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Bahawalpur : College Professor Brutally Murdered By His Student

Sir all rulers were not same similarly many acts were need of time, as we all know Mughal rulers were mix of good and bad. Sultan Altamash, Qutbudin Aibak, Ghauri and Aurangzeb are heroes for many.
True but it was intended for a member who was using one brush stroke for all. There was as you pointed out good, the bad and ugly.

My favorites Ayub khan and Zia ul haq
Mine, Ayub Khan, Ataturk, Salaudin, Shah Abdali, Sher Shah Suri.
These are not ordinary parties they involve drinking and other obscure acts and indian songs.We are facing poverty and tough economic conditions professors are wasting money of nation in parties

Just shows how you never been to any school before. Yes he was listening to songs lets just kill the guy then ? Pakistan has no shortage of jahil awam like you

The code of conduct should be there both for teachers and students in educational institutions, though I am not regular in my prayers yet can openly say that in the name of modernization vulgarity has been spread in our country over the years. What happens in Unis in the name of parties every one knows who has some educational background. Our Unis are full of Charsi and Alcaholics but we are against Mullahs only. The boy perhaps has some mental issues as often such acts described by Western masters of many here. We accept when Jihad teachings are deleted from Islamiat books but when we get any chance to criticize religion or Mullah we are on front seat blindly. The vulgar language used here for Mullah should also be openly used for powers who used and abused this Mullah for their own motives.

You cannot justify killing somebody just because somebody is charsi or drunk.
Look here I'm surrounded by highly intellects on this forum
But I saw documentary basic problem with madrassa strating from Lal masjid operation.
Most of madrassa students are given away by parents due to lack of food at home.
They urge their kids to have Islamic education. Study Quran and those institutions give students free bread to eat.
This unburden the parents from one meal per kid.
Those illetrate kids when grow up
They see culture diversity and are failed in coping up with social needs.
To secure their insecurity among the culture.
They live in groups and connect themselves to one sources those big fat rich ones.
Like molana diesel etc they use those students for political reasons.
They do not have basic knowledge of how n what.
Imran khan knows this v well
He was eager to give formal education to those madrassa poor kids
But this mess is on furnace due to international pressure
They are citizen like u n me
They die in those incidents
Their leaders are well protected
Seed is their leadership
Not students.
State must imprison those mulla leaders and educate the madrassa with formal education
True but it was intended for a member who was using one brush stroke for all. There was as you pointed out good, the bad and ugly.

Mine, Ayub Khan, Ataturk, Salaudin, Shah Abdali, Sher Shah Suri.

Sir there are serious issues in our society where even middle class people are proud that their children are fluent in English no matter how much they are weak in using their Mother tongue or National language. Children do not know basics of their religion so when they try to get knowledge of their religion become easy prey for sectarian vultures. ISIS also recruited many in this way.
Do u remember molana Abdul aziz aka molana burka in Lal masjid
He got away from all his crime.
No gov arrested him
N his minnions are ones who were effected died injured those mannequins.
Sir. Being religious is not bad.
But political means through religion is great sin.
Just shows how you never been to any school before. Yes he was listening to songs lets just kill the guy then ? Pakistan has no shortage of jahil awam like you

You cannot justify killing somebody just because somebody is charsi or drunk.

For Allah's sake please do not get wrong message from my words but it is a fact that most of times nothing serious happens when any instance especially of religious nature is reported in Unis even sex offenders have safe heavens in Unis.
One step forward
Three steps back

For those trolls downplaying this atrocity, this is the second murder of a teacher by a student in 12 months for these prompt-up religious reasons.

Just last year someone killed his teacher in Nowshera because he wouldn't give him leave to attend the TLP sit-in.

Unfortunately in the coming decades we will loose many good men and women because of these lowlifes who enjoy the silent encouragement of segments of our society.

Pakistan is a good 20-30 years away from eliminating violent extremist behaviour.
For Allah's sake please do not get wrong message from my words but it is a fact that most of times nothing serious happens when any instance especially of religious nature is reported in Unis even sex offenders have safe heavens in Unis.

There is something wrong with you. This was a professor that wanted to welcome new students . Where are you getting the sex offender thing from?

If you dont like a party dont go to it simple.
There is something wrong with you. This was a professor that wanted to welcome new students . Where are you getting the sex offender thing from?

If you dont like a party dont go to it simple.
We condemn this. He should have reported police or media like Sare.e.aam team
If something was fishy in the party.
Killing someone is great sin.
It's state authority to punish crime ...
Lack of education lack of awareness plays big role in brainwashing youth.
One step forward
Three steps back

For those trolls downplaying this atrocity, this is the second murder of a teacher by a student in 12 months for these prompt-up religious reasons.

Just last year someone killed his teacher in Nowshera because he wouldn't give him leave to attend the TLP sit-in.

Unfortunately in the coming decades we will loose many good men and women because of these lowlifes who enjoy the silent encouragement of segments of our society.

Pakistan is a good 20-30 years away from eliminating violent extremist behaviour.

Retarded low IQ Religious nut-jobs need sterIisation ASAP. Burn them all live.
Nor harm us. Do they looted our money our resources?. We have bigger problems yet to be solved. We need a very good and effective system to run our country

Suicide bombings, creating an inferiority complex ridden segment of society, nurturing brain dead mob mentality, aps, Mehran base - - - - - - - sucking up to every other loud mouth Tom dick and Harry at the expense of the state . Would you like your kid to turn into a mullah or a uni graduate ?
My dad is now on dialysis and at 86 is slowly fading. We are in process of now sorting out our estate. The share in UK is easily resolved but my dad invested massively in steerling foreign currency accounts in Pakistan ~ over £300,000 in early 1990s. We are having problems with that. Even more problematic is the land in our village. Our relatives have slowly moved on it and sliced/diced plots to grab. My mum and brothers are of the view that we should just let it go but only yesterday in a meeting I told them 'No'. If I have to go grab a Ak-47 and do a trial by fire I will. Last time I was there I had two set of cousins using guns on each other. But it's the principle that counts. This is creating lot of friction in the extended family and bringing out old grudges. But I guess this is how it is.
Mate, take your mum and brother's advice. You have a good life in the West, it's not worth the hassle. Just thank God every day that you don't have to live amongst the ungrateful retards.
I do.

One reason of this killing is release of asia bibi by sc as boy told to police that professor has been speaking against Islam for many times and he decided to kill him as courts release those who comit Blasphemy so he took law in his own hand .It is due to failure of judiciary
Who gives him the right to be judge, jury and executioner?
Does Islam give any individual the right to take a life on the pretext of offending against Islam?

What exactly is your culture? Or moral values? Liberal? So now giving a welcome party to new students is liberalism? Do you even know what being a liberal means ? There is orientation and campus tour for new students. Tell me exactly how exactly is that "liberal". People like you are the problem in PK
Anyone who doesn't have a beard, doesn't wear a jubba, doesn't believe that all persons should either become Muslim or be killed, is well educated, believes in progress and believes in live and let live is a liberal.
This list is not exhaustive.

Retarded low IQ Religious nut-jobs need sterIisation ASAP. Burn them all live.
These are the real enemies of the Muslim peoples. Get rid of them and their mentality and the Muslims will once again flourish.
They're like a millstone around the neck of a thoroughbred racehorse.
The only problem is they think they are the racehorse.
Horrible incident - this student is not right in the head, or somebody misguided him.

Teachers are honored in Islam, and it is better to have a conversation with them; chances are that they know better, and will guide you better.

This reads like a definition of secularism -

"You may belong to any religion, caste or creed, that has nothing to do with the business of the state"

Islam support inter-religious tolerance and/or the fundamental rights of minorities.

The bottom statement suggest that the state has nothing to do with the religion, caste or creed of the minorities. Holistically, Quaid-e-Azm voiced his preference for practices compatible with Islamic teachings.
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The war on terror was never a military front war but a war to he fought in the mind of the populace. We see the crazed extremist killing people and proudly claiming it and we can see how badly we are loosing this war and how much more is required. This boy did not just kill somebody but declared him a blasphemer and claimed justification of his actions....

Putting aside the religion vs irreligion argument what is the value of life in Pakistan? That anybody can be killed so easily like this? Is this the value of life in Pakistan?

Now to extremism. The question is how has extremism penetrated so deep into our society? Why is there such a constant uphill battle? Let me tell you the reason.

Our books teach us extremism.
Social media accounts and Facebook openly propogate extremism
Our very mosques that were supporting the shit rizvi and calling state infidel when Asia bibi was released, they spread extremism.

We have done nothing to combat them. Nothing and we are walking here as if everything is alright. It is not.

Those that are justifying it or blaming state should be banned from this site bcz you are helping them spread the extremist narrative by providing them a platform.

The only way is to crush their voice, make your voice louder and stand united against these extremists so that we can crush this spreading devil once and for all.

I don't just condemn his action. I want him to get a hanging as a reminder once more for ashiqs what their fate is of taking innocent lives and breaking the law.

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