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Bad conditions for Muslims in India

Not diverting attention just stating the facts.
Baluchistan problem can't only be solve by creating dividing Baluchistan in to 4 smaller provinces or super districts, removing these worthless tribal leaders, improve the condition of Balochi by providing them with basic necessities, clean water and electricity.

Which is a diversion, because that is what not only muslims in india but a good portion of indian population lacks. The overall picture of muslims in india is worse by some margin than Pakistan's.
Pakistan need to catch up India in many field, medical, engineering, computer science.
India's educational system is very good, especially in computer science & engineering.... Schools in India teaching database course in 10 grade and C, C++ in 11th grade. Pakistan is 10 years behind India in both secular and religious education. India has the oldest and most famous Darul Uloom Deoband yet there is no Islamic extremist and suicide bomber in India.

SIMI would disagree with that.

Additionally, you are trying to divert topic here. Nevermind your lack of knowledge about Pakistan's education system. Do not try to go off-topic. It's a famous indian ploy.
SIMI would disagree with that.

Additionally, you are trying to divert topic here. Nevermind your lack of knowledge about Pakistan's education system. Do not try to go off-topic. It's a famous indian ploy.

Oh! I never knew Indian Muslim requesting neighbor country for asylum because of their sorry state of leaving conditions in India.
How many more thread do we have open about it to make you guys feel better???
SIMI would disagree with that.

Additionally, you are trying to divert topic here. Nevermind your lack of knowledge about Pakistan's education system. Do not try to go off-topic. It's a famous indian ploy.

We are not Pakistani to have proof and not show it. That is not taught in Indian education system.

Indian Muslim community overall is behind unfortunately because the Muslim couple seem to have large number of kids and relative backwardness when it comes to education. The same topic had been talked in depth before. If I had seen the topic, you being an older member here should have certainly seen it.

The Indian commission that drew the conclusion also discovered Indian Christians were most advanced group followed by Jainists and Bhuddhists, Hindus and then followed Muslims. The report had also noted the variation in Muslim income was about 5% when compared to Hindu population.

India's GDP / capita on PPP terms : 2972$
So, an Indian Muslim would earn : 2823$

Pakistan's GDP/capita on PPP terms: 2644$

Mind you, these numbers are from 2008. In 2009, Indian economy has grown somewhere between 6.5-7%, whereas Pakistan economy has grown between 1-2%. So against the difference has increased.

An Indian Muslim is far better living in India economically speaking than living in Pakistan besides having friendly TTP.
Majority of Muslim in India are very poor but Muslim in major cities are more educated and more religious then Muslim in Pakistan.
I have been to Pakistani wedding. I couldn't tell if it was Muslim or Hindu wedding. I was waiting for the groom and the bride circling the fire seven times but that didn't happen. At the end they brought the Quran and put it on the head of bride (Bhagwad Gita book is also used in Hindu wedding). The person holding the Quran didn't make wadu, in fact he looked like he never went to Masjid in his life.
The wedding was against the Islam and sunnah of Rasulallah (s.a.w).

Its amazing, living in Pakistan 30 years, I never saw such a wedding where the groom and bride got married without Nikkah. Not only that, there is not a single Pakistani person on this forum ever saw such a Muslim wed without Nikah (Process of Islamic wed).
I believe that u went some where else, may be in neighbour country. In Nikkah process, u get registered. without that Nikkah certificate u cannot move with a girl as she is ur wife. if u found suspect....police will straight put both of u in Jail and u might get punish. so my dear dont throw hanky phanky. :no:

Pakistan need to catch up India in many field, medical, engineering, computer science.
India's educational system is very good, especially in computer science & engineering.... Schools in India teaching database course in 10 grade and C, C++ in 11th grade. Pakistan is 10 years behind India in both secular and religious education. India has the oldest and most famous Darul Uloom Deoband yet there is no Islamic extremist and suicide bomber in India.

And by profession, I am senior software engineer. Working experience more then 5 years in different organization which were not less then CMMI Level 2 (I hope u know CMMI). So ur another mis-conception about Pakistan software Industry over.

I worked for the companies whose clients were IBM, DELL and number of other reputed companies and thier business setups are in USA, UK, Canada, Dubai etc.

One more thing there are more then 5000 Software Industries working in Pakistan and almost more then 70% have western or American clients.

Now coming to Engieering, Pakistan is not that far from India. I worked in Decon Engineering Limited, which is an International company, their portfolio services are consruction, Manufacturing etc
They have their business areas are in Middle east and strong holds in Abu-Dabi, KSA, Dbai, Kowait and they were opening another setup in London when I was leaving company. In my tunior over there I saw Descon won number of bids in dubai & abu dabi against their tough Indian competetors......I worked their to implment ERP.

Reference:- Descon website

Now, coming to other Engineering comp, I will give u a reference of the detailed list of Engineering and non engineering companies, that help u in future reference.

Reference : List of Pakistan Engineering and non engineering companies
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Not diverting attention just stating the facts.
Baluchistan problem can't only be solve by creating dividing Baluchistan in to 4 smaller provinces or super districts, removing these worthless tribal leaders, improve the condition of Balochi by providing them with basic necessities, clean water and electricity.

Dont get pannic, they are getting all basic things, there issue is something else which u dont know. I had my number of class mates came from Queta.
Most of them are now in their professional circles, few moved abroad for higher studies.
Few months ago, in my "HOME COMING ALUMNAI MEETING" from my University I met with them and found that there are few Indian aidded people creating problems but they are controlled by FC. And local people have no such complains.

They only want development projects like Gawadar port etc which ofcourse ever ignored.

Now stay at the topic on mesiribel condition of Muslims in India
We are not Pakistani to have proof and not show it. That is not taught in Indian education system.

Indian Muslim community overall is behind unfortunately because the Muslim couple seem to have large number of kids and relative backwardness when it comes to education. The same topic had been talked in depth before. If I had seen the topic, you being an older member here should have certainly seen it.

The Indian commission that drew the conclusion also discovered Indian Christians were most advanced group followed by Jainists and Bhuddhists, Hindus and then followed Muslims. The report had also noted the variation in Muslim income was about 5% when compared to Hindu population.

India's GDP / capita on PPP terms : 2972$
So, an Indian Muslim would earn : 2823$

Pakistan's GDP/capita on PPP terms: 2644$

Mind you, these numbers are from 2008. In 2009, Indian economy has grown somewhere between 6.5-7%, whereas Pakistan economy has grown between 1-2%. So against the difference has increased.

An Indian Muslim is far better living in India economically speaking than living in Pakistan besides having friendly TTP.

Burn ur economy states, if people living like that





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Burn ur economy states, if people living like that





other way of looking at it is.. work in progress. there is hope for these people to be lifted out of pverty. But in your country, these kind of people have only 1 hope , blow themselves up in a mosque or get killed by indian forces. LOL.
Its amazing, living in Pakistan 30 years, I never saw such a wedding where the groom and bride got married without Nikkah. Not only that, there is not a single Pakistani person on this forum ever saw such a Muslim wed without Nikah (Process of Islamic wed).
I believe that u went some where else, may be in neighbour country. In Nikkah process, u get registered. without that Nikkah certificate u cannot move with a girl as she is ur wife. if u found suspect....police will straight put both of u in Jail and u might get punish. so my dear dont throw hanky phanky. :no:

And by profession, I am senior software engineer. Working experience more then 5 years in different organization which were not less then CMMI Level 2 (I hope u know CMMI). So ur another mis-conception about Pakistan software Industry over.

I worked for the companies whose clients were IBM, DELL and number of other reputed companies and thier business setups are in USA, UK, Canada, Dubai etc.

One more thing there are more then 5000 Software Industries working in Pakistan and almost more then 70% have western or American clients.

Now coming to Engieering, Pakistan is not that far from India. I worked in Decon Engineering Limited, which is an International company, their portfolio services are consruction, Manufacturing etc
They have their business areas are in Middle east and strong holds in Abu-Dabi, KSA, Dbai, Kowait and they were opening another setup in London when I was leaving company. In my tunior over there I saw Descon won number of bids in dubai & abu dabi against their tough Indian competetors......I worked their to implment ERP.

Reference:- Descon website

Now, coming to other Engineering comp, I will give u a reference of the detailed list of Engineering and non engineering companies, that help u in future reference.

Reference : List of Pakistan Engineering and non engineering companies


I didn't say that Pakistan wedding didn't have Nikah, other then nikah every rasam/rituals (Mangni, Mayoon or Mayun, Dholki, Mehndi/Rasm-e-Henna, Rukhsati, Mooh Dikhai/ Arsi Masshaf) was from Hindu tradition (nothing from Quran & sunah). It is ironic that Pakistani hate Hindus yet their (Pakistani) life style is no different then Hindus, their culture, weddings pretty much the same. Their love for Indian movies, bollywood actresses. Unlike Pakistan, Muslim wedding in India doesn't include Hindu rituals, maybe in Hyderabadi wedding.

As far as education is concerned, India over all education system (Pre-K to university, bachelor, master and PHD level) is still better then Pakistan. Pakistan university just started offering PHD degree. How many people have PHD degree in Pakistan?

Have you seen the condition in interior Sindh? Wadaras don't want people to get educated in Interior Sindh. School buildings are their but they are used for something else.

In rural areas of Sindh most of the schools are one teacher schools with 40-80 children in a class, Teacher have to teach 5 classes at a time. Pakistan literacy ratio in rural areas is 56 % and in Sindh province literacy ratio is only 38 % and female education ratio is only 18%. About 7000 schools are closed or these are ghost schools. Students' dropout ratio at primary level is 31%, after primary education (after 5th class) is 46.30% after middle (8th class) is 39.60% and after secondary (10th class) is 36.44%.This situation shows that talented poor children cannot continue their education only because of poverty and non availability of educational facilities in the area.
Educate Sindh School | Facebook

"It's not unusual in Pakistan to hear of public schools that receive no books, no supplies, and no subsidies from the government. Thousands more are 'ghost schools' that exist only on paper, to line the pockets of phantom teachers and administrators." ”

--National Geographic: Struggle for the Soul of Pakistan, Don Belt[14]

I am glad that Pakistan is catching up to India. Pakistan population of 170+ millions at least need 25-30 university at same or better level as National University of Science and Technology. Pakistan needs 5,000 colleges - Universities from Technical, Engineering, Agriculture, IT field. Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology just started 10 years ago, whole first batch from 1998 is now in USA because of lack of jobs in Pakistan. I know few guys working for Verizon & AT&T.

Pakistan has the opportunity to get most of the IT helpdesk/NOC business from India because of better English accent then South Indians.

Pakistan needs to follow South Korea, Sweden, Finland education system, educate the masses, especially interior Sindh, southern Punjab, NWFP and northern area.
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India's GDP / capita on PPP terms : 2972$
So, an Indian Muslim would earn : 2823$

Pakistan's GDP/capita on PPP terms: 2644$

Mind you, these numbers are from 2008. In 2009, Indian economy has grown somewhere between 6.5-7%, whereas Pakistan economy has grown between 1-2%. So against the difference has increased.

An Indian Muslim is far better living in India economically speaking than living in Pakistan besides having friendly TTP.

LMFAO. A few things.

1. Indian government itself said that the majority of indian muslims lived in poverty - even by indian standards. I do not have the article but I remember reading this somewhere distinctly.

2. Per capita figure is barely a measure for poverty because of out liers. If india's overall Per Capita figure is higher, why is more proportion of indian population is in poverty? 800 million indians live on 50 cents or less a day. The problem is that the really rich get counted here, and they bring up these numbers.

Pakistani muslims have always lived in better conditions - even today in fact - due to more evenly distributed wealth and better conditions regarding poverty.

Yes, they are probably better living in india because they have job and everything there. But an average indian muslims is quite far behind in terms of living conditions.

Now of course you will talk about TTP, but let's not forget indian state sanctioned terrorism against muslims, ala BJP, Shiv Sena, RSS, VHP, and indian army itself in Kashmir.

I didn't say that Pakistan wedding didn't have Nikah, other then nikah every rasam/rituals (Mangni, Mayoon or Mayun, Dholki, Mehndi/Rasm-e-Henna, Rukhsati, Mooh Dikhai/ Arsi Masshaf) was from Hindu tradition (nothing from Quran & sunah). It is ironic that Pakistani hate Hindus yet their (Pakistani) life style is no different then Hindus, their culture, weddings pretty much the same. Their love for Indian movies, bollywood actresses. Unlike Pakistan, Muslim wedding in India doesn't include Hindu rituals, maybe in Hyderabadi wedding.

First: Pakistani don't hate Hindus and from which world are you from. Our Hindu just made us prude by taking most wickets being a Pakistani spinner.

Second: Its mughal culture which is part of Pakistan as much as Indians so why not the marriages being the same and we don't follow Arab culture.

Amir Khusrau wrote wedding songs etc so we follow same wedding culture from Mughal time.
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So ultimately what is the aim of this topic??

Create a feeling in indian muslims that pakistan is better than india??

what r u mr.ahsan...??

a LeT recriuter..??

there r poor ppl from every religion in india..

u want to know abt success stories abt indian muslims..

ever heard abt Abdul kalam...???

born in a poor family from in a small fishing village in tamil nadu..
went on to become one of the greatest presidents of india..

what was he??a muslim or hindu??
what r u mr.ahsan...??

a LeT recriuter..??


there r poor ppl from every religion in india..

Yes, but muslims have the highest proportion living in **** conditions.

u want to know abt success stories abt indian muslims..

ever heard abt Abdul kalam...???

born in a poor family from in a small fishing village in tamil nadu..
went on to become one of the greatest presidents of india..

what was he??a muslim or hindu??

You're talking about an outlier here. You need to look at the big picture rather looking at a few instances from it to suit your needs.
other way of looking at it is.. work in progress. there is hope for these people to be lifted out of pverty. But in your country, these kind of people have only 1 hope , blow themselves up in a mosque or get killed by indian forces. LOL.

I think its not right to , make fun of unfortunate ppl with images its really is sad situation for these folks - may their problems be solved , every human deserves dignity and honourable life

Babri Masjid was very sad incident in indian history perhaps bigger them mumbai attacks

One of the major ticking human desasters in India is their cast system

They do every thing based on cast of a person, cast comes into factor in education
universities , army , and navy ....

A lower cast person , cannot get educated , so they can't earn as much as the higher cast ppl . Also a lower cast person sometimes cannot get into universities and get higer paying jobs

How can a lower cast person , who makes 5 rupees a day , send his children to rich schools India ?? Where it costs 1000 rupee / day etc or more

So the divide keep growning , I mean for example , Indian IT sector , its on part with the US or Europen now , but you go 3 blocks away and you have slums of poverty

Places where ppl dig thru ***** daily to make aliving and that is sad sad sad situation

Indian farmers , are also suffering , all the cash is going to weapnry , and building navies and airforce ? - while the farmers are struggling lcoally

This is why there have tension in Assan area where ppl are fed up , Kashmir was never Indian part to begin with but even other places are getting tired of the discrimiation

All the money is going to the SUPER RICH high class provinces/states in India

So there is a huge internal problem they have probbly 10 times bigger then anything they faced in war

Not to mention their population keeps expanding and they cannot sustain thing , and all it takes is 1-2 groups in india to declare , enough is enough and next thing you know Nuclear , weapons are at risk in India
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