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Azerbaijani forces using Russian-style symbols are massing on the border of Armenia


May 27, 2018
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Another War Is Brewing in the World​

Story by John Johnson •6h


A girl embraces her relative sitting in a shelter during shelling in Stepanakert, the capital of the Nagorno-Karabakh region in Azerbaijan. ©AP Photo/Siranush Sargsyan

A girl embraces her relative sitting in a shelter during shelling in Stepanakert, the capital of the Nagorno-Karabakh region in Azerbaijan. ©AP Photo/Siranush Sargsyan© Newser
Two former Soviet republics went to war less than three years ago over a disputed region, and it appears they're on the brink of another full-scale conflict, reports the AP. The dispute is between Azerbaijan and neighboring Armenia over the region known as Nagorno-Karabakh. As the BBC explains, the latter is located entirely within the borders of Azerbaijan, but it is populated mostly by ethnic Armenians. The two nations have fought previously over the region, first in the early 1990s when Armenia took control of it after the fall of the USSR, and again in 2020, when Azerbaijan reclaimed it. Part of the convoluted mix: Azerbaijan is backed by Turkey, while Armenia is a longtime ally of Russia, though relations have soured of late over the Ukraine war.
Russia's role: Moscow is supposed to be keeping the peace between the two nations, a pledge it made after the last war, but its own war with Ukraine has "distracted" from that, as the New York Times puts it.
Shelling: On Tuesday, Azerbaijan launched artillery fire onto Nagorno-Karabakh in what it calls an "anti-terrorist" campaign, per CNN. The de facto capital of Stepanakert was hit particularly hard, though details about casualties and damages were scant in the early going. The shelling is the culmination of months of simmering tensions.
Key road: A single road, called the Lachin Corridor, links Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia, explains Politico. Russian peacekeepers are supposed to be keeping it open, but an "emboldened Azerbaijan" has largely taken control of it in recent months, per the Times. That leaves Nagorno-Karabakh essentially cut off from supplies of food and fuel, and it's raising fears of ethnic cleansing.
Diplomacy falters: "It looks like it could be, unfortunately, terrible—war number three, something that people have been fearing but hoping to avoid with diplomacy in the last few weeks and months," Thomas de Waal, a regional specialist at the Carnegie Europe foundation, tells the AP. Politico notes that the conflict also complicates Europe's plan to court Azerbaijan as an alternative fuel source to Russia.

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India has always maintained that it will support Armenia. Crunch time for India. Is India only talk and no action? Time to find out for Armenians.

Azerbaijani forces using Russian-style symbols are massing on the border of Armenia​

>> are things about to kick off again ?!?!
Well azeris can't poke the bear
Worse they shouldn't poke the Europeans or Americans

It would be mistake to try to take Armenian recognized area even though it's a bain to not have land corridor but it is what it is. They should be content with route through Iran or Georgia

We know what happened to Serbia
Any sort of stupidity can end bad for azeris
They can loose everything what they have worked for

NK ethnic hate is so much that I doubt Armenia s would want to live under Azerbaijan

The people who lived side by side during Soviets were Brian washed into believing they are part of great nation sprawling from Azerbaijan to all way up to France that lasted for 10,000 yrs

More like how indians believe they went to moon 2000 years ago

Nagorno-Karabakh: Thousands flee as Armenia says ethnic cleansing under way​

    • Published
      1 hour ago
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Nagorno-Karabakh: Voices of Armenians fleeing
By Kathryn Armstrong & Nataliya Zotova
BBC News, in London and on the Armenian border

A growing stream of ethnic Armenian refugees are fleeing Nagorno-Karabakh following Azerbaijan's seizure of the disputed region last week.
More than 6,500 people have so far crossed into Armenia from the enclave, which is home to a majority of some 120,000 ethnic Armenians.
They left after the government in Yerevan announced plans to move those made homeless by the fighting.
Armenia's PM has warned that ethnic cleansing is "under way" in the region.


"That's happening just now, and that is very unfortunate fact because we were trying to urge international community on that," Nikol Pashinyan told reporters.
Azerbaijan has said it wants to re-integrate the ethnic Armenians as "equal citizens".

In Karabakh's main city, Stepanakert, an explosion at a petrol station is said to have badly injured more than 200 people, local human rights ombudsman Gegham Stepanyan said in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.
It is not yet clear what caused the blast.
As people flee, there are large traffic tailbacks on the Armenian border.
The BBC has spoken to some of the refugees who arrived in the city of Goris in Armenia on Sunday, close to the border to Karabakh.
"I gave my whole life to my homeland," said one man. "It would be better if they killed me than this."
A woman, Veronica, told the BBC that this was the second time she had become a refugee. The first time was during the conflict in 2020.

'We have nothing'​

The main square of Goris is crowded. The theatre nearby is turned into a base for the Red Cross.
Tatiana Oganesyan, doctor and head of a foundation of doctors and volunteers that's now helping refugees in Goris, told the BBC that people who have come to the doctors are exhausted, malnourished and psychologically crushed.
"People are shocked, they are telling us: I need pills, they are blue," she says. Doctors then need to figure out their medication and find it for them.
"We have nothing," says an elderly woman who just arrived in Goris. She points at her jumper, saying it's all she could bring with her from home. Her son is on crutches near her.
In the nearby village of Kornidzor, refugees who were being processed said they did not believe they could be safe under Azerbaijani rule and did not expect ever to be able to return home.
The Armenian government said in a statement on Sunday that hundreds of the refugees had already been provided with government-funded housing.

But it has not released a clear plan of how it could cope with an influx of people. Prime Minister Pashinyan announced last week that plans were in place to look after up to 40,000 refugees.
Armenians the BBC has spoken to have said they are prepared to take refugees into their homes.
A man and his son crossing the border at a registration centre of the Armenian foreign affairs ministry, near the border town of Kornidzor
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Many have been arriving in the village of Kornidzor
Meanwhile, more than 140 people have been arrested in Yerevan on Monday following the latest anti-government protests, according to local media quoting the country's interior ministry.
The Tass news agency said special forces had begun detaining demonstrators who blocked roads in Yerevan.
Police were also stationed outside the main government building, which houses the prime minister's offices and which demonstrators have been trying to break into.
Protests first broke out last week over the government's handling of the crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Mr Pashinyan has been accused of granting too many concessions to Azerbaijan and there are calls for his resignation.
The Armenian separatist forces in the territory agreed to disarm on Wednesday, following a lightning-fast Azerbaijani military offensive.
Armenia has repeatedly said a mass exodus from the region would be the fault of the Azerbaijani authorities.
In a TV address on Sunday, Mr Pashinyan said many inside the enclave would "see expulsion from the homeland as the only way out" unless Azerbaijan provided "real living conditions" and "effective mechanisms of protection against ethnic cleansing".
He repeated that his government was prepared to "lovingly welcome our brothers and sisters".

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The BBC's Nataliya Zotova reports from the border between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh
But David Babayan, an adviser to Nagorno-Karabakh's ethnic Armenian leader Samvel Shahramanyan, told Reuters he expected almost everyone to leave.
His people "do not want to live as part of Azerbaijan - 99.9% prefer to leave our historic lands", he said.
"The fate of our poor people will go down in history as a disgrace and a shame for the Armenian people and for the whole civilised world," he told Reuters.
"Those responsible for our fate will one day have to answer before God for their sins."
Nagorno-Karabakh - a mountainous region in the South Caucasus - is recognised internationally as part of Azerbaijan, but has been controlled by ethnic Armenians for three decades.
The enclave has been supported by Armenia - but also by their ally, Russia, which has had hundreds of soldiers there for years.
Five Russian peacekeepers were killed - alongside at least 200 ethnic Armenians and dozens of Azerbaijani soldiers - as Azerbaijan's army swept in last week.
On Sunday, Azerbaijan's defence ministry said it had confiscated more military equipment including a large number of rockets, artillery shells, mines and ammunition.
Despite Azerbaijan's public reassurances, there are fears about the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh, with only one aid delivery of 70 tonnes of food having been allowed through since separatists accepted a ceasefire and agreed to disarm.
Ethnic Armenian leaders say thousands are without food or shelter and sleeping in basements, school buildings or outside.
Armenia-Azerbaijan: Nagorno-Karabakh map
Map of the Nagorno-Karabakh region in Azerbaijan, showing areas of the former autonomous region where Russian peacekeeping forces operate. The map also highlights some of the cities in the area and the Lachin corridor, which, though not a part of the Nagorno-Karabakh region, is to remain under the control of Russian peacekeepers to act as a connection with Armenia for ethnic-Armenian population in the region. Another map shows where Nagorno-Karabakh is located in the South Caucasus region of southeast Europe and Asia.

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