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Actually Saladin belonged to the Rawadid dynasty/tribe which is Arab in origin. Later some of its branches, including the one Saladin belonged to became Kurdified and others Arabized (returning to their origin).

"Saladin was born in Tikrit in modern-day Iraq. His personal name was "Yusuf"; "Salah ad-Din" is a laqab, an honorific epithet, meaning "Righteousness of the Faith."[12] His family was of Kurdish ancestry,[4] and had originated from the city of Dvin in medieval Armenia.[13][14] The Rawadid tribe he hailed from had been partially assimilated into the Arabic-speaking world by this time.[15]"


Tikrit and Arbil are ancient Semitic lands too. Many Kurds are originally of Arab/Assyrian origin who became Kurdified. Kurds are not a homogenous people.

"According to Minorsky and Bosworth, the Rawadids were originally of Arabic ancestry, and arrived in the region in the mid eighth century,[6][7] but they had become Kurdicized by the early 10th century and began to use Kurdish forms like Mamlan for Muhammad and Ahmadil for Ahmad as their names[8][9]"


Minorsky was the foremost expert on Kurdish history of his time and Bosworth was (he died in 2015) one of the leading experts on Kurdish history.

So most likely he had both Kurdish and Arab ancestry as Arab-Kurdish intermarriages in that region of the Middle East, even back then, were fairly common.

"Sultan Saladin spoke both Arabic and Kurdish, and likely Turkish as well.[93][94] According to Yasser Tabbaa, an anthropologist specializing in medieval Islamic culture,[95] the Ayyubid rulers who reigned in the late 12th-century were far removed from their Kurdish origins, and unlike their Seljuq predecessors and their Mamluk successors, they were firmly "Arabized." Arabic culture and language[96] Arabic culture and language[96] formed the main component of their identity instead of their Kurdish heritage.[97] Arabic surnames were much more prevalent among the Ayyubids, a tribe that had already been partially assimilated into the Arabic-speaking world before its members came to power, than non-Arabic names. Some exceptions included the non-Arabic surname Turan-Shah. Most of the Ayyubid rulers spoke fluent Arabic and a number of them, such as az-Zahir Ghazi, al-Mu'azzam Isa and the minor emirs of Hama, composed Arabic poetry.[98]"


Another thing, his descendants continue to live in the Arab world and are now Arabs and consider themselves Arabs. Descendants of the Ayyubid dynasty live in Jordan, Sham and KSA today. None in majority Kurdish lands. They are know as Al-Ayyubi/Ayoubi and one of my childhood friends belonged to this family...
no he was actually australian.

This should be added, the arab part of Saladin is not proven, only a theory.

The earliest form of the name is written "Rewend" in the Sharafnama. According to Vladimir Minorsky, this could have been a corruption of the Arabic name "Rawadiya". Minorsky thus leaves space for a possible Arabic influence on the tribe, although they are generally considered to be Kurdish. Furthermore, Minorsky states that the rulers of the tribe could have given their name to it. In other words, it is possible that the Rewend/Rawadiya rulers were of Arab origin,[4] and arrived in the Dvin region in 758 CE from the Arbela (modern Arbil) region. Further it should be considered that Vladimir Minorsky's research was based upon subjective writings of Kurdish medieval historian Ibn Athir.[6]

Even kangaroos are saudi in origin.. went to Australia and became autralised.
This should be added, the arab part of Saladin is not proven, only a theory.

The earliest form of the name is written "Rewend" in the Sharafnama. According to Vladimir Minorsky, this could have been a corruption of the Arabic name "Rawadiya". Minorsky thus leaves space for a possible Arabic influence on the tribe, although they are generally considered to be Kurdish. Furthermore, Minorsky states that the rulers of the tribe could have given their name to it. In other words, it is possible that the Rewend/Rawadiya rulers were of Arab origin,[4] and arrived in the Dvin region in 758 CE from the Arbela (modern Arbil) region. Further it should be considered that Vladimir Minorsky's research was based upon subjective writings of Kurdish medieval historian Ibn Athir.[6]

His Kurdish paternal ancestry is also just a theory using that logic. However him having Arab ancestry on both his father's and mother's side is no theory but well-known.

He was born in Northern Iraq (Semitic lands) where Arab and Assyrian predate Kurdish presence. His family had already been Arabized for generations when he was born.

Many Kurds (In Iraq and Syria) are of Assyrian and Arab origin and Arabs and Kurds have been intermarrying for a very long time.

Minorsky, who was/is one of the foremost experts on Kurdish history, is not the only one. Bosworth was of the same opinion and so are many others.

What's more relevant many members and branches of the Rawadid tribe consider themselves Arab today and have always done so.

The fact that his descendants have lived in the Arab world for 800 years continuously after his death and have become fully Arabized and intermarried with Arabs for the past 20-25 generations (since his death) is not a theory either.

So he had Arab ancestry for certain. The question is if his paternal ancestry was Arab or Kurdish originally.

I don't dispute that he had Kurdish origin. However to claim that he was fully Kurdish is bogus.

no he was actually australian.

Even kangaroos are saudi in origin.. went to Australia and became autralised.

Man, you are some funny Baloch. You should go cry to the sources that I posted. None of which I invented. Zero of them are Arab too. Rest assured that he had more to do with not only Arabs, Arab ancestry and Arab lands (born and bread and dead in those lands), Arabic culture, language etc. than Pakistani Baluchistan 2500 km away....So did all his off-spring and all later Ayyubid rulers.
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This should be added, the arab part of Saladin is not proven, only a theory.

The earliest form of the name is written "Rewend" in the Sharafnama. According to Vladimir Minorsky, this could have been a corruption of the Arabic name "Rawadiya". Minorsky thus leaves space for a possible Arabic influence on the tribe, although they are generally considered to be Kurdish. Furthermore, Minorsky states that the rulers of the tribe could have given their name to it. In other words, it is possible that the Rewend/Rawadiya rulers were of Arab origin,[4] and arrived in the Dvin region in 758 CE from the Arbela (modern Arbil) region. Further it should be considered that Vladimir Minorsky's research was based upon subjective writings of Kurdish medieval historian Ibn Athir.[6]

https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=JfXl5kvabhoC&pg=PA30&lpg=PA30&dq=saladin+kurd&source=bl&ots=KRrZenCqFR&sig=DEvuaPH7tzPsLpBvsr2daiSYwOU&hl=en&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwj5ytbjvafRAhWJ0RQKHTxdCWkQ6AEIaTAP#v=onepage&q=saladin kurd&f=false



His Kurdish paternal ancestry is also just a theory using that logic. However him having Arab ancestry on both his father's and mother's side is no theory but well-known.

He was born in Northern Iraq (Semitic lands) where Arab and Assyrian predate Kurdish presence. His family had already been Arabized for generations when he was born.

Many Kurds (In Iraq and Syria) are of Assyrian and Arab origin and Arabs and Kurds have been intermarrying for a very long time.

Minorsky, who was/is one of the foremost experts on Kurdish history, is not the only one. Bosworth was of the same opinion and so are many others.

What's more relevant many members and branches of the Rawadid tribe consider themselves Arab today and have always done so.

The fact that his descendants have lived in the Arab world for 800 years continuously after his death and have become fully Arabized and intermarried with Arabs for the past 20-25 generations (since his death) is not a theory either.

So he had Arab ancestry for certain. The question is if his paternal ancestry was Arab or Kurdish original.

Man, you are some funny Baloch. You should go cry to the sources that I posted. None of which I invented. Zero of them are Arab too. Rest assured that he had more to do with not only Arabs, Arab ancestry and Arab lands (born and bread and dead) than Pakistani Baluchistan 2500 km away....So did all his off-spring.

lol.. yeah im sure Kurds would agree... Afterall they love saudis..:lol:

Kurd regions.. historically we are same stock..

P.S: Baloch themselves arent native to balochistan... we settled here much latter.

His Kurdish paternal ancestry is also just a theory using that logic. However him having Arab ancestry on both his father's and mother's side is no theory but well-known.

He was born in Northern Iraq (Semitic lands) where Arab and Assyrian predate Kurdish presence. His family had already been Arabized for generations when he was born.

Many Kurds (In Iraq and Syria) are of Assyrian and Arab origin and Arabs and Kurds have been intermarrying for a very long time.

Minorsky, who was/is one of the foremost experts on Kurdish history, is not the only one. Bosworth was of the same opinion and so are many others.

What's more relevant many members and branches of the Rawadid tribe consider themselves Arab today and have always done so.

The fact that his descendants have lived in the Arab world for 800 years continuously after his death and have become fully Arabized and intermarried with Arabs for the past 20-25 generations (since his death) is not a theory either.

So he had Arab ancestry for certain. The question is if his paternal ancestry was Arab or Kurdish originally.

I don't dispute that he had Kurdish origin. However to claim that he was fully Kurdish is bogus.

Man, you are some funny Baloch. You should go cry to the sources that I posted. None of which I invented. Zero of them are Arab too. Rest assured that he had more to do with not only Arabs, Arab ancestry and Arab lands (born and bread and dead in those lands), Arabic culture, language etc. than Pakistani Baluchistan 2500 km away....So did all his off-spring and all later Ayyubid rulers.

lol semite lands.. are u jewish israeli perhaps? kurds are iranic people in live on "semite" lands..

God damn semite sounds like a sodomite.. wierd word.

Btwn read Firdausis account.. even our language is similiar... we had Kurds on this forum .. we interacted..

What have Saudi Arabians to do with anything genius? Saudi Arabians are just 1 Arab nationality out of over 20.

Kurds have no problem with Saudi Arabians and KSA and Kurdistan have close and cordial relations and there is also an significant Kurdish community in KSA numbering almost 100.000 people but what the pfuck would some Baloch from Pakistan know about this? Jackshit like on every other matter related to the Arab world.

Yes, I am sure that actual genetics would confirm that relation. Not.

In any case none of what I have posted are inventions but actual opinions of much more qualified scholars and foremost experts. Nor are any of the sources Arab or have anything to do with KSA or Egypt or Libya for that matter.

Seems that you don't get/understand what is written either. Nobody denies that he had Kurdish ancestry but he also had Arab ancestry and there is dispute about whether the tribe that he belonged to was originally of Arab or Kurdish origin.

Apparently something very hard to understand.

As for the rest of the facts that I wrote, all are sourced. Next you will deny that all of his ancestors and family live in the Arab world and are now 90% Arab genetically after intermarrying Arabs for 800 years mostly and that they do not consider themselves Arabs and that the Ayyubids were not Arabized rulers, lol.

They are Baloch. Pakistani Baloch originally. Emerged in 1947.
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What have Saudi Arabians to do with anything genius? Saudi Arabians are just 1 Arab nationality out of over 20.

Kurds have no problem with Saudi Arabians and KSA and Kurdistan have close and cordial relations and there is also an significant Kurdish community in KSA numbering almost 100.000 people but what the pfuck would some Baloch from Pakistan know about this? Jackshit like on every other matter related to the Arab world.

Yes, I am sure that actual genetics would confirm that relations. Not.

In any case none of what I have posted are inventions but actual opinions of much more qualified scholars and foremost experts. Nor are any of the sources Arab or have anything to do with KSA or Egypt or Libya for that matter.

First of all watch your tongue ... And reply respectfully otherwise I'm very much short tempered myself ...

Nobody gives a flying duck about your Arab nationalist shyt here... Nor your hilariously pathetic theories of Kurds being Arab or having same language or culture as you... I can understand Kurdish much better than you... And a Kurd can understand balochi too... Our clothes,culture and traditions are similar unlike Arabs... No proud Turk shall ever call himself Arab.

Not even Berbers @Ceylal call themselves Arab.

Secondly ... Our lands are closer Kurd and Baloch regions are much more closer than some clown from hijaz.... We also have Kurds here in Balochistan .. Which borders Sistan .. Which lies next to Kurdistan...

You don't even share anything with your own "Semitic" Israeli cousins who look down upon you.
Let alone other proud people .. And definitely not the Iranic world:


What have Saudi Arabians to do with anything genius? Saudi Arabians are just 1 Arab nationality out of over 20.

Kurds have no problem with Saudi Arabians and KSA and Kurdistan have close and cordial relations and there is also an significant Kurdish community in KSA numbering almost 100.000 people but what the pfuck would some Baloch from Pakistan know about this? Jackshit like on every other matter related to the Arab world.

Yes, I am sure that actual genetics would confirm that relation. Not.

In any case none of what I have posted are inventions but actual opinions of much more qualified scholars and foremost experts. Nor are any of the sources Arab or have anything to do with KSA or Egypt or Libya for that matter.

Seems that you don't get/understand what is written either. Nobody denies that he had Kurdish ancestry but he also had Arab ancestry and there is dispute about whether the tribe that he belonged to was originally of Arab or Kurdish origin.

Apparently something very hard to understand.

As for the rest of the facts that I wrote, all are sourced. Next you will deny that all of his ancestors and family live in the Arab world and are now 90% Arab genetically after intermarrying Arabs for 800 years mostly and that they do not consider themselves Arabs and that the Ayyubids were not Arabized rulers, lol.

They are Baloch. Pakistani Baloch originally. Emerged in 1947.

And Saudi Arabia emerged in 1932... After the Arabs revelled against the Ottomans with help from UK.. And a pimp called Lawrence of Arabia ... And later installed a tribal chief (who used to plunder hajjis) as the monarch.
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First of all watch your lizard eating tongue ... And reply respectfully otherwise I'm very much short tempered myself ...

Nobody gives a flying fuk about your Arab nationalist shyt here... Nor your hilariously pathetic theories of Kurds being Arab or having same language or culture as you... I can understand Kurdish much better than you... And a Kurd can understand balochi too... Our clothes,culture and traditions are similar unlike Arabs... No proud Turk shall ever call himself Arab.

Not even Berbers @Ceylal call themselves Arab.

Secondly ... Our lands are closer Kurd and Baloch regions are much more closer than some clown from hijaz.... We also have Kurds here in Balochistan .. Which borders Sistan .. Which lies next to Kurdistan...

You are the one that should watch his stateless donkey eating tongue.

You are an complete and utter idiot. You were the one who started trolling and writing dumb posts. I wrote a factual reply to your post using sourced sources and nothing else. Zero provocations.

Everything that I have written is factual and well-sourced material that derives from non-Arab experts and foremost historians of Kurds. Who are you to dispute them? A nobody.

Saladin had partial Arab ancestry on both his mother's and father's side. His family had been Arabized for generations after intermarrying with Arabs in modern-day Iraq. He was born on Arab lands and died in Cairo. His descendants have all lived in Arab lands for 800 years continuously and intermarried with locals. His descendants (Al-Ayubbi/Ayoubi) family live in Jordan, Syria and KSA today.

Yes, it is very hilarious that a non-homogenous people like Kurds, especially some of the lot living in Iraq and Syria have partial Arab and Assyrian ancestry and that many of them are Kurdified Arabs and Assyrians originally. Who the pfuck talked about same language or culture? You think that a stateless people like Kurds with a limited history are going to impress any Arabs or that Arabs want to attach themselves to Kurds? It is often the other way around.

Yes, Iraqi Kurdistan is closer to Baluchistan than KSA which lies less than 800 km from where Saladin was born. Man, you are some kind of genius.

Whatever floats your boat Baloch.

BTW, I am quite sure that Kurds from Iraq and Syria have a closer genetic relationship than with some Pakistani Baloch 2000 km away.
You are the one that should watch his stateless donkey eating tongue.
Stateless? Calm down sand monkey .. Worry about your own mind from Iraq to Yemen .. From Syria to Palestine you are getting whacked.. By outsiders and your own kind...

No wonder even hundred thousands prophets couldn't change you people... Fitna than.. Fitna now.

Go drink camel piss.... Hunt lizards,loot caravans .. Ur history.

You are an complete and utter idiot.
You take the cake boy.

Everything that I have written is factual and well-sourced material that derives from non-Arab experts and foremost historians of Kurds. Who are you to dispute them? A nobody.

Saladin had partial Arab ancestry on both his mother's and father's side. His family had been Arabized for generations after intermarrying with Arabs in modern-day Iraq. He was born on Arab lands and died in Cairo. His descendants have all lived in Arab lands for 800 years continuously and intermarried with locals. His descendants (Al-Ayubbi/Ayoubi) family live in Jordan, Syria and KSA today.

Yes, it is very hilarious that a non-homogenous people like Kurds, especially the lot that live in Iraq and Syria have Arab and Assyrian ancestry and that many of them are Kurdified Arabs and Assyrians originally. Who the pfuck talked about same language or culture? You think that a stateless people like Kurds with a limited history are going to impress any Arabs or that Arabs want to attach themselves to Kurds? It is often the other way around.

Yes, Iraqi Kurdistan is closer to Baluchistan than KSA which lies less than 800 km from where Saladin was born. Man, you are some kind of genius.

Whatever floats your boat Baloch.

Sure kid ... We believe yeah.. Back to ranting on nationalist and Semitic shyt.
Stateless? Calm down sand monkey .. Sorry about your own mind from Iraq to Yemen .. From Syria to Palestine you are getting whacked.. By outsiders and your own kind...

You take the cake boy.

Sure kid ... We believe yeah.. Back to ranting on nationalist and Semitic shyt.

A Baloch calling another person a "sand monkey". Moreover a person that calls himself a "Desert Fighter". The irony. What shall I call you. A stateless sand Gypsy monkey? I am such a badass now.

At least we have our own states and our lands are called the Arab world for a reason. Can't say the same about your people.

Yes, sure I do. Expect for me sticking to sourced material while you were acting like an angry teenage girl whose candy was stolen. Crying about stuff that I have never written either.

As for calming down. I am completely calm. I was calm throughout the entire "discussion". You were the one that suffered a seizure after seeing my sourced post that had zero trace of trolling in it.

You still don't get it do you. Nobody, at least not me, has denied that Saladin had Kurdish ancestry but he also had Arab ancestry. Let alone all his descendent and remaining descendent who are Arabs today.
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A Baloch calling another person a "sand monkey". Moreover a person that calls himself a "Desert Fighter". The irony. What shall I call you. A stateless sand Gypsy monkey? I am such a badass now.
Unlike your river less sand country ours is fertile,snow capped peaks, forested.. Etc it's not a bone dry desert like your entire country.

At least we have our own states and our lands are called the Arab world for a reason. Can't say the same about your people.

World? Yeah world war .. Whacking each other by the millions... Always in turmoil .. Fitna.

Yes, sure I do. Expect for me sticking to sourced material while you were acting like an angry teenage girl whose candy was stolen. Crying about stuff that I have never written either.

Lmao.. I pitty your existance.. Read the real sources and not Wikipedia .. Provided above.
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It is always an amazing sight to see us Muslims fight over the achievements and the laurels and the ancestry of men who did great things for Islam while those that are fighting did not yet they fight as if its their own acheivements and is some kind of trophy for their nationalitu. The said hero's great great grandfather was actually from my tribe bcz he spent some time here and married in so that means the hero is actually ours. Wow that just propelled our pride as if we did those great thing. What? We are getting bombed and the west is killing us and dividing us so we kill each other. No problem. We solved out the important issue. To whom this 1000 year old hero belonged to. That's the important part.
The real term for your kind is sand nigger.. Dune coon etc... Unlike your river less sand country ours is fertile,snow capped peaks, forested.. Etc it's not a bone dry desert like your entire country.

World? Yeah world war .. Whacking wa other by the millions.

Lmao.. I pitty your existance.. Read the real sources and not Wikipedia .. Provided above.

A term that is used for your people too and every people from the region by the usual suspects who see no difference between non-Europeans.

Half of KSA is mountainous (an area bigger than all of Pakistan combined) and the fertile areas in KSA have half the size of your entire province. We have forests and snow-capped mountains as well. 3000 km long tropical coastline. 1000's of wadis, the longest in the world too. Wadis are rivers and river beds who are not permanent all year round. Lakes as well and 100's of mountain steams. Talk about being clueless.

English. The language of your former colonial power. What are you trying to say? What millions?

Are you dumb? The references/sources have nothing to do Wikipedia other than being used on Wikipedia. The sources I posted originate from the foremost experts on Kurdish history. What the **** do you want? A time machine?

I will try for the third time (lucky number).

You still don't get it do you. Nobody, at least not me, has denied that Saladin had Kurdish ancestry but he also had Arab ancestry. Let alone all his descendent and remaining descendent who are Arabs today.

Also another thing Baloch, we Arabs have had numerous people who were as great and greater than Saladin. Most originating from modern-day KSA. There is no need to mention their names as every Muslim knows about them.

You have had not even 1 historical person that is comparable to Saladin. So burry your hilarious superiority somewhere dark and tight.
The real term for your kind is sand nigger.. Dune coon etc... Unlike your river less sand country ours is fertile,snow capped peaks, forested.. Etc it's not a bone dry desert like your entire country.
.yar you are a sensible educated lawyer. What are you doing? End the discussion and take the higher road. Don't start abusing no matter what he throws.

And I say the same to @Saif al-Arab. Abusing each other and their country and their nationality won't yield anything but a ban.
.yar you are a sensible educated lawyer. What are you doing? End the discussion and take the higher road. Don't start abusing no matter what he throws.

And I say the same to @Saif al-Arab. Abusing each other and their country and their nationality won't yield anything but a ban.

I don't care what he is. He acts like a 13 year old child whose candy got stolen. Everyone can see who started the trolling and personal remarks. I don't respect anti-Arab clowns. Especially not when they have an ridiculous superiority complex when in reality their peoples achievements cannot even reach the ankles of the achievements of Arabs. No offense.

This guy should be happy that this is a Pakistani forum and not an Arab forum or an international forum. He would have been ridiculed and dealt with long ago for all the nonsense and shit that he is writing about Arabs.
A term that is used for your people too and every people from the region by the usual suspects who see no difference between non-Europeans.

Half of KSA is mountainous (an area bigger than all of Pakistan combined) and the fertile areas in KSA have half the size of your entire province. We have forests and snow-capped mountains as well. 3000 km long tropical coastline. 1000's of wadis, the longest in the world too.That are rivers who are not permanent all year round. Lakes as well and mountain streams. Talk about being clueless.

Very fertile when you import 80% of your food .. And ask us for land to ease your food insecurity.

English. The language of your former colonial power. What are you trying to say? What millions?

Lol you are blind too? Where did I talk about English ? As for colonial power .. We fought those clowns.. They labelled my people as "savages" (look it up) unlike you were didn't give a shyt about any Lawrence or James..

Are you dumb? The references/sources have nothing to do Wikipedia other than being used on Wikipedia. The sources I posted originate from the foremost experts on Kurdish history. What the **** do you want? A time machine?
Theories .. I posted reliable (note : reliable and international sources not shyt kindergarten kids use for homework)
I will try for the third time (lucky number).
Also another thing Baloch, we Arabs have had numerous people who were as great and greater than Saladin. Most originating from modern-day KSA. There is no need to mention their names as every Muslim knows about them.
Yeah arabi.. For every great person you got 100 not so great people too.. The latest one is Abu Bakar baghdadi... Long list..

I don't care what he is. He acts like a 13 year old child whose candy got stolen. Everyone can see who started the trolling and personal remarks. I don't respect anti-Arab clowns. Especially not when they have an ridiculous superiority complex when in reality their peoples achievements cannot even reach the ankles of the achievements of Arabs. No offense.

This guy should be happy that this is a Pakistani forum and not an Arab forum or an international forum. He would have been ridiculed and dealt with long ago for all the nonsense and shit that he is writing about Arabs.

Yeah I'm sure .. World loves Arabs specially Saudis ...

In fact if I ridiculed you on an international forum .. People would laugh on you and your Arab nationalist rants.. Looking at your state of affairs..

Very fertile when you import 80% of your food .. And ask us for land to ease your food insecurity.

Lol you are blind too? Where did I talk about English ? As for colonial power .. We fought those clowns.. They labelled my people as "savages" (look it up) unlike you were didn't give a shyt about any Lawrence or James..

Theories .. I posted reliable (note : reliable and international sources not shyt kindergarten kids use for homework)
I will try for the third time (lucky number).

Yeah arabi.. For every great person you got 100 not so great people too.. The latest one is Abu Bakar baghdadi... Long list..


Agricultural Achievements

The 1970s marked the beginning of serious agricultural development in the Kingdom.

The government launched an extensive program to promote modern farming technology; to establish rural roads, irrigation networks and storage and export facilities; and to encourage agricultural research and training institutions.

The result has been a phenomenal growth in the production of all basic foods. With substantial amounts of meat, milk, and eggs, Saudi Arabia is now completely self-sufficient in a number of foodstuffs.

The increased food production brought about a proportional decline in food imports; and in fact Saudi Arabia now exports wheat, dates, dairy products, eggs, fish, poultry, vegetables and flowers to markets around the world.

Intensive dairy, meat, poultry and egg farming were all introduced early in the program, and already by 1985, local farms were satisfying domestic demand for many products previously imported. The Kingdom now has some of the most modern and largest dairy farms in the Middle East. Milk production boasts a remarkably productive annual rate of 1,800 gallons per cow, one of the highest in the world.

While fish production through traditional off-shore fishing has been constantly on the increase, the Kingdom is exploring ways of further increasing its catch and encouraging greater private investment.


One of the new areas in which the private sector is investing with government support is aquaculture. The number of fish farms, either using pens in the sea or tanks onshore, has been increasing steadily. Most are located along Saudi Arabia's Red Sea coast. Shrimp farming has been particularly successful. The National Shrimp Company 'Al-Rubian', for example, has a farm south of Jeddah managed by Saudi hydro-biologists and marine engineers, whose shrimp, including the preferred black tiger, is exported mainly to the United States and to Japan.

The Kingdom's most dramatic agricultural accomplishment, noted worldwide, was its rapid transformation from importer to exporter of wheat. In 1978, the country built its first grain silos. By 1984, it had become self-sufficient in wheat. Shortly thereafter, Saudi Arabia began exporting wheat to some thirty countries, including China and the former Soviet Union, and in the major producing areas of Tabuk, Hail and Qasim, average yields reached 3.6 tons per acre.

In addition, Saudi farmers grow substantial amounts of other grains such as barley, sorghum and millet. Today, in the interest of preserving precious water resources, production of wheat and other grains has been considerably reduced.


The Kingdom has, however, stepped up fruit and vegetable production, by improving both agricultural techniques and the roads that link farmers with urban consumers. Saudi Arabia is a major exporter of fruits and vegetables to its neighbors. Among its most productive crops are watermelon, grapes, citrus fruits, onions, squash and tomatoes. At Jizan in the country's well-watered southwest, the Al-Hikmah Research Station is producing tropical fruits including pineapples, paw-paws, bananas, mangoes and guavas.

This agricultural transformation has altered the country's traditional diet, supplying a diversity of local foods unimaginable a few generations ago. Dates are no longer the vital staple for Saudi Arabians that they were in the past, although they still constitute an important supplementary food. Much of the annual production of dates, estimated at around half a million tons and comprising some 450 different kinds, is used as international humanitarian aid.

Several factories, including one in Al-Hasa, are dedicated entirely to the production of dates for foreign aid and donate tens of thousands of tons of dates each year to relieve famine and food shortages, mainly through the World Food Program (WFP) of the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Many countries have directly benefited from Saudi Arabia's food aid offered through the WFP, and the Kingdom is second only to the United States in contributions to the program.

Agricultural Achievements

This thread below speaks for itself.


Even rice grows in KSA.

Ever heard about something called outsourcing and it being cheaper on the long run to import certain cheaper products? That does not mean that for instance mango cannot grow in KSA. Many tropical fruits that are not found in Pakistan let alone Balocistan grow in KSA but it is not enough to feed 30 million + people or live of it as export.

Neither did Arabs and we fought against the Brits too and colonial powers. Often successfully. From Morocco to Oman. Many resistance heroes, some of the most famous, during that colonial era, are Arabs. Omar Al-Mukthar for instance. Amir Abdelkader (a fellow Hashemite) is another. None of your people have any such status.

Whatever floats your boat. I am sure that the foremost experts on Kurdish history are unreliable sources.

The list of great personalities is probably greater than the number of Baloch people on the planet. Yes, there are a few bad apples when you are numbering 450 million people (second largest ethnicity in the world) but as a Baloch you should know that. Khalid Sheikh Muhammad etc.

More Muslims and people love Arabs than they love Baloch that is for sure.

And you know what, the most respected person who has walked this planet was an Arab. A so-called "sand nigger" according to you.

Let's end it here. I have nothing to discuss with an obsessive inferiority ridden anti-Arab. Go brag about your "Baloch achievements" and how your legacy and influence is so much bigger than that of Arabs.:lol:
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