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Balkanizing Pakistan: A Collective National Security Strategy


Mar 24, 2010
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Pakistan Army and ISI obsession with Taliban is creating united front for Pakistan enemies. Now even journalists are calling of dismemberment of Pakistan. The lessons of East Pakistan has not been learned and ISI is gambling Pakistan for Talibans. Like they say "A stupid friend causes more damage to one than an intelligent enemy."

Michael Hughes: Balkanizing Pakistan: A Collective National Security Strategy

Balkanizing Pakistan: A Collective National Security Strategy
Michael Hughes
Geopolitical journalist
Posted: July 6, 2010 05:43 AM

Breaking Pakistan to Fix It
The argument for Balkanizing Pakistan or, more specifically, fragmenting the Islamic Republic so it's easier to police and economically develop, has been on the table since Pakistan's birth in 1947 when the country was spit out of a British laboratory. And lately, the concept is looking more appealing by the day, because as a result of flawed boundaries combined with the nexus between military rule and Islamic extremism, Pakistan now finds itself on a rapid descent toward certain collapse and the country's leaders stubbornly refuse to do the things required to change course. But before allowing Pakistan to commit state suicide, self-disintegrate and further destabilize the region, the international community can beat them to the punch and deconstruct the country less violently.

To quell any doubts about Pakistan's seemingly uncontrollable spiral into darkness, just recently, Foreign Policy Magazine ranked Pakistan as the tenth most failed state on earth and it would seem its leaders are hell bent on securing the number one slot - an honor it can add to their already dubious distinction as the world's largest incubator of jihadist extremism. Afghanistan will never see peace or prosperity with a neighbor like Pakistan and the U.S. will always be threatened by terrorist plots spawned in Pakistan's lawless regions - like the most recent Times Square bombing.

The most popular approach to fragmentation is to break off and allow Afghanistan to absorb Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), which would unite the Pashtun tribes. In addition, the provinces of Balochistan and Sindh would become independent sovereign states, leaving Punjab as a standalone entity.

Balkanization is based on the premise that the weak central government in Islamabad is incapable of governing Pakistan's frontiers, which have become the number one source of regional instability. The governing Punjabi elite have neglected the other three major ethnic groups - the Sindhis, Pashtuns, and Baluchis, primarily because a majority of Pakistan's budget is spent on the military rather than economic development, schooling or infrastructure. Only 2% of Pakistan's GDP, for example, is spent on education despite the fact Pakistan's literacy rate stands at 57%.

Minority groups have also been underrepresented in institutions such as Pakistan's military - which is the country's most powerful entity. Punjabis who represent 40% of the population constitute 90% of the armed forces. Pakistan's own history provides a prime case study of what happens when an ethnic group can no longer tolerate political and economic disregard. After a quarter century of strife the Bengalis rebelled, seceded and founded Bangladesh in 1971.

If the Balkanization solution is ever put in motion, accusations will surely fly that it's yet another example of U.S. imperialism and neoconservatism run amok. However, this would be a diplomatic and multilateral effort, plus, it is more about reversing the iniquities of British colonialism than it is building some new world order.

Inherent Instability
Pakistan's problems began when the British drew its boundaries haphazardly, which was primarily a product of incompetence and haste than maniacal design. According to an article in the New York Times last year, British colonial officer, Sir Cyril Radcliffe was given six weeks to carve a Muslim-majority state from British India although he had never even been there before. Radcliffe's private secretary was quoted as saying that Sir Cyril "was a bit flummoxed by the whole thing. It was a rather impossible assignment, really. To partition that subcontinent in six weeks was absurd." It would be a comical anecdote except for the fact that hundreds of thousands of people died in the ethnic cleansing that followed as a direct result of British carelessness.

Pakistan's border with Afghanistan - the poorly-marked Durand Line - had been drawn in 1893, also by the British, but it was never meant to be a long-term legally-binding boundary. The faux demarcation split the Pashtuns in half. By reinstating the original natural boundaries, Pakistan's western provinces would be returned to Afghanistan and the Pashtun tribes would be reunited. Such a move would also remove a strategic advantage for the Afghan Taliban, who can easily blend in amongst fellow Pashtuns on the Pakistani side of the border today.

The British did not only gift Pakistan with lethal boundaries, according to renowned Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid, Pakistan inherited a "security state" from British rule, described by scholars as "the viceregal tradition" or "a permanent state of martial law". Intellectual Christopher Hitchens asserted Pakistan has been a fiefdom of the military for most of its short existence. As was once said of Prussia: Pakistan is not a country that has an army, but an army that has a country. Hitchens also said the country was doomed to be a dysfunctional military theocracy from day one - beginning with the very name of the country itself:

But then, there is a certain hypocrisy inscribed in the very origins and nature of "Pakistan". The name is no more than an acronym, confected in the 1930s at Cambridge University by a NW Muslim propagandist named Chaudhri Rahmat Ali. It stands for Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, and Indus-Sind, plus the suffix "-stan," meaning "land." In the Urdu tongue, the resulting word means "Land of the Pure." The country is a cobbling together of regional, religious, and ethnic nationalisms, and its founding, in 1947, resulted in Pakistan's becoming, along with Israel, one of the two "faith-based" states to emerge from the partitionist policy of a dying British colonialism. Far from being a "Land of the Pure," Pakistan is one of the clearest demonstrations of the futility of defining a nation by religion, and one of the textbook failures of a state and a society.

Pakistan deteriorated throughout the decades because of its focus on building the military and developing Islamic extremist groups to use as weapons in their eternal obsessive struggle against India. It's true the U.S. helped Pakistan build these groups since the beginning of the Cold War, but America learned on 9/11 they had created a Frankenstein monster that now needed to be slain.

Many analysts have suggested India is less of a national security threat to Pakistan than its homegrown terrorist groups, many of which have openly declared their mission to topple the state, which would allow jihadists to secure nuclear materials. Yet, based on its strategic decision to foster extremism and its recent public support for Taliban rule in Afghanistan, it appears the biggest existential threat to Pakistan is its own political and military leaders.

The Last Straw
With that being said, Balkanization does seem like an extreme step at first blush, and perhaps Pakistan should be given another chance. Yet, after considering Pakistan's historic and current relationship with Al Qaeda - it becomes much easier to justify.

Since the war began in 2001 the U.S. has asked Pakistan to root out extremists from sanctuaries in a Rhode Island-sized area called North Waziristan, chief among them being the lethal Haqqani Network. However, Pakistan's army chief General Ashfaq Kayani asserted his forces were too bogged down fighting the Pakistani Taliban elsewhere in places like South Waziristan, Orakzai Agency and various districts across the NWFP.

I contacted an Afghan intelligence analyst about this and he assessed General Kayani's claim with one single word: rubbish. The Pakistan army consists of 500,000 active duty troops and another 500,000 on reserve. If Pakistan truly wanted to capture the Haqqani Network they would be able to drag them out of their caves by their beards within a few days.

In a movement that should have floored U.S. policymakers, Kayani was brazen enough to try and inveigle Afghanistan to strike a power-sharing arrangement with the Haqqanis. And Kayani, apparently the spokesperson for the Haqqani group, said they'd be willing to split from and denounce Al Qaeda, which is President Obama's primary rationale for the war. However, there is a higher probability of General Kayani converting to Hinduism than there is of the Haqqani Network ever being decoupled from Al Qaeda.

According to the Long War Journal, Siraj Haqqani, their leader, sits on Al Qaeda's decision-making body. Haqqani's friendship with Osama bin Laden dates back to the war against the Soviets in the 1980s and it was Haqqani that ensured safe passage into Pakistan for many Al Qaeda figures after the collapse of the Taliban in 2001. An Institute for the Study of War analysis concluded that Haqqani was "irreconcilable" and negotiations with him would actually strengthen Al Qaeda and would undermine the raison d'etre for U.S. involvement in Afghanistan over the past decade.

In other words, the Haqqani Network is Al Qaeda.

Pakistan has had a close relationship with the Haqqanis for over 30 years, who are still seen as a crucial anti-Indian asset. So, for nine years the Pakistanis protected the Haqqanis and claimed ignorance as to the whereabouts of Mullah Omar, Osama bin Laden and the Quetta Shura. Nine years, nearly $300 billion dollars and 1900 dead coalition soldiers later, the U.S. has officially verified that the entire war effort has been focused on the wrong side of the mountains.

A stable Afghanistan is in Pakistan's best interests, but this message has been preached time and again with little to no results, and the U.S. has waited long enough for Pakistan's leaders to uproot the extremists that orchestrated 9/11. But now, it appears as if the international community will have to do it for them.


Michael Hughes writes similar articles as the Geopolitics Examiner and the Afghanistan Headlines Examiner for Examiner.com.
Balkanising Pakistan | iNewp.com

Balkanising Pakistan
Posted on05 August 2010.

Balkanising Pakistan
It is time to Balkanise Pakistan, says Michael Hughes. In his article titled Balkanising Pakistan: A collective National Security Strategy the author has articulated the “Why” of his suggestion through a compelling argument. This has serious ramifications for the region, especially for India.

The basic proposal of fragmentation is to break off and allow Afghanistan to absorb Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province (NWFP or Khyber Pashtunwala) and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), which would unite the Pashtun tribes. In addition, the provinces of Balochistan and Sindh would become independent sovereign states, leaving Punjab as a standalone entity.

Then there is this brilliant piece on Balkanisation in Daily Times of Pakistan. Again there are a host of articles on “America at War” which point towards the real and live possibility of Pakistan standing on the verge of Balkanisation. As per analyst, Yugoslavia would be a tame history when compared to this violent process of fragmentation of Pakistan.

Opinions in Pakistan, including that of Imran Khan, accuse USA, Israel and India colluding to give shape to this policy of breaking Pakistan to make it more governable. There are voices both for and against the motion for reversing the defective world order put in place while partitioning the region. Maybe, Pakistan and Afghanistan are working their way towards redrawing these boundaries.

Then there is the reality of a Baloch struggle and a Sindhi subjugation playing at the centre of the existence of Pakistan. As per Hughes it has become important to Break Pakistan to Fix It:

The argument for Balkanizing Pakistan or, more specifically, fragmenting the Islamic Republic so it’s easier to police and economically develop, has been on the table since Pakistan’s birth in 1947 when the country was spit out of a British laboratory. And lately, the concept is looking more appealing by the day, because as a result of flawed boundaries combined with the nexus between military rule and Islamic extremism, Pakistan now finds itself on a rapid descent toward certain collapse and the country’s leaders stubbornly refuse to do the things required to change course. But before allowing Pakistan to commit state suicide, self-disintegrate and further destabilize the region, the international community can beat them to the punch and deconstruct the country less violently.

It is common knowledge that Pakistan is a fast failing state. The Foreign Policy magazine has placed it at number ten and the dysfunctions imbued in a Jihadi mindset are plunging it deeper into darkness. The inherent instability borne out of its history, geography and a fast radicalising society under direct or indirect military dictatorships is accentuated by the Islamic state aspiration. A combination of these factors makes Pakistan extremely fragile.

Far from being a “Land of the Pure,” Pakistan is one of the clearest demonstrations of the futility of defining a nation by religion, and one of the textbook failures of a state and a society. Pakistan deteriorated throughout the decades because of its focus on building the military and developing Islamic extremist groups to use as weapons in their eternal obsessive struggle against India. It’s true the U.S. helped Pakistan build these groups since the beginning of the Cold War, but America learned on 9/11 they had created a Frankenstein monster that now needed to be slain.

At the heart of Michaels argument is the theory that when seen in light of its above fault lines, Pakistan’s close links with the al Qaeda are the basic recipe for disaster. He argues that Pakistan which has nurtured the Haqqani group for nearly three decades, and which Kayani is projecting as part of the solution to Afghanistan, is in effect the al Qaeda. Discerning readers need little convincing on that account.

This would put Obama back to the starting block of this war – to root out al Qaeda. Obama may have pre judged the situation in announcing a time table for withdrawal. This has accelerated the machinations of Pakistan Army and ISI in hedging their bets in projecting Haqqani, which in Michael’s words IS the al Qaeda. So in this game Kayani is playing, he would be able to put al Qaeda at the centre of Islamic radicalisation in Af Pak region.

A situation worse than when Bush led America to war on terror in the region. The ripples of this demonisation of the region would be felt world wide. Pakistan, the Islamic State” would be in the eye of the storm. By then, whether the internal discord and the warring militant groups permit Pakistan to remain a country, would be a tough ask.

Pakistan has had a close relationship with the Haqqanis for over 30 years, who are still seen as a crucial anti-Indian asset. So, for nine years the Pakistanis protected the Haqqanis and claimed ignorance as to the whereabouts of Mullah Omar, Osama bin Laden and the Quetta Shura. Nine years, nearly $300 billion dollars and 1900 dead coalition soldiers later, the U.S. has officially verified that the entire war effort has been focused on the wrong side of the mountains.

Then there is the deep involvement of Pakistan in spreading terror and Intifada in India. This has been a work in progress for the last three decades ever since East Pakistan revolted to de link itself from Pakistan, with Indian help. What was started by Zia Ul Haq as Operation Topac has today radicalised Pakistan to a point of no return. The mullah – military – militant nexus has speed ed up the process of Balkanisation of Pakistan. The military’s India Centric mindset has forced it to nurture a range of terror groups which over the years have gradually merged into the concept of al Qaeda. That Kayani has any real hold over these diverse groups,each with its own agenda, is a moot point. But what appears certain is the capacity of these groups to ferment trouble between India and Pakistan. An aspect deliberated in the previous post, The Larger Game.

Pakistan today is on the self destruct mode. Its stability is what most would want especially the countries in the region. However, it appears that the current masters of Pakistan’s destiny are hell bent upon proving their Islamic State status to the Islamic world. Armed with nuclear weapons, they may become the face of Political Islam but if this continues, they may be wiped off the face of the subcontinent as a country.

This post has a clear narrative – Pakistan needs to prevent destabilisation of Afghanistan to prevent its own balkanisation. If it fails to do so, the world community will have to do so.

If this is not done, India stands to lose heavily in such a division. Knowing the wounded streak of the Punjabis, a dominant force in the Army, this would radicalise the region and result in an inferno difficult to control. America, or for that matter the West, would beat a hasty retreat where South Asia would become the world’s most dangerous place to live in – ie if it isn’t already.

Amongst all this America, which is desperately trying to prevent the collapse of Pakistan, has launched a major PR exercise to win hearts and minds in Pakistan - something which successive regimes in Pakistan have failed to achieve. However, it would be approprite to sign off with this thought

The U.S. cannot save Pakistan; only Pakistanis can do that.

Unless they accept responsibility for their own future, Pakistan will have no future.
In order to silence the enemies of Pakistan, such as those who have now started talking about "balkanizing", the only thing that Pakistanis can do is to tighten their belts and strengthen the economy. And this is the job that can not be done by 70% who have already done enough. This is the obligation who have got ill-gotten wealth. This is the payback time. This wealth will be of no use if God forbid, this country is balkanized as is being discussed. So please wake up. It is the pay back time to salvage economy and save the country.
Idiot rant by a third rate 'journalist'.

By his logic, India is an artificial state because the Bengalis, Punjabis and Tamils were split in two. Or Afghansitan is an artifical state because the Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc. were all split in two.

Looks like he recently cashed his check from the Indian ministry of propaganda.
It has always been a dream of anti-Pakistan elements to balkanize the country. But that's all it is. A dream.
Idiot rant by a third rate 'journalist'.

By his logic, India is an artificial state because the Bengalis, Punjabis and Tamils were split in two. Or Afghansitan is an artifical state because the Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc. were all split in two.
U wouldn't believe it, but during June 1940, Jinnah suggested the balkanization of India into Hindustan, Bangalistan , Pakistan and Dravidistan (as per his version of the TNT). Now i truly find it ironic that people aspiring to a similar pov as Jinnah for the current Pakistani state and then one of them gets called as "Quaid-e-Azam" and then the rest as third rate 'Journalists'.

Looks like he recently cashed his check from the Indian ministry of propaganda.
So how much did David Cameron cash his check for ? Or for that matter Kevin Rudd for calling the Land of the Pure as a slow-burn humanitarian disaster ?
David Cameron says whatever comes to his mouth. He said Iran has nukes.

Kevin Rudd said things in a context and it would be helpful if you mentioned the context.
Idiot rant by a third rate 'journalist'.

By his logic, India is an artificial state because the Bengalis, Punjabis and Tamils were split in two. Or Afghansitan is an artifical state because the Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc. were all split in two.

Looks like he recently cashed his check from the Indian ministry of propaganda.

His logic is not Bengali, Punjabi and Tamil etc.

The author points out that the government in Islamabad has nominal control over the frontier regions; which is in fact true. They in turn spawn terrorists who keep blowing themselves up somewhere in the world.

The government is heavily influenced by the military which is 90% composed of one ethnic group, this results in unequal treatment of other groups which then express discontent as in case of balochis.

The population itself is heavily radicalized from the days of the jihad and the government seems not to cure that by focusing more on education.

And then there is the perennial obsession with India, that makes your military stick with assets like Haqqani. Like it or not Pakistan will have to give it up, or the war is coming to the other side of the mountains.

Now, you can start by refuting the above points rather than start comparing Pakistan to India or alleging its Indian sponsored propaganda.
David Cameron says whatever comes to his mouth. He said Iran has nukes.
Okay, So Cameron trash-talks Pakistan. What next ? Is Zardari a paid RAW agent ? If the Head of State considers Pakistan nurturing terrorism as a state-sponsored policy according to this, then indeed anything said by anybody against Pakistan is virtually insignificant.
These groups were not thrown up because of government weakness, but as a matter of policy. He said they were deliberately "created and nurtured" as a policy to achieve some short-term tactical objectives.
With the inter ethinic violence rampant in Pakistan since 1990's I think we are already set on stage of balkanisation. God save the state! The role of enemies is over estimated. We ourselves are responsible for the mess we have created.
Okay, So Cameron trash-talks Pakistan. What next ? Is Zardari a paid RAW agent ? If the Head of State considers Pakistan nurturing terrorism as a state-sponsored policy according to this, then indeed anything said by anybody against Pakistan is virtually insignificant.

You've set up the argument in such a way that anyone disagrees with you sounds like a total moron, even if disagreeing might be a good argument. I do not appreciate such intimidation techniques.

Zardari is just a thief who really holds no credibility across the globe. He is not mentioning the US, who was is chiefly responsible for the mess. Also, no, Pakistan did not create the Taliban. The way I look at it, Pakistan should try to destroy Taliban in the long run as having business with them is too risky. I think ISI and army are reconsidering their stance on Taliban and jihadi groups, to a great extent.
You've set up the argument in such a way that anyone disagrees with you sounds like a total moron, even if disagreeing might be a good argument. I do not appreciate such intimidation techniques.
Not everything in this world is a zero-sum game ; I never said that you cannot nullify Zardari's statement with opinions from the Pakistani political diaspora. But to do so would be living in denial ; I believe that u would not wish to be accused thereof. I am not putting a Luger to your temple to accept my statement. We can always agree to disagree.

Zardari is just a thief who really holds no credibility across the globe. He is not mentioning the US, who was is chiefly responsible for the mess. Also, no, Pakistan did not create the Taliban. The way I look at it, Pakistan should try to destroy Taliban in the long run as having business with them is too risky. I think ISI and army are reconsidering their stance on Taliban and jihadi groups, to a great extent.
I feel that such half-heartedness is what is proving to be Pakistan's undoing. We do not need any reasons to destroy the Taliban, as they represent an apostasy of Islam. Any pov that aligns with the "Strategic Depth" notion for asymmetric warfare is doomed for your Nation.
The territory isnt going anywhere, All it needs is an adjustment which the Army is doing BTW... As for Afghanistan absorbing Pakistan's Part is simply not possible..The opposite is however very much likely...!!!
a pakistani post's about balkanization of pakistan and in a matter of 3 posts, there is a lynch mob after Indians.

God Bless them.
Don't these guys have something better to do than giving theories of Pakistan balkanization. Like we all know this isn't going to happen than why not they just fcuk off and do something better for themselves and this world.

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