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Babbar Khalsa taking ISI aid

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Jul 16, 2012
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Babbar Khalsa taking ISI aid to revive sleeper cells

The National Investigation Agency has found
credible information which confirms that
Babbar Khalsa International, which
incidentally is the prime suspect behind the
attack on Lt. Gen. K.S. Brar in London a
week ago, continues to get “active support”
from Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence,
which is helping the outfit to send funds into
India to revive militancy in Punjab.
NIA investigations have found that these
funds are being sent primarily through
Britain, Thailand and Malaysia using the ISI’s
hawala network, which is active in these

The National Investigati-on Agency had
registered a case against the BKI in August
this year following a tipoff that the terror
outfit had once again activated its funding
network to send money to its cadre in India.
NIA sources confirmed that BKI still has a
large network of sleeper cells across Punjab.
These sleeper cells could not be activated
over the past few years as the terror group
did not have funds. But now, the sources
added, the BKI’s two top leaders, Wadhwa
Singh and Mehal Singh, were making a
“determined effort” to revive the 1980s-style
militancy in Punjab.

Both Wadhwa Singh and Mehal Singh were
believed to be in Pakistan recently, are also
learnt to have made some trips to Germany,
where too the BKI is said to have a large
network of sympathisers, in order to raise
funds for the organisation. Intelligence
officials have told the NIA that in Pakistan
Wadhwa Singh and Mehal Singh had regular
meetings with top ISI officials, who have
pledged full support to them.

Another link :

ISI in bid to raise Khalistan funds
As of now and for past many many years, no militancy has returned to Punjab, God forbid when it does, then talk about ISI, till then, would be fine if Indian sources drag in ISI in yet another internal issue of India.
Good move ISI, since that B---- BB sold them out we didn't have many assets in indian Punjab. time to payback for Baluchistan....
what you sow, so shall you reap.
Good move ISI, since that B---- BB sold them out we didn't have many assets in indian Punjab. time to payback for Baluchistan....
what you sow, so shall you reap.

This futile attempt of reviving Khalistan separatist movement is going on since last two decades. :laugh:
Don't forget it was Pakistan who helped india overcome that in the first place, will see how you succeed this time :no:

This futile attempt of reviving Khalistan separatist movement is going on since last two decades. :laugh:
I will take simmering any day over exploding as is the case in our western neighborhood.. ;)

And I really dont believe ISI will play any role here.. They have their hands full right now in KP, Balochistan and Sindh trying to keep Pakistan together...

Then again we often hear cracks and bangs in Manipur, Assam and IOK areas.
Rest assured Pakistan is no where near imploding, but one does feel sorry for the deluded citizens to our east who if anything are often disappointed victims of their own mad dog media.
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