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Azerbaijan President Visits Tehran - Agreements signed on sports, energy and construction


Feb 11, 2013
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President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev arrived in Tehran Wednesday morning to hold talks with senior Iranian officials. The visit is taking place at the invitation of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani officially welcomes Azeri counterpart

President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday officially welcomed his visiting Azeri counterpart Ilham Aliyev at Tehran's Saadabad Historical Cultural Complex.

During the visit, the two presidents will discuss issues of mutual interest as well as the latest regional and international developments.



Tehran, Baku sign 4 papers on bilateral cooperation

Iran and Azerbaijan Republic signed three letters of understanding and an agreement on Wednesday for bilateal cooperation in sport, energy and road construction fields.

The documents were signed in the presence of President Hassan Rouhani and his visiting Azeri counterpart Ilham Aliyev at Saadabad Historical Cultural Complex.

Iran-Azerbaijanˈs letter of understanding for sport cooperation was signed by Iranian Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Mahmoud Goudarzi and Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov.

The second document was inked by the Azeri foreign minister and Iranˈs Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli for Tehran-Baku cooperation on dealing with unexpected incidents.

A third paper was also signed between the two countries for urban development and road construction. it was inked by Azerbaijani Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Huseyn Bagirov and Iranˈs Minister of Roads and Urban Development Abbas Akhoundi.

Meanwhile, an agreement was also singed between the two capitals for constructing two hydroelectric power plants in Azerbaijan.

The agreement was signed by Azerbaijanˈs Minister of Economy and Industry Shahin Mustafayev and Iranian Energy Minister Hamid Chitchian.

President Aliyev hails Tehran stance on Karabakh

Ilham Aliyev praised Tehranˈs fair stance on Karabakh issue. Speaking in a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani, the Azeri president said Baku attaches great importance to Tehranˈs support for the issue of Karabakh.

Karabakh is a geographic region in southwestern Azerbaijan internationally recognized as part of that country. Since the end of the Nagorno-Karabakh War in 1994, representatives of the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan have been holding peace talks mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group on the regionˈs disputed status.

The Nagorno-Karabakh dispute flared up in 1988, when the region's predominantly ethnic Armenian population began large-scale protests against Azerbaijani rule, seeking first to become part of Armenia and later declaring independence. A war ensued in the early 1990s, ending in 1994 with a shaky ceasefire that failed to resolve the conflict.

Azerbaijan insists on control over Nagorno-Karabakh to maintain its territorial integrity.

President Aliyev said that Tehranˈs approach towards the Karabakh issue was fair and well-founded.

Earlier in the day, President Rouhani voiced Tehranˈs readiness to help solve regional problems including that of the Karabakh region within the frameworks of international laws and justice.

Photos: Azerbaijan President Visits Tehran
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Commander: Iran Supplying Part of Azerbaijan's Military Needs

TEHRAN (FNA)- Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces General Hassan Firouzabadi stressed further expansion of cooperation with Baku, and said Tehran is supplying Azerbaijan with a part of its needs to weapons and equipment.
Firouzabadi made the remarks on the sidelines of a meeting with Azeri Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov in Tehran on Tuesday.

"During the last 10 years, the Iranian and Azeri defense ministers have had numerous meetings and we have had cooperation plans and the Republic of Azerbaijan supplies part of its needs from Iran's defense industries," he said.

He also referred to his meeting with Hasanov, and said, "At this meeting, we underlined expansion of relations and preparedness of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Armed Forces to establish training relations, have friendly meetings and render technical aid and services which will lead to supplying more weapons to the Republic of Azerbaijan."

Firouzabadi also said that Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan and Hasanov also held a meeting which resulted in the achievement of good understanding by the two sides.

In relevant remarks on Monday, Dehqan announced Tehran's readiness to supply Baku with its needed military equipment and trainings.

"The principled policy of the 11th government, specially President Rouhani, is based on the development of mutual cooperation with the neighboring countries and the Republic of Azerbaijan has an important position in the Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy," Dehqan said in a meeting with Hasanov in Tehran.

He stressed Iran's preparedness to supply Baku with its military needs, and expressed the hope that Hasanov's visit would pave the ground for the further promotion of defense and military relations between the two countries.

Hasanov, for his part, referred to Iran and Azerbaijan's cultural, historical, political and religious commonalities, and said, "Iran is a great regional country and Azerbaijan's friend and neighbor and cooperation with Tehran is a top priority in our country's foreign policy."

Iran has recently enhanced efforts to boost political, economic and cultural ties and cooperation with the regional and neighboring countries, specially the Central Asian states.

On Wednesday, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with Azeri President Ilham Aliyev called for the further consolidation of relations between Tehran and Baku, and warned of enemies' plots to sow discord between them.

During the meeting in Tehran, Ayatollah Khamenei describes the two countries' neighborhood and religious, cultural and historical ties as effective factors at the service of further strengthening of bilateral relations, and said, "The relations between the two nations and the two governments should become stronger with the passage of each new day."

He said that strengthening of the governments' relations with their nations and their religious beliefs guarantees their success.

Ayatollah Khamenei warned that there are some tendencies that are after promotion of religious extremism and sowing the seeds of discord among the followers of different Islamic schools of thought. "Such tendencies should not be permitted to achieve their objectives, including disturbing countriesˈ national unity."

"The current level of the two countriesˈ transactions is very low keeping in mind the two sidesˈ capacities and broad potentials and I hope this visit would serve as a prelude for a broad economic and regional cooperation," he reiterated.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that some, including the Zionist regime, are not pleased with the strengthening of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan and keep disrupting its process, but relying on serious and resolute political will such intrigues will defeat.

President Aliyev, for his part, underlined that the atmosphere of the bilateral negotiations is very constructive, and added, "The joint Iran-Azerbaijan commission began its activities right today and this visit will serve as a platform for the improvement of comprehensive relation, including in industrial, commercial, transportation, and tourism fields."

He said that religious extremism and the need to counter it is among the shared serious concerns of both countries.

President Aliyev also referred to the historical and cultural relations between the two countries, stressing Baku's strong and resolute will for the expansion of comprehensive relations with Tehran.
Baku: No One Can Use Azerbaijan to Attack Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Azeri Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov underlined that Baku will never allow any country or entity, including the Zionist regime, to set up a military base in Azerbaijan.
"The Republic of Azerbaijan's constitution rules that never can an alien state have a military base in the country," Hasanov told reporters after meeting his Iranian counterpart Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan in Tehran on Tuesday.

He underscored that no threat would face neighbors from Azerbaijan's territories as the country will not allow any third party to use it as a platform for launching attacks on the neighboring nations.

"This has always been the Republic of Azerbaijan's policy and we have always laid emphasis on this view at international and regional bodies," Hasanov reiterated.

In relevant remarks in September 2012, Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov underlined that his country would not allow enemies to use its soil as a launch pad for attacking other countries, specially Iran.

"Azerbaijan will never allow an action against Iran from its soil," Mammadyarov said at a meeting with Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit here in Tehran at the time.

"The age-old history and culture of the two nations doesn't allow anyone to harm the brotherly ties between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan," he added.

His remarks came after Iran warned Azerbaijan not to allow Israel to use the country's territory as a launch pad to stage terrorist activities against the Islamic Republic.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi made the remarks during a meeting with Azeri Ambassador to Iran Javanshir Akhundov in Tehran late in February 2012.

The warning came in response to reports that Azerbaijan had signed a $1.6 billion deal with Israel for the purchase of drones and anti-aircraft and missile systems.
a present for Azerbaijan's defense minister:
The fat general is BSing as always, of course the statement is from Iranian media and not during his meeting with any of Azerbaijani officials. Iran supplying parts of Azerbaijan's military needs? Such as? This is the same guy that have openly threatened Azerbaijan on several occasions before.

Also, someone has to remind Iranians here that its always Iran that took the initiative to make the relations tense, drive anti-Azerbaijani policy etc. And its no one else than Iranian paranoia that thinks Israel has bases in Azerbaijan and all that BS.
The fat general is BSing as always, of course the statement is from Iranian media and not during his meeting with any of Azerbaijani officials. Iran supplying parts of Azerbaijan's military needs? Such as? This is the same guy that have openly threatened Azerbaijan on several occasions before.

Also, someone has to remind Iranians here that its always Iran that took the initiative to make the relations tense, drive anti-Azerbaijani policy etc. And its no one else than Iranian paranoia that thinks Israel has bases in Azerbaijan and all that BS.
It was not iran who made the situation tense . It become tense when some monarchs north of aras river began to claim iran land
It was not iran who made the situation tense . It become tense when some monarchs north of aras river began to claim iran land
dont give a damn to them,,,they have also been claiming nagarno karabakh for last 20+ years,,,,,
The fat general is BSing as always, of course the statement is from Iranian media and not during his meeting with any of Azerbaijani officials. Iran supplying parts of Azerbaijan's military needs? Such as? This is the same guy that have openly threatened Azerbaijan on several occasions before.

Also, someone has to remind Iranians here that its always Iran that took the initiative to make the relations tense, drive anti-Azerbaijani policy etc. And its no one else than Iranian paranoia that thinks Israel has bases in Azerbaijan and all that BS.

Abulfaz Elchibey would definitely agree with you.
It was not iran who made the situation tense . It become tense when some monarchs north of aras river began to claim iran land

nope , the problem was created when your state started sponsoring terrorists inside Azerbaijan
nope , the problem was created when your state started sponsoring terrorists inside Azerbaijan

You got the facts wrong.
Iran helped Azerbaijan enormously when Armenia raped your country.

If it wasnt for Iran, more of your territory would have been swallowed by the Armenians.
How about a little gratitude?
You got the facts wrong.
Iran helped Azerbaijan enormously when Armenia raped your country.

If it wasnt for Iran, more of your territory would have been swallowed by the Armenians.
How about a little gratitude?

here is our gratitude
be thankful Azerbaijan doesn't lets its soil be used to turn your already 3rd world country into afghanistan

and here Azerbaijan Special Forces liquidating terrorists sponsored by Iran

You got the facts wrong.
Iran helped Azerbaijan enormously when Armenia raped your country.

If it wasnt for Iran, more of your territory would have been swallowed by the Armenians.
How about a little gratitude?

Iran should have helped herself first. After all, it got raped many times throughout history and emerged as an abomination of 21st century.

Can't you just behave so we can skip all this BS?
You got the facts wrong.
Iran helped Azerbaijan enormously when Armenia raped your country.

If it wasnt for Iran, more of your territory would have been swallowed by the Armenians.
How about a little gratitude?

Chera vaghte khodet ro ba ina talaf mikoni. To gharare Neurologist beshi, vaghte to ba azresh tare ine ke ba yek mosht adam toye web jarobahs koni. Manam ghablan mesle khodet boodam, vali hala mibinam age bekham beshinam tak tak ba hame bash konam kole roozam bayad ba jarobahs sarf beshe, in adamha aksar bikaran, sari javab midan, intoori ham asabet kharab mishe va ham vaghtet talaf.

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