consider Balochistan. They are trying to boast and communicate with the Baloch youth. Some hints are like increasing the recruitment in Navy, and 20,000 hired in Armed Forces.
The ISPR is seen promoting ties. So has MCA Pakistan. The people of Pakistan today are trying to meet the demands and console the brothers.

If we look on 1971, how the fake propaganda was done, is being done here too. Mukhti Bahni used Pakistan Army's uniforms and massacred thousands, which created a gap between the people and Army, without any reason. Same is in Balochistan, where the work of Mukhti Bahni is being done by BLA and foreign agencies aiding BLA. PS. over a month and half ago, RAW agent disguised as Afghani national and having Afghani Identity card was arrested by the FC for trying to illegally enter Balochistan. ;)

So we, the citizens, need to contact the Baloch brothers and share their pain. We cannot afford foreign ******* to rape our country...twice.

And we know our Government puppets, of the same agencies. How can we put our hopes in them?
There are as many as 9 different intel agencies working in Baluchistan who feed the sardars who in turn exploit young minds in the cause of a separate Baluchistan. The strategic importance of Gwader and Baluchis tan is well known and hence the chaos.
However, the situation is Baluchistan is not as portrayed by the Indians neither how they wish it to be. Consider this:

1. Baluchistan is roughly constituting 4% of the total population of Pakistan which makes around 7,000,000.
2. Half of the population of Baluchistan is Baluchi and Brohi. That makes 3,500,000
3. Therefore the remaining half is Pashtun, Hazara and others
4. Now, to assume that all 3,500,000 Baluch and Brohi are in favor of cessesion will be absurd. Infact a very small percentage are either actively involved with the insurgent sardars or agree with their mindset. The fighters who fight for this so-called cause are sardar loyalists and not really any part of the Baluch strata. These are being funded by the Indians and other elements. The latest evidence being that Bugti intercepted trying to smuggle in anti-aircraft guns from Afghanistan and then running straight off to US embassy for cover. Many other evidences exist.

Having said that, the Baluch are our dear brethren and have indeed been overlooked thanks to the tug of war between the sardars and successive governments. Baluchistan has lacked in infrastructure and amenities and must be redressed immediately.

The Baloch are as Pakistan Loving as the Sindhis Panjabis and Pathans, and do not want to separate from the federation.
My in-laws are Baluch and I frequent Baluchistan, I have found them to be hospitable and honorable and patriotic to the extreme. They have their problems with the government but who doesn't, however NEVER have I met an educated and decent Baluch who vouches for secession.

The recent induction of 6000 Baluch men in the army and small scale dams built all over the province have been welcomed by the Baluch and many such incentives are in the pipeline as we speak.

Last but not the least, many Baluch recognize the sardars to be part of the problem and not the solution! I also happened to meet the Dean of University of Baluchistan and the gentle man was kind enough to give me several books of Baluch Histroy, Geography and Politics. None of them suggest that Baluchistan is or may be at the verge of splitting from Pakistan.

The parts that i have visited include Sui, Chaman, Quetta, Vinder, Hub, Mustung among others.
More than neglect, I would say it was the convenience for the past governments to deal with Baloch chieftains, the credit goes to Musharraf's government for taking these warlords head on, who are known for ruling their tribes with fist and pocketing all the government funds.....since nothing was trickling down to benefit the common man, authorities have decided to bypass the tribal chieftains......now since they can't get their hands into the cookie jar, they are desperately trying a rebellion, ...as the ordinary folks reap the harvest and benefit from state's incentives, the shackles are breaking free thus the rebellion is losing any support it had.
Media persons .... They can say whatever they want... Thats what democracy is.... Its their opinion dont call it Gound REALITY...

Aah, Democracy, the word we all love so much. I just recalled having read:



5000 sikhs killed after Killing of Indra Gandhi, Thousands more killed but Punjab under control

90000 killed in IOK , Kashmir coming back to normalcy

Indians love to see Pakistan suffer. Baluchistan is not East Pakistan where Between Base and Area of Operation there is 2000km of enemy territory.

I think those Indians who jump with happiness while dreaming should concentrate on North East and Especially MAOIST areas :)

Either gain proper knowledge or don't talk nonsense. Maoists have nothing to do with my region. I am from the northeast and we don't see these stupid Reds running around anywhere in our region. Except my state Sikkim (is the most peaceful, apart from Arunachal Pradesh), the only problem is a few drug/human traffickers-cum-terrorists that are hidden in jungle borders between Nagaland and Mizoram states of India and Burma and are carrying ulterior motives for external elements in the region. Bhutan, Bangladesh and Burma have very nicely helped us for ousting these terrorist scum and we will be rewarding them in for that. Now most terror group wannabes here are on the last breath with people getting more globalized and aware of benefits of a strong single state. With peace coming to NE, people will get more jobs in tourism industry since our region is one of the most beautiful not just in India but in the world. What is there in your Swat, is pretty common here in my area. From Himalayas to lush valleys, we have everything to offer to tourists to gorge on. With rising economy and increasing infrastructure, this is changing fast daily.

The Red scum are present only in forests of eastern and southeastern parts of the country, where they think they are big lords killing common farmers or forcing their sons to join them or die. Hundreds of commoners are kidnapped daily as a threat to either join Maoists or die. This is why they are treated as terrorists in the country except a few terrorist supporters misusing democracy in media. If this government itself was not such a terrorist-lover, Maoists would have been exterminated a decade ago.

---------- Post added at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------

What about Afganisthan, kashmir, Bangladesh bro?

Edit your post.
The weakest link in Balochistan
Areeba Malik
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Despite the recovery of decomposed bodies from all over Balochistan and an unsettling rise in ethnic and sectarian violence, the province seems to have fallen entirely off the government’s radar.

And now just like with Karachi, it seems that the last dregs of hope for change are moving towards the Supreme Court, with the chief justice’s announcement that he will soon constitute a larger bench on unrest and violation of fundamental rights in Balochistan.

The CJ has pointed out that it is the constitutional responsibility of the federal and provincial governments to protect the lives and fundamental rights of people under Article 9 of the Constitution and because the government seems uninterested in playing its role, the court will “go to any extent to safeguard the rights of people.”

There is no doubt that with the 18th Amendment, National Finance Commission Award and the Aghaz-i-Huqooq-i-Balochistan package, provincial autonomy has been enhanced and billions have been diverted towards the province.

But this has only happened on paper. In theory, while the government can boost of having done much to improve the plight of the people of Balochistan, the implementation of practical measures that could improve ground realities is sorely absent, to say the least.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and others have alleged that the state’s response to violence in Balochistan largely comprises abductions and killings of insurgents and political supporters. What this in essence means is that the state has abandoned its duty to operate within the law.

And here’s the bottom-line: the state cannot respond to violence in Balochistan, whether ethnic or sectarian, with more violence.

Enough time has passed for the judicial process to be strong enough to allow that insurgents and sectarian killers be put on trial rather than dealt with through the extra-judicial route.

And this, perhaps, is where the Supreme Court can step in and ensure that things are done the right way.

Finally, it is also important to point out, as was done by a fact-finding report by the HRCP in July this year, that no negotiations with Baloch leaders can be fruitful nor insurgent and sectarian violence controlled if the state persists in seeing the Balochistan problem only through the narrow prism of security.

As HRCP General Secretary IA Rehman recently said: “All authority in the province is vested in the security forces, which enjoy complete impunity.”

Indeed, there seems little political governance in Balochistan. Ultimately, insurgencies, disappearances and sectarian killings are issues that require political solutions – and tragically, it is on the political side that Balochistan is the weakest.
it was more of a problem in the 1960s and 70s....the insurgency still exists, but to a lesser extent

there is a level of mistrust among some sections of their society; though i think that it's more of an issue of the center not able (or unwilling) to solve the social issues in the Province. . .

obviously - the real issue is the feudals.......in fact, they've done the most harm to the Baloch people. They want to keep them weak. Ask any Baloch on this forum or in person, and they will agree to that.

on the whole however, the patriotism of Baloch is unquestionable.

---------- Post added at 09:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 AM ----------

Pak a wonderful country with idiots at the helm of affairs.

says the guy whose country has religious extremists and chauvinists active in federal and state/municipal political positions :rofl:

i do agree, in principle, that our country is run by some of the most incompetent people calling themselves 'leaders'

we function as a nation despite the government, not because of it
A nice one. Thanks for the share. True most of it is.
Yes. I do think that Balochistan is being forced to break from Pakistan. The BLA cannot do anything without external support. The support is being given by India, Israel, some ME countries and French.

can you shed some light on bolded part.what french have to do in Balochistan?

So we, the citizens, need to contact the Baloch brothers and share their pain. We cannot afford foreign ******* to rape our country...twice.

And we know our Government puppets, of the same agencies. How can we put our hopes in them?
dont worry we will not be bitten by same snake twice

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