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Baba ramdev arrested....supporters attacked

The fake secularism is killing the country and in turn paving the way for greater intolerance.

If he was nt a hindu swami i wud gues mostly everything will be alright.
the basic problem a lot of people have is him wearing saffron.

But justufy this with all the weird things.

not only wearing saffron but also regular chanting of hindu mantras & bhajans plus there were many sadhus there. this type of environment has negative effect on minorities & seculars.
India with close to 100 Bn Hindus can have parties like Muslim league and MIM but any one wearing saffron will have to suffer. This is crux of secularism in our beloved country.
India with close to 100 Bn Hindus can have parties like Muslim league and MIM but any one wearing saffron will have to suffer. This is crux of secularism in our beloved country.

What has secularism got to do with it?

If tommorow an Aerobics mullah or a Kungfu priest decides to come to road with thousands of his followers and start disrupting the daily affairs, the same treatment must be given.Period.
I have all the collected info's.

Wanna see?

Baba Ramdev's Patanjali Yogpeeth - India Today

and so it proves that he owns all the wealth and also its all illegal and he also has got black money???? do u thin GOI is a fool....haven't they done more enquiries than you???? Dogvijay singh nd the govt hs no othr optn bt hurl insults and baseless comments on baba because they just cant prove that baba is corrupt
What has secularism got to do with it?

If tommorow an Aerobics mullah or a Kungfu priest decides to come to road with thousands of his followers and start disrupting the daily affairs, the same treatment must be given.Period.

Its tough for you to understand because (my be ) u r other side of this.

every year on some religious festival people gather on road blocking traffic and heavily loaded with arms. No one can stop them. I am telling again if he was not a Swami in Saffron things wud have been mostly fine. It was not violent. People were being screened for arms. But its uncomfortable on eyes to see so much of saffron stuff.
The agitation and fast had a specific set of demands that are rational and possible to execute.

1. Black money in tax havens to be considered as national asset.
2. Policies to be made to bring back the money
3. People who do such crimes to be punished severely

Without knowing what the demands are please refrain from considering everyone other than your family to be foolish.
Do u know his other demands .

Stop the usage of 500 and 1000 notes .

He also said that other languages except English should be thot in Colleges

What all these demands have to do with corruption and black money .
Plz dont think other ppl are dumb like u
And stop quoting half of demands which follows u r agenda .
and so it proves that he owns all the wealth and also its all illegal and he also has got black money???? do u thin GOI is a fool....haven't they done more enquiries than you???? Dogvijay singh nd the govt hs no othr optn bt hurl insults and baseless comments on baba because they just cant prove that baba is corrupt

He is not corrupt? How do you define corruption?

He gets his money from abroad, then invests in other businesses get more money out of it , used it for good popularity through media, used it to get a fan following including you likes, got people to go with him to delhi and get some popularity by risking people's life.

Baseless comments? Are you guys the new version of Indian Taliban, who rejects everything that they dont like or any critisism against them and anyone standing against them be termed as a traitor, fanatic, secular . haha.

Hindusim is the most tolerant religion in the world. A few loonatics with money in kitty is taking to streets, badly influencing the common men and just like Pakistanis accuse everything on CIA,RAW blah blahs, you guys have started Italian Mafia blah blah blahs..

Welcome to the transformed India.
i am glad the dhongi baba was kicked out . all he wanted is political mileage .
Do u know his other demands .

Stop the usage of 500 and 1000 notes .

He also said that other languages except English should be thot in English .

What all these demands have to do with corruption and black money .
Plz dont think other ppl are dumb like u
And stop quoting half of demands which follows u r agenda .

For denomination part u shuld use google to educate urself why its usefull. for English part u are twisting the fact.

3.2. On the language issue the whole nation is suffering because 99% of people do not know English. When countries like Japan, China, France, Germany, Denmark, Russia, etc. educate their citizens in their own language and produce doctors, scientists, engineers, etc. then why we cannot do so in our own national and native languages. Each of our languages has more words than any foreign language. Why we are neglecting and giving such a low importance to our own languages. Technological innovations and inventions do not depend upon a language, it is a function of human intellect and mind and the world is a witness that Bhartiya’s thinking and mind is one of the best in the world. Language of law, justice, science, engineering, medicine, etc. should be in our national or regional languages then only smart kids of poor people will be able to become scientists, doctors and engineers.
Do u know his other demands .

Stop the usage of 500 and 1000 notes .

He also said that other languages except English should be thot in English .

What all these demands have to do with corruption and black money .
Plz dont think other ppl are dumb like u
And stop quoting half of demands which follows u r agenda .

most of the bribe paid in 500 and 1000 rs notes..

if you have any knowledge about languages issues then you should be doing some reserach about TN politics , the short sighted nehru try to impose hindi as working languages there and eventually leads to divide the country into north and south india , the bas blood that he ctrated still not cleared..

both the demands are in wider intrest of the country ..
He is not corrupt? How do you define corruption?

He gets his money from abroad, then invests in other businesses get more money out of it , used it for good popularity through media, used it to get a fan following including you likes, got people to go with him to delhi and get some popularity by risking people's life.

Baseless comments? Are you guys the new version of Indian Taliban, who rejects everything that they dont like or any critisism against them and anyone standing against them be termed as a traitor, fanatic, secular . haha.

Hindusim is the most tolerant religion in the world. A few loonatics with money in kitty is taking to streets, badly influencing the common men and just like Pakistanis accuse everything on CIA,RAW blah blahs, you guys have started Italian Mafia blah blah blahs..

Welcome to the transformed India.

Current central CONgress govt has the IT department/other agencies at its desposal to probe anything it wants. Whats not required is barking on the street like DOG Vijay singh.
most of the bribe paid in 500 and 1000 rs notes..

if you have any knowledge about languages issues then you should be doing some reserach about TN politics , the short sighted nehru try to impose hindi as working languages there and eventually leads to divide the country into north and south india , the bas blood that he ctrated still not cleared..

both the demands are in wider intrest of the country ..

Bribes of multi crore rupees may not be paid in cash. You are hurting genuine business by banning 500 and 1000 rs notes.
Also, there will be extra cost of printing 100 rs notes.
What is the language demand, can anybody explain. This is getting funnier.
out of all this scene one thing is for sure that baba got what he needed desperately for last few months, popularity & support of common people. before this scene many ppl were not supporting baba even media was raising questions abt baba's dharna. but now it seems besides congress everybody is with him.
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