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This forum is not for challenge, do not make your business in challenge of Iran and Azerbaijan, I am from Tabriz, just tell you we are Azeri not Turk.
move to topic please

My reply was to the Iranian who insulted Elcibey and the brother nation of Turks the Azeris. And he also had the nerve to state that Azerbaycan had a weak and pathetic army and that Iran is much stronger and will kick their and Azeris cant do anything about that bla bla.. Honestly i dont know anything about Iranians and i dont give a damn about your people but every iranian has an opinion about Turkey, always negative about Turks why? We Turks dont know you and we dont care about Iran why you care about us? Why you insulting patriot people like Elcibey and our brother nation of Azerbaycan, I just wanna make clear dont even dare to harm our brothers again. We will never tolerate this again. Dont play with fire Iranians. Dont play with fire.
My reply was to the Iranian who insulted Elcibey and the brother nation of Turks the Azeris. And he also had the nerve to state that Azerbaycan had a weak and pathetic army and that Iran is much stronger and will kick their and Azeris cant do anything about that bla bla.. Honestly i dont know anything about Iranians and i dont give a damn about your people but every iranian has an opinion about Turkey, always negative about Turks why? We Turks dont know you and we dont care about Iran why you care about us? Why you insulting patriot people like Elcibey and our brother nation of Azerbaycan, I just wanna make clear dont even dare to harm our brothers again. We will never tolerate this again. Dont play with fire Iranians. Dont play with fire.

hey mongol, enough with the tough talk.
in all of your existence, you have acted like parasites. Killing and torturing is all you are able to do. What did you bring to the region from Mongolia? Your religion is Islam, your language is influenced by Persian and Arabic, so is your culture. Your people are a mixture of Kurds, Armenians, Persians etc... who were Turkified. You have done nothing but loot and destroy.

If you have been in the region for 900 years, Iran has been here for 2500 years plus. On top of that Iranic tribes were here since 6000 BC. So it's you who shouldn't play with fire. You Turks are the best talkers on the planet. In reality you can only kill defenceless people like Armenians and Kurds.

btw, can you explain to me why Iranian Azeris fought the Ottomans? Last time I checked almost all Iranian Azeris lived in the borders of Iran-Turkey. How come you Ottomans were never able to capture this area even though there were multiple wars? The border has been the same for the past 400 smtg years.
Hmm so your hatred against my people and country is historical thing? Now i understand is your butt still hurting? you know what actually your right, back in the days the Mongol brothers burned down whole of Iran killed everything even your animals. Later you provoced our Ottomans and they teached you a good lesson. We are the best speakers right? You people will never learn, always backstabbed Islam and esspecially Turks. Ottomans were fighting the west but Persians were trying to harm the Ottomans.
LoL a persian is telling me a pure Turkic person who i am... lolllll.. I know my father, fathers father grand grandfathers all known to us.. But you maybe know your mother do you know your father? And i think Iranians are Indian, Afgan, Kurdish, gipsy mix all look the same for me. But i heard you people think your white and aryans LMFAO.

Turkish and Turkic is different in Turkey they call even Kurds, Armenians, Greeks and Turkic and many more all called Turkish bcs citizenship nobody claims that in Turkey there are only pure Turkic people but that doesnt also mean that there is no Turkic left. Like me iam real Turkic not just Turkish. Turkish is citizenship race can be different doesnt have to be Turkic.

About the 900 years in the region, Turk history in the region goes way back more than 900bc you ignorant fool just because you always were around here doesnt mean anything to me. Now we are here, and there is nothing you can do about it right?. And we have our own language, culture and everything. Some words can be persian and arabic but thats official language in Turkey and that should tell you something about us that we are not racist we love all peoples and mix with them, But there are many Turkic people who speak the real ancient Turkic language that one is different and without Arab and Persian words but still we understand eachother. Also their culture still Turkic without any influence of Arab Persian or Chinese. And we are proud of them.

We dont kill innocent civilians like Iranian regime kills his own peacefull demonstrating people on the streets, and we never did its all british and french black propaganda to demonize Turks, Armenians joined invading Russian army what did you expect give them flowers? so we took care of them armed gangs and later all of them deported because massacres against muslim Kurds in the southeast didnt stop go ask the Kurds about this almost all Kurdish villages you will find massgraves of muslim Kurdish women and children because Armenians wanted to remove all Kurds from southeast region so that they could claim these lands, and be sure Ottomans if they wanted could exterminate whole Armenian race but they always work according to Sunnah and deportation was a reasoneble punishment, again because they in southeastern Turkey killed many many innocent civilian muslim Kurds not (TURKS)! in southeast region you have ONLY Kurds. Those poor people were killed just because they were not Ortodox Armenian like them facist bastards and they wanted a great Armenia only for Armenians. Yes now go tell the Kurdish people in the Southeast that Armenians were innocent angels they will kick you persian back to Tehran.

And today we are not killing Kurds thats ridicilous Pkk wants the Kurds in Turkey to believe it is so but its just propaganda same with PEJAK in IRAN, and most of the Kurds dont even support them they are ashamed to call themselves Kurds because these traitors thats reality. So It is Marxist/Leninist PKK who brainwashes Kurdish youth it isnt even Kurdish. Most of the Kurds are very patriotic people who love Turkey and serve in the army just like Turks.
btw, can you explain to me why Iranian Azeris fought the Ottomans? Last time I checked almost all Iranian Azeris lived in the borders of Iran-Turkey. How come you Ottomans were never able to capture this area even though there were multiple wars? The border has been the same for the past 400 smtg years.[/QUOTE]

Because Ottomans were expanding to West and were fighting Christian Europe something we cannot say about you Persians, 7 times all Europeans combined with their large crusader armies came to take Al quds and to remove all Turks from anatolia but each time they all were destroyed by the Turkish armies. We did conquer till Vienna can you Persians even dream about that achievement of my great ancestors? Now let me ask the same question of yours to you. After Yavuz Sultan Selim destroyed the Persian army and the ruler who challenged him flee deep inside Iran, Yavuz waited for him couple of weeks on Iranian territory but never heard of him again. After this why didnt they dare to challenge Ottomans again and still for 400 years border remains the quite
Salam, I am from Tabriz, if you are from Iran, then you should now this forum is not for what you wrote about Azeri situation here.
by the way non of Rashti speak Azeri

You're a clown and a fake. I see everyday Persians going on the internet claiming they are Azeris and than talking bad about Azeri identity. What a jokers you Persians are. You can only wish to be Azeri. And yet you have the dare to say they dont speak Azeri in Rasht? Wow, it proofs you have never even set foot in Iran. Im from real Talysh mountains of Rasht you joker. So dont talk if you dont know.

I am from Tabriz the capital of Azeries, yes we are 45 million , 35 in Iran and 10 mil in northern Azeribaijan what you call republic Azarbaijan, we are 35 then you can not call we are part of you, you are part of us as we all are Iranian

I dont want to live in a country were women are stoned to death. Were 70% of the people are addicted to narcotics. Were my motherlanguage is not taught at school. Iran is land of Persians, Azerbaijan is land of Azeris. Its simple as that.
please guys stop this turk-azeri-irani fighting!! All of this intra fighting made us weaker. . . And our palestinian brothers are now paying for this. . . And about the thread i loved all the photos . . Xcept israel part. . Shame on us a muslim country has to rely on a terrorist state when there is turkey and iran!!
Spike ATGM:

Cardom 120-mm mortar:

Tavor assualt rifle:

Corner shot:
HAFR-1 for Azerbaijan!

Pakistani company Global Industrial & Defence Solutions (GIDS) will jointly produce Runway Penetration Bomb (RPB) with Azerbaijan. This was announced by the marketing director of GIDS, Mohammad Salman at the IDEX-2011 International Defence Exhibition in Abu Dhabi.[/COLOR][/B]

He said that GIDS is in discussions with the Azerbaijan on this project. He said that that Runway Penetration Bombs offered by the GIDS are developed according to the international standards and has been exported to different countries.

Global Industrial & Defense Solutions (GIDS) was established in 2007. It deals with the exports and marketing of military, industrial and technological products and services produced by a group of local firms. GIDS offer Tactical UAVs, Aerial bombs, C4I Air Defense Automation Systems, Airborne Video Tape Recorder System, Infrared Flares & Dispenser System and many other products.

Runway Penetration Bombs (RPB) offered by the GIDS are known as Hafr-1 & Hafr-2 an anti-runway weapon. It is developed and produced by the Air Weapons Complex of Pakistan (AWC) which is now known as Advanced Engineering Research Organisation (AERO). Hafr Runway Penetration Bomb (RPB) is similar to the French Durandal RPB.

It is already being employed by the Pakistan Air Force's F-16, Mirage III, Mirage V and PAC/Chengdu JF-17 Thunder aircraft. In September 2008 GIDS also offered the Libya to help them in the refurbishment of Durandal weapons locally.

Hafr Runway Penetration Bombs are developed to neutralize hard concrete targets like runways, bunkers. After delivery Hafr series bombs decelerates to a very low speed to correct the penetration angle and the fire a built-in rocket motor to increase speed of the bomb for penetration into the hard target. Hafr series can be launched from high speeds of 800 to 1100 kilometers per hour from very low altitude of 60 meters.

Hafr Runway Penetration Bombs are equipped with warhead of around 100 kg. It has a parachute attached to the rear for deceleration and a rocket motor which burns for 0.45 seconds and provides a thrust of 10 tons for re-acceleration to 280 m/s
Lynx MLRS:






Matador MRAP with mini Samson RCWS:


AK-74 with Merpo-21 red dot sight:








Mini Samson RCWS:




Cardom mortar:





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