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Balochistan bringing world on the brink of The Third world war


Nov 27, 2011
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In the shadow of the “Bin Laden” media circus and increasingly aggressive rhetoric between Washington and Islamabad, the corporate-financier funded NGOs that fomented the “Arab Spring” are now cultivating a united Baluchi front ahead of a proposed US-funded Baluchistan insurrection. As early as 2006, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace identified Pakistan’s Baluchistan province as a potential point of leverage against Islamabad and an opportunity to assert foreign intervention.

In a 2006 report by the corporate-financier funded think tank titled, “Pakistan: The Resurgence of Baluch Nationalism,” http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/CP65.Grare.FINAL.pdfviolence starting as early as 2004-2005 is described. According to the report, 20% of Pakistan’s mineral and energy resources reside in the sparsely populated province. On page 4 of the report, the prospect of using the Baluchi rebels against both Islamabad and Tehran is proposed. In Seymour Hersh’s 2008 article, “Preparing the Battlefield,” The Bush Administration’s operations in Iran : The New YorkerUS support of Baluchi groups operating against Tehran is reported as already a reality. In Brookings Institution’s “Which Path to Persia?” http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/files/rc/papers/2009/06_iran_strategy/06_iran_strategy.pdfthe subject of arming and sending Baluchi insurgents against Tehran is also discussed at great depth.

Pipelines, ports, and petroleum: destabilizing and carving off a “free Baluchistan” would hobble the development of 4 nations – Pakistan, Iran, India, and China. With Pakistan’s plans to use the Baluchi port of Gwadar to give Central Asian countries access to the sea facing a failure, it may disrupt their development as well. The globalists then get more time to implement their “international system” in the face of a weakened Asia.
The 2006 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace report makes special note of the fact that above all, the Baluchistan province serves as a transit zone for a potential Iranian-India-Turkmenistan natural gas pipeline as well as a port, Gwadar, that serves as a logistical hub for Afghanistan, Central Asia’s landlocked nations as well as a port for the Chinese. The report notes that the port was primarily constructed with Chinese capital and labor with the intention of it serving as a Chinese naval station “to protect Beijing’s oil supply from the Middle East and to counter the US presence in Central Asia.” This point in particular, regarding China, was described in extricating detail in the 2006 Strategic Studies Institute’s report “String of Pearls: Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising Power across the Asian Littoral.”String of Pearls: Meeting the Challenge of China's Rising Power Across the Asian Littoral Throughout the report means to co-opt and contain China’s influence throughout the region are discussed.

The Carnegie Endowment report goes on to describe how the Baluchi rebels have fortuitously begun attacking the development of their province over concerns of “marginalization” and “dispossession.” In particular attacks were launched against the Pakistani military and Chinese facilities. The question of foreign intervention is brought up in this 2006 report, based on accusations by the Pakistani government that the rebels are armed with overly sophisticated weaponry. India, Iran, and the United States are accused as potential culprits.

The report concludes that virtually none of Pakistan’s neighbors would benefit from the insurgency and that the insurgency itself has no possibility of succeeding without “foreign support.” The conflict is described as a potential weapon that could be used against Pakistan and that it is “ultimately Islamabad that must decide whether Baluchistan will become its Achilles’ heel.” This somewhat cryptic conclusion, in the light of recent reports and developments can be deciphered as a veiled threat now being openly played.

Quite clearly when Islamabad accused foreign governments of fueling and arming the unrest in Baluchistan, they were absolutely correct. Seymour Hersh’s report lays to rest any illusions over whether or not America is arming Baluchi rebels. Brookings’ “Which Path to Persia?” report also openly calls for arming and sending Baluchi rebels out against Tehran. More recently, longtime proponent of a Baluchi insurgency, Selig Harrison of the Soros funded Center for International Policy, has published two pieces regarding the “liberation” of Baluchistan itself.

Harrison’s February 2011 piece, “Free Baluchistan,” Commentary: Free Baluchistan | The National Interestcalls to “aid the 6 million Baluch insurgents fighting for independence from Pakistan in the face of growing ISI repression.” He continues by explaining the various merits of such meddling by stating, “Pakistan has given China a base at Gwadar in the heart of Baluch territory. So an independent Baluchistan would serve U.S. strategic interests in addition to the immediate goal of countering Islamist forces.”

Harrison would follow up his frank call to carve up Pakistan by addressing the issue of Chinese-Pakistani relations in a March 2011 piece titled, “The Chinese Cozy Up to the Pakistanis.” http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/chinese-cozy-up-pakistHe begins by stating, “China’s expanding reach is a natural and acceptable accompaniment of its growing power—but only up to a point.” He then reiterates his call for extraterritorial meddling in Pakistan by saying, “to counter what China is doing in Pakistan, the United States should play hardball by supporting the movement for an independent Baluchistan along the Arabian Sea and working with Baluch insurgents to oust the Chinese from their budding naval base at Gwadar. Beijing wants its inroads into Gilgit and Baltistan to be the first step on its way to an Arabian Sea outlet at Gwadar.”

Harrison has made calls for the carving up of Pakistan for years. In 2009 he insisted that Pakistan should grant Baluchistan autonomy, citing a laundry list of technicalities that justified such a devolution of power. Quite clearly, Mr. Harrison has become more blunt as of late. And while endless papers and covert support for the Baluchi insurgency have been going on for years, more overt calls, echoing with equal, self-serving hollowness as those for Libya’s foreign-funded rebellion, are being made.

During the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace sponsored “Balochistan International Conference 2011” held in Washington D.C., calls were made for “international intervention.” Most of the Baluchi opposition leaders live in exile in the US, UK, and France, amongst the myriad of Libyans, Egyptians, Syrians, Thais, Chinese, Iranians, all working with foreign aid to subvert and overthrow the governments in their homelands. A presentation (shown below) gives us a verbatim rehash of the same antics that led up to a military attack on Libya, and similar rhetoric being used to set the ground work for intervention in Syria.

Change Baluchistan to Libya, change the Baluchi names to Libyan names and you can see the same US-funded propaganda that led to Western military operations in North Africa.
Selig Harrison is also a regular attendee at the “Balochistan International Conference” and frequently reiterates his calls for a “free Baluchistan.” With him is Washington lobbyist Andrew Eiva, a former special forces operator who took part in supporting the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan. He proposes a vision of a bright future where Baluchis will enjoy their gas and oil wealth one day in their own autonomous, free nation. Such encouragement from Harrison, whose Center for International Policy is funded by the Ford Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society Institute, and Rockefeller Family and Associates, or Eiva’s flights of petroleum-fueled fancy at a Carnegie Endowment function – funded by Exxon, Chevron, BP Corporations of North America, the GE Foundation, Shell International, as well as the globalist mainstays of Soros, Rockefeller, and the Smith Richardson Foundation – would be almost laughable if real people weren’t dying and Pakistan’s entire future being put at risk.

There is no question that a concerted effort is being made to build-up a Baluchi front with which to menace Pakistan. With the Chinese already present inside the province and their base at Gwadar completed, and as tensions between Washington and Islamabad escalate, this low intensity rebellion might just get the “foreign support” needed to carve itself off from Pakistan.

This would interrupt Pakistan’s use of this resource rich, strategically located province, prevent Iran from sending a pipeline to India, as well as eject the Chinese from the region. For those wondering why America is attempting to escalate tensions in Pakistan over the “Bin Laden” hoax instead of using it as an excuse to leave the region, the Balkanization of Pakistan and the permanent disruption of Pakistan’s, Iran’s, and China’s development is your answer. It isn’t a matter of if, it is now only a matter of how big the insurrection can be grown.
WW3 maybe a bit too much, but US definitely trying to divide the Pakistan. Armed terrorists will rampage and West will cry how Pakistan can dear to touch "peaceful civilians".

Yea but what next? "these peaceful civilians" will be recognised as the legitimate representatives of Pakistan by a group headed by American calling itself friends of Pakistan. this process is looking somewhat transparent
Yea but what next? "these peaceful civilians" will be recognised as the legitimate representatives of Pakistan by a group headed by American calling itself friends of Pakistan. this process is looking somewhat transparent

Its the same game over and over again. Same as in Libya, Syria, soon in Iran and Baluchi, after in China and Russia. The only question is, where those "friends" will be stopped?
Its the same game over and over again. Same as in Libya, Syria, soon in Iran and Baluchi, after in China and Russia. The only question is, where those "friends" will be stopped?

I think we can see the writing on the wall. American navy in the gulf, 15000 american soldiers in Israel to pit against Hezbollah, Syria neutralised and uncertain you tell me?? What we have to guess is what is China/Russia red line. I am a little worried that Russians might just be bribed bought off at least they are white
Damn Amerika. :usflag: reading this thread. seems like we are about to liberate folks in Pakistan too! Quick our CIA/Mossad/ Raw /Mi6 assets need to be activated to Operation " Khalash Karo" :no:
Free Balochistan, yeah it's time to turn a blind eye towards some failures in Afghanistan.
1-Superpower tries to overpower and corner Talibans, fails miserably.
2-Superpower tires to negotiate diplomatically -----fails again.
3-Superpower tries to appease the local afghans----meets failures.
4- >>>Now it's time to liberate Balochistan.

My question is will this liberation,will be from Bugti terrorists & organizations like Jundallah or from an ally state,the front line warrior in the very WOT?
Damn Amerika. :usflag: reading this thread. seems like we are about to liberate folks in Pakistan too! Quick our CIA/Mossad/ Raw /Mi6 assets need to be activated to Operation " Khalash Karo" :no:

Its people like you who are responsible for the miseries of this otherwise beautiful planet...What do you think would india be able to stay clear of the mess it is creating along with israeli's and americans ,I dont think so infact considering the distances India is gonna be the hardest hit once Pakistan decides to come in offensive mode from the current neutral one..Besides this thread is for a discussion against double edged policies of americans and I dont think indians can make any productive comment So they are not welcomed here...

Coming to thread well as we know now from different sources that disintegration of Pak is in their agenda so what should be done to counter that threat..
Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria is not enough threat to world peace that now they need to play in Baluchistan as well!
Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria is not enough threat to world peace that now they need to play in Baluchistan as well!

You are right dude and if see things in detail its not coz of christians or jews in general but infact therez a specific group of satanists who have infiltrated almost every religion and country and are pursuing satan's agenda of spreading blood and misery across the globe with aim of diverting people away from almighty..But still the question remains how to tackle americans as they have weaved a web so delicately that its really hard to cut it and infact its getting spread every day..pakistans military needs their technology so we need to develop our own scientfic institutes..we need to establish powerful think tanks comprising learnt people who can analyse threats and recommend countermeasures...we need to build rail and road tracks from gwadar to china to give us some financial stability and adopt a foreign policy which is not inclined towards west but infact reflects our own interests and progress..
You are right dude and if see things in detail its not coz of christians or jews in general but infact therez a specific group of satanists who have infiltrated almost every religion and country and are pursuing satan's agenda of spreading blood and misery across the globe with aim of diverting people away from almighty..But still the question remains how to tackle americans as they have weaved a web so delicately that its really hard to cut it and infact its getting spread every day..pakistans military needs their technology so we need to develop our own scientfic institutes..we need to establish powerful think tanks comprising learnt people who can analyse threats and recommend countermeasures...we need to build rail and road tracks from gwadar to china to give us some financial stability and adopt a foreign policy which is not inclined towards west but infact reflects our own interests and progress..

it is really not that hard if the political will is there..first step would be to throw away this shoddy democracy. Ibn Taymiah called democracy rule of imperialist satans and it looks like the same to me now!
No worry, this is same exact noise of North Wazirisitan US telling the world, this place is more dangerous of safe-heaven, Pakistan insisted that we can't do anything.

Now another Balouchistan and then next Karachistan, etc?
it is really not that hard if the political will is there..first step would be to throw away this shoddy democracy. Ibn Taymiah called democracy rule of imperialist satans and it looks like the same to me now!

I agree with you on this but to throw away these corrupt politicians and find someone true patriot to lead the country is a tough job given present situation of pakistan ..a lot of real hard work is required...

No worry, this is same exact noise of North Wazirisitan US telling the world, this place is more dangerous of safe-heaven, Pakistan insisted that we can't do anything.

Now another Balouchistan and then next Karachistan, etc?

Thanks for the trust in pak army but dude I feel by simply refuting such things wont help we pakistani's now need to stand up and take concrete steps to bring our nation to the right place it deserves internationally being the only islamic superpower and the gateway to china and central asian states...There is a lot that needs to be done and taken care off and it can be achieved by identifying threats and eliminate them in time and unite pakistani people and search for our own resources and develop them..Unfortunately we are yet unable to provide round the clock electricity to our industry so you can imagine the amount of work that needs to be done to get this nation on track..
As long as there are patriotic Pakistanis are there not to mention the Powerful Pakistan army and ISI , they can just wish

and Indians go smell some life ,get some fresh air
Its people like you who are responsible for the miseries of this otherwise beautiful planet...What do you think would india be able to stay clear of the mess it is creating along with israeli's and americans ,I dont think so infact considering the distances India is gonna be the hardest hit once Pakistan decides to come in offensive mode from the current neutral one..Besides this thread is for a discussion against double edged policies of americans and I dont think indians can make any productive comment So they are not welcomed here...

Coming to thread well as we know now from different sources that disintegration of Pak is in their agenda so what should be done to counter that threat..

No my man, it's people like me that grounded in reality. For you it's an Indian obsession and American paranoia that fuels such theories. If I was in India I would not want one terror organization replacing another in Pakistan. As an American that would be my line of thinking too. We don't like making hero's out of terrorists. Having a peaceful Pakistan that is devoid of terrorists and it's supporters is what the world wants , not destruction of a nation that then only plays worse havoc to the world's security as you seem to think our (American, Israeli, Indian, European goals are)

Why would we want a destruction of Pakistan if the goal is to live peacefully ? You don't invite chaos to prevail if you are seeking security in the region. Leave the paranoia and put on your critical thinking cap .
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