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Babri Masjid Case Ruling Today

You're being sarcastic right?

If not then you're as bad as the zaid hamid types

One more Congress governed NCERT educated types where in the History books Mughals are glorified, whereas the truth is Mughal rule was the darkest period of India.

If you do not belive me then before typing kindly use GOOGLE
Isn't the division amongst all three parties the most equitable solution?

If the ASI says that the structure was a Mandir pre-mosque, and awards them the central part, then that seems a fair compromise.

Please jump in and correct me if I'm wrong, as I'm no expert on this festering dispute.

On a positive note, no outbreaks of violence or protest yet. Hope it stays that way.

Agree with you, you are right. The judgement summary has been posted above by some posters including me. This is indeed the most equitable solution.
I did read and we will ever never disown Taj Mahal since it was a hindu temple not some shahjahan mumtaj mahal **** stuff.

Secondly you should Google and find out answers before typing

this is what judges said.
yeah they are judges first then any thing else
however those bigots who think they are hindu or muslim first are free to draw their own conclusion
this is by Hon'ble Sibghat Ullah Khan ,J.

This is by Hon'ble Dharam Veer Sharma,


this is by Hon'ble Sudhir Agarwal, J.
One more Congress governed NCERT educated types where in the History books Mughals are glorified, whereas the truth is Mughal rule was the darkest period of India.

If you do not belive me then before typing kindly use GOOGLE

As opposed to VHP varieties they are like baby seals.
More like democracySTFU :lol:

why should I ???? Oh wait a sec now i know, you guys have zero knowledge about Indian History.
If want to argue kindly argue in a more civilised way saying STFU wont help kiddos
An informative and simple timeline on the issue I've just read:

The Times of India

Might help fellow members like me who aren't so well versed in this issue.
Who is this Nirmohi Akhara.
How came they got the 1/3rd land.
What was their claim and upon what base?
Based on your posts about this topic, it does not seem that you understand what happened today. You are not able to read a simple summary of a court judgement and understand it. You are again and again typing lies about the judgement.

By the way, you also need to go further back to understand the verdict fully. '1992 and today' will not do.

i'm not answerable to you on what i know or dont know about this issue.. mind u i know more than u do, so stop b!tching around with me Mr. Clown .. the fact is u people came up with this verdict jus to satisfy ur lust of demolishing all Masjids... i bet it will open door for more masjids being claimed by hindus & same verdicts...... :blah::blah: ...
Well the judges played safe but at the cost to logic.

Dividing the land by 1/3 is ok, but its a victory for the Hindu right as they get 2/3 of a land which they had no control over. I think the biggest folly of the judgement is to accept that the idols placed in '49 can stay. One cant just keep idols in a place and say its now a temple. And if we start going by the logic of Masjids being built on temple ruins then are we going to dig up all mosques in India and check to see if there was a temple underneath?

There's no point rectifying historical wrongs.

A better post at last.

:rofl: before you start your bollywood drama please go back and read what i replied to and to who! it wasn't you!!

so save your drama please! :disagree:

Dude why should I..?

You were talking something against India and Hindus and I as a Indian and a Hindu can very well reply to that.Is there any forum rule restricting that.?
Dudes this is a very very very serious issue....please dont indulge in mud throwing contest......I dont think it is an ideal judgement.....but this is the best possible compromise......will see more details and post soon......

An informative and simple timeline on the issue I've just read:

The Times of India

Might help fellow members like me who aren't so well versed in this issue.

dude if i were u i would not read TOI for information on any sensitive issue.
it'a a tabloid
For all practical purposes, this is like a judge giving equal child rights to a divorced couple. Am just glad it is all over.
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