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Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies

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How idiotic ??

If honor of punjabi women in danger whose duty its to save it men from Kerala and Odisha ??:cheesy:

Abey joker what u mean by " no hindu ever dared to step up " you think Sardars are different race than punjabis hindus ??

Each and every sikh was hindu before they turn to Sikhism .They are saving the honor of their own sisters ,its their duty .You guys doing any fcuking favours to us hindus living outside punjab

You have no idea whom you have raced your voice against. Never mind, I have been through this age. Your friend tried to take down the belief of millions of Indians who follow Sikhism, I just proved him wrong, and I dont wish to continue any discussion with you, it would end meaningless...
I have been seeing this trend for few days now. Why the hell indians fighting among themselves here. When we will learn from past. When we will rise above religion and region and think ourselves as Indians first. No body is questioning here the sacrifices of Sikhs or Keralites. Everybody have their own and equal share of sacrifices to build INDIA what it is today. SO for Indias sake. STOP NOW !!!!!
I am gurkha with Nepali origins and reading the comments here from Indian members ... I feel more Indian than a lot of Indian posters in this thread.

Its ok man. Dont get senti. :lol: If India was to get disintegrated, it would have already occurred in the past 65 years. The fact it has not occurred shows there is a thread binding us that is much more strong than the online banter.
When we will rise above religion and region and think ourselves as Indians first.

You can't rise above 'religion and race' when some of your most respected and followed leaders follow this guy. In fact, there were ONLY a few people that I thanked God when they died.
OBL was one of them and Bal was the second one. Third one will be when they execute the Norwegian killer who killed 90 some people.

Any human being that support killing on religious and racial basis, should be considered a criminal and assistance to a murder. Should be treated by law accordingly. The world has different religions, races, etc in it. For humanity's sake, we can't afford to have leaders like these who turn the masses of people into killing machines. That shouldn't be allowed. But I am GLAD this guys gone, just like I was GLAD when OBL was given a 'head and heart' shot!!
You can't rise above 'religion and race' when some of your most respected and followed leaders follow this guy. In fact, there were ONLY a few people that I thanked God when they died.
OBL was one of them and Bal was the second one. Third one will be when they execute the Norwegian killer who killed 90 some people.

Any human being that support killing on religious and racial basis, should be considered a criminal and assistance to a murder. Should be treated by law accordingly. The world has different religions, races, etc in it. For humanity's sake, we can't afford to have leaders like these who turn the masses of people into killing machines. That shouldn't be allowed. But I am GLAD this guys gone, just like I was GLAD when OBL was given a 'head and heart' shot!!

Dont crib, death comes to all. Kings and Prophets. Doesnt reduce their stature.
Its ok man. Dont get senti. :lol: If India was to get disintegrated, it would have already occurred. The fact it has not occurred shows there is a thread binding us that is much more strong than the online banter.

I am not senti ... Its frustrating. Nepal may be a very insignificant country to you all but you can learn one thing from it. It never came into a foreign rule of British or Muslims and was never conquered. Why ? UNITY.
I am not senti ... Its frustrating. Nepal may be a very insignificant country to you all but you can learn one thing from it. It never came into a foreign rule of British or Muslims and was never conquered. Why ? UNITY.

No..it was up on the mountains...:lol: j/k
You have no idea whom you have raced your voice against. Never mind, I have been through this age. Your friend tried to take down the belief of millions of Indians who follow Sikhism, I just proved him wrong, and I dont wish to continue any discussion with you, it would end meaningless...

what happened in punjab , if Sardar hepled Punjabi hindu women then good and let the punjabi hindus say thanks.

But no sardar or anybody else should come and tell me in uppity voice that he has done any favour to me, a hindu living outside punjab 'cause he has done no favours to me.
No..it was up on the mountains...:lol: j/k

I will recommend you to read History man. Anglo-Nepalese_War Do you know how many Gurkhas are still serving in Indian Army. ?

what happened in punjab , if Sardar hepled Punjabi hindu women then good and let the punjabi hindus say thanks.

But no sardar or anybody else should come and tell me in uppity voice that he has done any favour to me, a hindu living outside punjab 'cause he has done no favours to me.

No body is asking you to return any favor or say thank you. Whether you are right or wrong, your rants against SIkhs are totally unnecessary.
Its ok man. Dont get senti. :lol: If India was to get disintegrated, it would have already occurred in the past 65 years. The fact it has not occurred shows there is a thread binding us that is much more strong than the online banter.

indian union will never disintegrate if any community make such pathetic attempt they will face its ultimate wrath like punjabis, north easterners and kashmiris
indian union will never disintegrate if any community make such pathetic attempt they will face its ultimate wrath like punjabis, north easterners and kashmiris

Guys learn to show some respect to your fellow country men. If you dont agree with some other posters comment then its fine. Dont bring his community into this mud sledging.
what happened in punjab , if Sardar hepled Punjabi hindu women then good and let the punjabi hindus say thanks.

But no sardar or anybody else should come and tell me in uppity voice that he has done any favour to me, a hindu living outside punjab 'cause he has done no favours to me.

Then you too my son have no rights to voice out against anyone nor your own people, as you too have done nothing. We are Indians and we are billions. I am a hindu by birth, but I dint lead my life towards Hinduism but Indianism, what I have quoted is fact, you can refer history or historians. I am a person who take pride in everything good happening in India, be it by a Muslim , be it by a Sikh , be it by a Christian or be it by a Hindu. Communal Harmony is all about it, but when I speak to you, I get a feeling that this generation is leading India to nowhere. Jai Hind.
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