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Bahrain withdraws ambassador from Iran after bomb-factory find

Notice that they found arms in the seas and arms in Bahrain after the Hajj incident. This is Saudis "revenge".

Also, notice that most of the world doesn't care about these false flags anymore. Most people have been hearing these stories for many years but notice that the actual terrorists actions that DO occur almost always comes from groups funded by the groups that point the fingers.

Bark all you want. Bahrain doesn't need a secret conspiracy to take down. If Iran wants to destabilize Bahrain, it takes 5 mins. You gulfiea are lucky that Iran has more important things to worry about than Bahrain.
Notice that they found arms in the seas and arms in Bahrain after the Hajj incident. This is Saudis "revenge".

Also, notice that most of the world doesn't care about these false flags anymore. Most people have been hearing these stories for many years but notice that the actual terrorists actions that DO occur almost always comes from groups funded by the groups that point the fingers.

Bark all you want. Bahrain doesn't need a secret conspiracy to take down. If Iran wants to destabilize Bahrain, it takes 5 mins. You gulfiea are lucky that Iran has more important things to worry about than Bahrain.

Mullah mentality, first cry for evedince then when evedince with visual proof is represented dismissed it as "fals flag". Lol like we need any false flag to highlight your ongoing terror in the region. Have some shame for god's sake.
Mullah mentality, first cry for evedince then when evedince with visual proof is represented dismissed it as "fals flag". Lol like we need any false flag to highlight your ongoing terror in the region. Have some shame for god's sake.

You guys don't know what evidence means. You say Iranians have high causality rate among Hajj deceased and that's your " evidence " that Iran was behind it.
Is anyone really surprised? Those Mullah's are only good at spreading terror and competing with North Korea in being the most sanctioned and biggest pariah state on the planet.

Their whole existence, aside from falsely claiming Arab ancestry and in particular Sadah ancestry (hence their black turbans), is based upon this:

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One just have to study the condition of the ME since 1979 until now to get an idea of the cancer.

Still as obsessed about Arab affairs as ever before. I know that they think that they are Arabs as well but someone has to tell them that this is not the case. URGENTLY.

36 years of nonsense in the GCC has exactly changed nothing. It's time for those Mullah's and their supporters to realize once and for all that all their attempts are futile and will be just that.
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I cannot understand this widespread enmity towards Iran from ME countries as well as even my own country, the USA, though the latter seems to be going towards an amicable state (hopefully). Of all the ME countries, Iran is the one with deep cultural and progressive history. Even though the Khomeni junta was a disaster, Iran has tried and accomplished a good turnaround since his passing away. Iranians are not religious zealots or prone extremism. I've seen a higher proportion of students from Iran excel in advanced studies....

The gist of it being, the world needs countries like Iran taking the leadership of the otherwise chaotic bordering on barbaric islamic world! Cultivating and engaging with Iran has a much better peace dividend than others.
and you next you complain about the mullah virus in Iran but who brought this virus to began with in iran and the rest of the world in the 7th century??

You're barking up the wrong tree here, take your islamophbia and shove it up your behind. The virus started when the Savids took over Iran.
True, the Mullah virus in Iran needs to be exterminated, it's the only solution to the Middle East problems.

Boy if you had the balls to do anything like that you would start by liberating your own land occupied by Spain to this day.... An island 100 meters from your coast.. but you don't even have the courage to go on it... The weakest military in Europe will shoo you away like a bunch of cockroaches.... You and your kind are a cowardly bunch that are good at stabbing from the back and taking advantage of other people's weakness and distress
I cannot understand this widespread enmity towards Iran from ME countries as well as even my own country, the USA, though the latter seems to be going towards an amicable state (hopefully). Of all the ME countries, Iran is the one with deep cultural and progressive history. Even though the Khomeni junta was a disaster, Iran has tried and accomplished a good turnaround since his passing away. Iranians are not religious zealots or prone extremism. I've seen a higher proportion of students from Iran excel in advanced studies....

The gist of it being, the world needs countries like Iran taking the leadership of the otherwise chaotic bordering on barbaric islamic world! Cultivating and engaging with Iran has a much better peace dividend than others.

You'll understand the enmity from all the countries in the ME towards the mullah state once you start living next to them and get exposed to their terror.
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