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Awesome and unmatched hotels of India.

But Sir this hospitality is not for Pakistanis anymore, now a days most of the hotels refusing services to Pakistani peoples...
These beautiful palaces not hotels but debt ridden royal families have to do this because they can't maintain these beautiful palaces.

Just enjoy the grandeur of these magnificent palaces cum hotels and don't be a party pooper.
Nope.. this happened recently 16-oct 2015
Refused entry: Pakistani family spends night on a Mumbai footpath

Exactly and we also won't forget and forgive APS attacks and other attacks by your proxies(actually favor's are already in returning phase now ehm ehm) .. Brain washing level has certainly at top in india..

There are certain norms that we expect from Pakistani visitors to India. Follow those norms and you are more than welcome. But don't expect that everyone will go overboard in welcoming you guys. I have seen both sides of the coin i.e love and hate when Pakistan comes into our discussions.
Wanted to see more hotels.. ended up reading india pakistan fights..continue insults..enjoy
@HariPrasad Very impressive. The decor and style seems to be dominated by Islamic/Moghul style.

Sorry to cramp India's style but Pakistan can do better. Check in at Marriot Islamabad through barricades, machine guns and armed security police while getting searched for any explosives. No swimming pool though.


Wake up in morning with big gaping hole caused by high explosive device. On the positive note maybe could be turned into swimming pool? What say yeh?


And if you parked your car in the hotel park you had better have insurance coz you will need it.


And you will need more than paracetemol to get over the headache.


Wel come to Islam Kya Matab Pakistan. :hitwall:

Hi dear,

The architect I posted hare do not have any iota of Mughal architect. The hotel's picture you posted is nothing special. However I respect your views. Pl refrain from comparison and enjoy the thread. You can post the pictures of Pakistani Hotels without any any compassion. We shall enjoy that to gather.

Hotel Garden palce Udaipur.

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