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Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

Mehsud’s corpse to cast out doubts: Kaira
Updated at: 0500 PST, Tuesday, August 11, 2009

GILGIT: Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Zaman Kaira said the statement issued by the Foreign Office with regards to the demise of Baitullah Mehsud is final but his dead body will cast out doubts about his death.

To a press conference here, Minister extended congratulations to nation over killing of Mehsud adding that his corpse will ascertain his death.

Citing the package of constitutional reforms for Northern Areas, Kaira said the proposed package will also levy new taxes as no government can run country sans taxes.

“The elections of Legislative Assembly of Northern Areas will be held this October at all costs,” he claimed reveling, “The budget of Northern Areas will be unveiled twice a year instead of quarterly”.

Separate colonies will be built in Gilgit and Iskardu for journalists, Federal Minister announced on the occasion.

Mehsud’s corpse to cast out doubts: Kaira
"Now---why would the u s not acknowledge that---the truth lies somewhere else."

Hey, M.K., I tried to do so. Right away. A.M.deleted my message when I suggested that we'd done so to silence B.M. before he spilled the beans on the Indians, Israelis, and us.

He called B.S. on me.

And he was right...:rofl:

But a crapload of you guys believe this stuff.

Look- we don't know the operational tempos. We DO know that PREDATOR use in Afghanistan is up. Whether they've upped the size of the fleet to match the missions is unknown. More pilots, more stations, more aircraft...

Who knows? Do you?

So let's assume that we are stretching resources to cover more operational requirements over the near-term at least...

...including short-notice airstrikes on key nodes or figures.

Whether we can deliver a followup probably depends on the pre-planning time we've got. If not much, then we may be diverting an available asset. The pilot likely doesn't know the target's specific identity. Just a target.

Somewhere else somebody watching is arguing for more assets to be put on station to watch the aftermath and strike at an opportune moment. Somebody else is saying they can't do so and provide support elsewhere.

Don't be too sure, btw, about the visible signatures of vehicles, large groups, etc. available to easily target. That's basic stuff to disperse vehicles, camoflague and cool down, and to move in small discrete groups. Even regular military forces act in this manner. These men know that there are eyes in the sky and for the most part act accordingly.

So what. Did they ever care about it when they killed innocents in the mosques and funerals and other gatherings. Let us see some too much collateral damage to the taliban.

I am sorry but I do not like women and children killed on either side.
I am sorry but I do not like women and children killed on either side.

but if coward jackals hiding behind woman and children than what can PA do??
In Swat PA had already displaced millions of people for just hiding habit of jackals.

coward jackals are responsible for casualties of civilians.They have no courage to fight face to face.
Lolz... so now, westerns want to admire their grown leaders, while not let us to even view.. (may be they think we can refute them)

Thats unfortunate that the link is not working!! actually i saw this national geographic piece which is brilliant btw in Peshawar so don't blame the westerners. Some websites show videos to specific regions to save excessive bandwidth or copyright reasons

i'll try to find a link and post it soon
i'll try to find a link and post it soon

Ok no problem, I will wait. But i know how much Masoud was involve with soviets, pre-occupation, and post-occupation (don't know about during occupation when he was title from western countries as a Lion of Puncher valley). And i also know why they put Mr. Lion of punchaner as a incharge of Afghanistan's defense since they thought he can stop taliban from moving toward north & north east. But unfortunate, he couldn't do much against the power of Taliban.

I still remember during the time of Najeebullah, they used to arrest some random afghan, then invite that tribe's leader for party. And tell them, "Ok, now we will show you death dance". And then put that arrested pathan's head in the boiling oil. And let that guy free.. the moment made by that guy used to be called as "Death Dance". & that was done only to put fear in that tribal leader's mind.

I believe that people have developed a misconception about surgical strikes----some have begun to understand that the only the bad guys are killed and innocent are left alone.

When my enemy is killing me at my house---in my backyard---at my place of work and worship---it is ok for you---but when I want to give them a piece of their medicine---I hear people saying---please don't kill---what do you think this is---this is war---when you decide to come to my house to kill me---be ready to face the same---I want to give that enemy a taste of the same medicine---I want to take the war to his doorstep---I want him to feel the pain and suffering.

The millitary strikes should continue---the enemy must not be given the time to bury their dead---their dead must lie to rot in the debris---they must be deprived of a burial ground---their sanctity of life after death must be torn away from their hands---they need to smell the stench of the putrified flesh of their dear ones---.

The justice of AMIR ABDUR RAHMAN must be practised against TTP and their cohorts.

Pakistanis have been living a sob-story for a long time---part of this monster is of their own making.
"Come on, did Baitullah call Christina Lamb and personally tell her that he was going to have sex with his wife for a son. May be he just went to have sex with her for the sake of having it..."

Nailed it and wouldn't be the first battlefield casualty that had his mind on the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Talk about your coitus interruptus though!:eek:

The notion of a purposeful procreation tryst sure reads more nobly to the pious masses surrounding him and, thus, to those in the far reaches of the world. In furthering the myth and removing the more "base" possibilities, Ms. Lamb elevates the man to assure the elevation of her article, perhaps.

I have great respect for Christine Lamb's early writings from Kandahar in the spring of 2006 when the Canadian, British, and Dutch parliaments were weighing whether they'd increase their force commitments to Afghanistan.

John Reid, Britain's then Defence Sec'y, was quoted as saying that spring,

"We would be perfectly happy to leave in three years and without firing one shot.”

Lamb was warning the British public otherwise. She's good.

Here she's utterly speculating in a typically romanticized version of the weakened but devout husband-warrior looking to do his duty for the caliphate's future.

Uh huh.

Oh well, odd but appropriate that it was our furry, red funny friend that called B.S.:agree:

If Sesame Street knows the truth, so should the rest of us.


For 5 million I bet his mother in law ratted on him...

I believe that people have developed a misconception about surgical strikes----some have begun to understand that the only the bad guys are killed and innocent are left alone.

When my enemy is killing me at my house---in my backyard---at my place of work and worship---it is ok for you---but when I want to give them a piece of their medicine---I hear people saying---please don't kill---what do you think this is---this is war---when you decide to come to my house to kill me---be ready to face the same---I want to give that enemy a taste of the same medicine---I want to take the war to his doorstep---I want him to feel the pain and suffering.

The millitary strikes should continue---the enemy must not be given the time to bury their dead---their dead must lie to rot in the debris---they must be deprived of a burial ground---their sanctity of life after death must be torn away from their hands---they need to smell the stench of the putrified flesh of their dear ones---.

The justice of AMIR ABDUR RAHMAN must be practised against TTP and their cohorts.

Pakistanis have been living a sob-story for a long time---part of this monster is of their own making.


We need to first get confirm that who attacked first ?

If BM attacked first he should be punished but if Musharaf started war first with tribels then we should blame Musharaf regime.

Any how war is not ultimate solution , to avoid more bloodshed we should give them fair chance to lay down their arms if they denied then full fledge attack is right of government.
Hi Fundamentalis,

Sir---I donot want to sound disrespectful----but we are living in a nation state---a nation may enforce rules under severe conditions, laws and guidelines that the civilians may not like---but regardless of that, the civilians donot take it upon themselves to staert up a war against the state.

Bottomline is that they must and will be crushed---. Musharraf was a kind general---if he would have taken any chapter out of the islamic history of muslim rule and implied the practises---every male member and gun weilding females of the insurgents would have been executed---properties confiscated---.

Musharraf didnot act upon them in time---he had a very poor marketing strategy---as a matter of fact him and his team were clueless what marketing is.

Bottomline---if you want to stand up against the state---better pay the price. Once Baitulla---took chinese engr as hostages and killed them---the govt should have jumped on him with both feet---.

The pakistani govt have been acting like chickens and a nation of people acvting like fools---you don't move ahead in civilization by not maintaing the rule of law---you can never allow the insurgents to go unpunished---those who have tortured and be-headed your soldiers in public. It shows the quality of a nation who has no backbone to uphold the rule of law in the land.
Hi Fundamentalis,

Sir---I donot want to sound disrespectful----but we are living in a nation state---a nation may enforce rules under severe conditions, laws and guidelines that the civilians may not like---but regardless of that, the civilians donot take it upon themselves to staert up a war against the state.

Bottomline is that they must and will be crushed---. Musharraf was a kind general---if he would have taken any chapter out of the islamic history of muslim rule and implied the practises---every male member and gun weilding females of the insurgents would have been executed---properties confiscated---.

Musharraf didnot act upon them in time---he had a very poor marketing strategy---as a matter of fact him and his team were clueless what marketing is.

Bottomline---if you want to stand up against the state---better pay the price. Once Baitulla---took chinese engr as hostages and killed them---the govt should have jumped on him with both feet---.

The pakistani govt have been acting like chickens and a nation of people acvting like fools---you don't move ahead in civilization by not maintaing the rule of law---you can never allow the insurgents to go unpunished---those who have tortured and be-headed your soldiers in public. It shows the quality of a nation who has no backbone to uphold the rule of law in the land.

I appreciate your frustration due terrorism but you know there was no insurgency in tribel belt before US attack in Afghanistan, why US attacked on Afghanistan is just reaction of 9/11 wanted to blindly kill the mouse with cannon at any cost.

US adopted Ghangez khan war strategy and killed and injured many handred thausand Afghan children and women and displaced million of innocient Afghan citizens using Dazi cutters and carpet bombing even killed POWs and made POW only 7 years kid in Gotanobay refreshed our memories of nazi crimes.

Pakistan blindly support US ,which naturally creat a lot of unrest and anger in pushtoon tribes ,as a result insurgency started which is now spreading in our settled areas(SWAT ).

Now after eight years of war US realised pushing the talabans towards mountains will not solve the Afghan problem ,now they wanted to involve them in political system.Many American journalist are giving interviews in favour of peace talks these days ,you can see on Al Jazera news.Even US agent Karzai called them brother.

Musharaf did series of mistakes by supporting US , giving them logistic support and allowed them drone attacks and even start fighting with his own state institutions , dismissed CJ to prolong his rule.

Presently US is playing smart war named new war strategy pressurising and treathening us to flush extremists but at their end trying to involve talaban in political system regardless of fact bad or good talaban.

We need to focus on root cause of extremism and terrorism , as per my analysis double standards and wrong colonial strategy of US is only cause of terrorism in all muslim countries.

Obama and US think tank realised this cause but after lose of one million lives in Iraq and half million in Afghanistan but funny thing is we muslims who are the victom of US and Israeli terrorism still believe that to kill terrorists will solve whole problem and peace can be achieved:coffee:
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@ Patriot

I don't think Fundamentalist is saying you should fight US and side with the terrorists. Basically Pakistani leadership should realise that they don't do the same mistake the Bush administration did when fighting terrorism.

Particularly keeping in mind that this sort of political islam related extremism emerged only in the 70s with tacit support of US, KSA, Pakistan e.t.c.

The Obama administration and co. have realized and have based their counter terrorism strategy on this.

Just to paraphrase Sun Tzu
If you know your enemy, then you will not have to worry at the outcome of a 1000 battles.
Yes, i agree.We should reconcile with those who are willing to reconcile however those who are not willing to reconcile with us (ie TTP) should be eliminated..period.
Yes, i agree.We should reconcile with those who are willing to reconcile however those who are not willing to reconcile with us (ie TTP) should be eliminated..period.

Thanks for understanding, tribel pushtoon are patriotic and have right faith on islam , we can turn their loyalities towards Pakistan with discussion and peace deals.

TTP terrorist agenda will only sucessfull if use drone attacks and use F16 and army.

FATA and NWFP majority is now against TTP , we should not lose this golden chance , better our cammandos in civil dress deployed to help local tribel mujahdeen to crush TTP.

We should not repeat mistakes of US in FATA ,I hope PA dont use cannon to kill the mouse.:lol:
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