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'Azerbaijani people can see themselves as part of Iran only in a nightmare'

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Jul 15, 2012
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News.az reprints an interview with member of Milli Majlis, director of Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS, Professor Govhar Bakhshaliyeva.

Some Iranian lawmakers propose to "review the Treaty of Turkmenchay and include the land of the Azerbaijan Republic in the composition of this country". How can you comment on that from the point of view of history and international law?

The Turkmenchay treaty was concluded about 200 years ago and today it does not matter, and to raise this issue today, I believe, is more than unserious. Iranian parliamentarians need to do more serious problems facing Iran today.

Prior to the beginning of the 20th century, in Iran at the head of the state were Azerbaijani Turks for several centuries. In fact, it was a Turkic state. If you take the Safavid Empire, which included modern-day Iran, Shah Ismayil created it exactly as a Turkic state. We all know that the official language under Shah Ismayil was the Turkic language, that is Azerbaijani. He also at that time put an end to writing poems and stories in Persian poetry. So, I think that the Iranian MPs should open the history books of this period, and learn it once again.

Referring to the issue from the point of view of international law, I note that there is no reason for Iran's ambitions - it's just ridiculous. I think that the aggravation of relations with Azerbaijan in such a way is in the interest of Iran. So I urge those who voiced this statement to have more serious approach to such issues and act in the interests of their people, including the peaceful co-existence, recognition of the territorial integrity and mutual respect with the neighbouring countries.

Also, some journalists and MPs close to the government propose "to hold a referendum in Azerbaijan in order to identify the population's wishes to join the Islamic Republic of Iran". What do you think, what is the purpose of the Iranian side with such a statement?

Apparently, it is proposed by people cut off from reality. Only in the worst nightmare Azerbaijani people can see themselves as part of Iran. The Islamic regime is known worldwide for its cruelty, brutality, repression of all human rights and generally accepted norms, and not by chance, in 2003, the Nobel Prize was awarded to an Azerbaijani from Iran, human rights activist Shirin Ebadi.

Infringement of human rights and national minorities in Iran is recognized by the international community. This question has been raised repeatedly in various international organizations. But the Iranian authorities do not respond to repeated calls of the international community.

In Iran, the rights of Azerbaijanis and other minorities are strictly violated, with the exception of the Armenians. For example, despite the fact that 35 million Azerbaijanis live in Iran, they were not given the right to receive education in their native language. In turn, despite the fact that Iran is home to a small number of Armenians, they have their own school, its faculty at the university, their newspapers and magazines.

Activists, who are trying to fight with such injustice, are brutally persecuted by the authorities. We have evidence that in Iran false charges are fabricated against some activists and freedom fighters and are sentenced to death.

Therefore, to say that the Azerbaijani people might want to live as part of such a regime is absurd. On the contrary, I know many Iranians who complain about this treatment and are eager to get rid of it, because, the people of Iran themselves sat that all of their rights and freedoms are strongly suppressed. How can people in the 21st century be beaten with whips and women get stoned and executed? Does anyone want to live in such a country?

Unfortunately, to date, the Conservatives, meanwhile, falsifying elections, are in power in Iran. But, I think so would not last forever, Iranian reformers still will come to power in the country and will end the dictatorial regime.

At a time when Iran from almost all sides is surrounded by numerous problems with the international community, it would seem not to escalate the situation in the historically friendly relations with its neighbours. However, as already noted, Iran is making quite the opposite of this, speaking with outright anti-Azerbaijani statements. Why is this and to what consequences it may lead in the already "isolated" Iran?

Progressive part of Iranian society is very unhappy with the policy pursued by the leadership which leads to the complete isolation of Iran. They understand that the regime of the clergy in Iran has long outlived its usefulness. Listening to some of the statements of the Iranian government, I doubt how adequately they perceive reality. The authorities who now stand at the head of Iran do not meet the interests of their people.

In Iran, life from the point of view of the economy is very heavy, the currency was devalued several times, many people are impoverished. In the 21st century there were many problems with the international community, plus everything, it does not get along with its neighbours - this is nonsense. I think that the true patriots of the Iranian people still will be able to defeat the illogical policies of the current government.
News.Az - 'Azerbaijani people can see themselves as part of Iran only in a nightmare'
Prior to the beginning of the 20th century, in Iran at the head of the state were Azerbaijani Turks for several centuries. In fact, it was a Turkic state. If you take the Safavid Empire, which included modern-day Iran, Shah Ismayil created it exactly as a Turkic state. We all know that the official language under Shah Ismayil was the Turkic language, that is Azerbaijani. He also at that time put an end to writing poems and stories in Persian poetry. So, I think that the Iranian MPs should open the history books of this period, and learn it once again.

Put an end to writing in persian?official language of iran during safavid era was PERSIAN,you can find no document written in turkic.
35 million azeri in iran?!There are four province which majority of them are azeris:Ardabil(1.2 million),Zanjan(1 million),East Azarbaijan(3.7 million),West Azarbaijan(3 million-although as high as half of this province are kurds).so this give us 8.9 million even if we consider all of west azarbaijan turks(which is not true).there is a minority of turks in Hamedan and qazvin(around 30 percent mostly in villages) even if we assume that half of this provinces are turks which is not true this give us another million,there are many turks in tehran due to immigration but most tehrani turks including me(my father is from around ardabil but my mother is a khouzestani persian) have become persian,even if we claim that there are 4 million!!! turks in tehran,this give us 13.9 million turks(although this number is quite absurd) not even close to 35 million.
And armenians having more rights than azeris!! last time i checked armenians couldn't enter our military(even as an NCO)but our supreme leader is an azeri.
On the last note,azerbaijan belongs to iran although i know that azerbaijanis will not accept it(my father has an aunt there who her child claimed that guney!! azerbaijan belongs to them).
Ignore this guy, he is a troll, even Turk members told him several times NOT TO create inflammatory topics.
Interestingly majority of Iranian members here are Azeri, most importantly Iranian supreme leader and majority of Iranian politicians are Azeri as well, so excuse me if I say that we have no idea how does he make these sh!ts up? Maybe he has no life? Maybe all he does with his time is looking up websites of bunch of isolated lunies who think they gonna "unify" their imaginary country! Or maybe he puts too much time reading opinions of "professors" whom no one gives a flying fcuk about in Iran? :)

This goes to say that I will not entertain any reply, as I don't have time to reply to keyboard warriors :)
can any iranian here tell me about the azeris in detail??

are they really miffed with the iranian regime??

i personally think,they suffer from a bit of identity crisis,perhaps like indian muslims??
Tabrizi Iranian nationalists against pan turkism



North Iran must apoligize


btw looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo @ 35 mln Azeris. He's not even a troll. Mofo is a few cans short of a six pack. I feel sorry for him.

can any iranian here tell me about the azeris in detail??

are they really miffed with the iranian regime??

i personally think,they suffer from a bit of identity crisis,perhaps like indian muslims??

There are some issues in Iran with language rights, for example Azeri isn't an official language so they have to go to Parsi schools. This is causing the number of Azeris to shrink with every generation. Each generation loses a few million. My grandfather was a Qashqai Turk and he didn't bother teaching my dad and his brothers the language. Of course they learned Parsi and went to Parsi schools. The language was completely lost in my family. Now multiply this by millions.

That's the main issue.
for example , me !!!

I can't understand Azari very well ... & I am not going to teach my children Azari Language ... :coffee:
There are some issues in Iran with language rights, for example Azeri isn't an official language so they have to go to Parsi schools. This is causing the number of Azeris to shrink with every generation. Each generation loses a few million. My grandfather was a Qashqai Turk and he didn't bother teaching my dad and his brothers the language. Of course they learned Parsi and went to Parsi schools. The language was completely lost in my family. Now multiply this by millions.

That's the main issue.

There needs to be a lingua franca in every country, no doubt about that. That goes for Spain, Canada, Turkey, Iran, you name it. That being said, I think schools should offer the possibility to learn additional languages that are relevent to the population. For example, in Scandinavian countries French and German are offered as electives. In the case of Iranian schools, I believe there are much more relevant language courses to offer than Arabic... correct me if I am wrong.
instead of arabic,languages such as Azari and Kurdi or lori should be learnt in schools.maybe a book about basis of Azari,Lori,Kudri,Arabic and Gilaki.
instead of arabic,languages such as Azari and Kurdi or lori should be learnt in schools.maybe a book about basis of Azari,Lori,Kudri,Arabic and Gilaki.

Dude, in Iran already in regional provinces people speak in their own languages, in official government offices people can do their paperwork in their own language beside persian, they have own tv channels aswel. But since Irans main strong roots are due to the Sassanid Persian achievement Persian should remain the official language of the country, millions of Iranians agree with me. Even the Azari officials in Iran do agree lol
Dude, in Iran already in regional provinces people speak in their own languages, in official government offices people can do their paperwork in their own language beside persian, they have own tv channels aswel. But since Irans main strong roots are due to the Sassanid Persian achievement Persian should remain the official language of the country, millions of Iranians agree with me. Even the Azari officials in Iran do agree lol

Me too !!!
Dude, in Iran already in regional provinces people speak in their own languages, in official government offices people can do their paperwork in their own language beside persian, they have own tv channels aswel. But since Irans main strong roots are due to the Sassanid Persian achievement Persian should remain the official language of the country, millions of Iranians agree with me. Even the Azari officials in Iran do agree lol
brother,i dont disagree with your comment either.why did you take my comment so offensive?

Yes,there are Azari speaking chanels in Iran and people speak in their own local languages freely.but my point is,for Persians like me its better to learn Azari instead of Arabic.isnt it?
Tabrizi Iranian nationalists against pan turkism



North Iran must apoligize


btw looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo @ 35 mln Azeris. He's not even a troll. Mofo is a few cans short of a six pack. I feel sorry for him.

There are some issues in Iran with language rights, for example Azeri isn't an official language so they have to go to Parsi schools. This is causing the number of Azeris to shrink with every generation. Each generation loses a few million. My grandfather was a Qashqai Turk and he didn't bother teaching my dad and his brothers the language. Of course they learned Parsi and went to Parsi schools. The language was completely lost in my family. Now multiply this by millions.

That's the main issue.

lol , these guys are just being sarcastic Abii
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