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Baba Ramdeb threaten to arms traning to supporters .


Apr 24, 2007
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8 Jun, 2011, 06.15PM IST,PTI
Baba Ramdev threatens to arm supporters

HARIDWAR: While not favouring an "armed revolution", yoga guru Baba Ramdev Wednesday said he would arm his supporters if there was a repeat of the police crackdown that sent him packing from Delhi.

"We will build an army of 11,000 men and women," said Ramdev, whose fast against corruption entered the fifth day here.

Ramdev stressed that while he does not favour an armed rebellion, he would not allow security forces to act like they did at Delhi's Ramlila ground when they broke up a meeting attended by thousands of his supporters.

"Dedicated young men and women will be imparted 'sashtra' (vedic education) and 'sastra' (arms training)," he said.

"Twenty youth from each region (of the country) will come forward for the fight against corruption.

"These young people should be 35-40 years old. Not only men, young women must also join them. They must be dedicated, ready to make the ultimate sacrifice. They will be given arms training."
Ramdev threatens govt, will raise armed force
Agence France-Presse
New Delhi, June 08, 2011
First Published: 13:20 IST(8/6/2011)

Spiritual guru Baba Ramdev along with others sits during his 'fast unto death' against......

Baba Ramdev whose protest against corruption was crushed by police at the weekend warned on Wendesday of violence and threatened to train an army of 11,000 followers. Baba Ramdev issued the call-to-arms from his ashram near the holy town of Haridwar 130 miles (200 related stories
He and 50,000 supporters had gathered in Delhi to hold a hunger strike as part of a growing wave of dissent against the government's failure to tackle corruption.

But early on Sunday, police wielding sticks and firing tear gas broke up the protest in a surprise move that infuriated Ramdev's millions of followers and triggered sharp criticism of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Ramdev, whose popularity stems from his daily yoga shows on television, called for men and women to join his "army".

"They must be dedicated, ready to make the ultimate sacrifice," he said in remarks reported by television news channels. "They will be given arms training. We will build an army of 11,000 men and women."

His spokesman said that the force would have weapons but would act only in self-defence. He said that Ramdev was determined to stand up to police if they again attacked him or his supporters.

Corruption has become a major focus of public discontent in the country, and Ramdev's hunger strike - which he resumed on Monday - has piled further pressure on the government.

The main opposition party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), sought to tap into the anger, with leader of the opposition Sushma Swaraj on Wednesday travelling to met Ramdev in Haridwar.

Another hunger striker, veteran activist Anna Hazare, on Wednesday attracted thousands of people to a one-day demonstration in Delhi to protest against the police crackdown on Ramdev.
He has a huge supporter base and huge fortune so lets see what he can do against corruption .:police:
Our people are so desperate for a leader that they are supporting this illiterate, unstable weirdo. This is definitely a recipe for disaster.
No No BABA Ramdev this isnt your cup of Tea....

He willl loose 50 % of support base if he does so......... And congress is waiting for him to do such thing
Our people are so desperate for a leader that they are supporting this illiterate, unstable weirdo. This is definitely a recipe for disaster.

We are not supporting him but the cause and this statement has been condemned by the Civil society.
He is losing support I guess.

If he has lost support then how he dare to train 11000 supporter ? all those who support him and the general people who are tired of corruption may still pose a sympathy for him .
If he has lost support then how he dare to train 11000 supporter ? all those who support him and the general people who are tired of corruption may still pose a sympathy for him .

There is a difference in saying things and doing things ... If you understand Hindi there is one say... Garajne wale badal baraste nahi....
If he has lost support then how he dare to train 11000 supporter ? all those who support him and the general people who are tired of corruption may still pose a sympathy for him .

BDW he is not talking about training terrorists but protesters, so it should not worry anyone.
Emergence of Indian Taliban!

This is what happens when fame obsessed yoga gurus take up political issues and take on the system.

Dont worry he will shortly have his work cut out ... He is attemting to :hang2: himself
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