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Awami League imposing Hindu dominance over Muslim majority population

Desiman is a patriot I assume. So what's wrong with placing country over your religion? Different people have different approaches to life. Why don't you RESPECT other people's points of view? Pak's failed to RESPECT us, the "fellow muslim brothers", as equals and see what has happened? Your long post centered on hindu-muslim divide does not portray the ordinary Bangladeshi.

Indo-BD conflict has nothing to do with religion, but it's again a lack of trust and respect from both sides whenever we sit together to sort our problems. Politicians capitalize on the existing problems, invest on the religious bigotry of the ignorant mass and further fuel the mistrust. Aren't you one of those ignorant religious bigot of our country? India has more than it's share of this class of people, but I could care less if they go to hell. We don't want to see extremists and lunatics running lose in BD. I'd be the most happy man on earth if all you muslim and hindu fanatics in our country can exile yourselves to PK or IN respectively and leave my Bangladesh alone. :D

We are with you to root out the fanatics, India is trying its best to keep its own brand of fanatics under control. You can see we hardly let any one speak out, most of them have been locked up.
Please don't include India in your wide reference to South Asia because we still have hope and we have a dozen leaders who are cleaning the rot.


Don't get me wrong, I still have hope for Bangladesh also, Pakistan too. I'm sure that somewhere in these countries there are people who are better leaders, and the someday they will get their chance to shine and help both countries by cleaning up our rot. :)
And Yes,they are also hypocrites. But there is one basic difference. At least they are not crying out loud that they are protector of Islam.

Awami is anti Islamic and pro Hindui party thus how can they promote Islam? They are enemy of Islamic culture and teaching.

As I always say,I am not involved in any politics. I can speak for others like BD_4_ever too.We grew up and studied in politics free environment. Unlike M_saint and Idune and may be also you. So please don't try to look at us from the same point of view.

I personally do not belong to any political party however I am for the party that uphold Bangladeshi and Islamic nationalism.

I urge you to stay neutral. Do not defend Awami because you can not be neutral and not hate Awamis anti Bangladesh activities right at this moment. Anyone with minimal patriotism would discard them dogs.

If they carry books of jihad (distorted jihad) and other extremist books,then there should be arrests made.But if those are books of hadiths and history of Islam,then its unfair on those students.

What is distorted Jihad? Jihad is Jihad and it is one of the highest Ibadah for any Muslim. Just saying unfair will not convince me your allegiance to Islam.

But I don't agree on your generalization that all awami supporters are munafiqs/bad muslims.

Awamis top leaders are pure Munafiq so a mumin can not support them. La-Hasina even said once that only Hindus are Imandar and Muslims are bay-Iman.

She is also self proclaimed bay-Iman. :tdown:

At very first I want to make one thing very clear: following Jamat's politics has got nothing to do with following Islam.Nowhere in Islam says you have to follow Jamat to become a True muslim.Only Allah knows I am good or bad muslim.And only he can judge me and no one else.

Who told you that you have to follow Jamat politics to be good Muslim. Re read my previous post.
I have clearly said that Awami munafiq target people with beard and hijab in the name of Jamat-shibir. Any one with Islamic out look are called Razakar, Jamati and anti liberation force.

So does this mean that only bay-din are pro liberation? :undecided:

I do not want to be part of so called pro liberation forces that encourage bay-diniyat and Jahannami activity. You decide your destiny.

If you look at our politicians..none of them are following Islamic lifestyle.Many are heavy drinkers,some gamble,womanize and more.And above that, they are liars.

Now tell me whom do you want to replace by removing Awami league or BNP?Because you can find the above category of people in every party.So whom do you want?

What is better? Something or Nothing. Awami a straight forward anti-Islamic party while BNP at least encourage Islamic culture and value even though some of the leaders are hypocrite. Nevertheless you do not need to follow any leaders but you are to support the party that represent Bangladesh and it's Islamic culture.

Awami league main slogan is Joi Bangla and joi bangobandu. Now where is Bangla? :undecided: I thought name of our country is Bangladesh. How can you support a party that could not even get out from pre-historic regional mindset. It's wasted group of people.

As a matter of fact, support none. Just wait for the day when your idle party show up but supporting awami league would be anti Islamic and gaddari to Muslim cause in Bangladesh. Awami does everything to make it Hindu masters happy. :angry:

Jamat lies and uses religion as their shield.So they are threat to Islam and should be banned. I already have given proof of their lying, didn't I? How can you expect liars to save Islam in Bangladesh?

I understand you do not like them but you have no right or power to banned them. :tdown:

How are they threat to Islam? Give me some specific examples where they have done any anti Islamic activities. Spare me form 71 garbage. I am not interested. ;)
I personally do not belong to any political party however I am for the party that uphold Bangladeshi and Islamic nationalism.

I urge you to stay neutral. Do not defend Awami because you can not be neutral and not hate Awamis anti Bangladesh activities right at this moment. Anyone with minimal patriotism would discard them dogs.

Tell me honestly,haven't you seen me criticise Awami League? But on this matter of banning Jamat,I agree with them.Because I have already shown many reasons for disliking them.

What is distorted Jihad? Jihad is Jihad and it is one of the highest Ibadah for any Muslim. Just saying unfair will not convince me your allegiance to Islam.

Jihad truly means "the struggle with the devil inside oneself".

But distorted Jihad means fighting against every non muslim,even if they are children and women.Which all extremist groups follow.

Now according to Islamic code for warfare, children and women,priests of temple all are to be spared.If someone surrenders,he or she should be given protection to a safer place.

So anyone following the distorted Jihad,is distorting Islam.

Who told you that you have to follow Jamat politics to be good Muslim. Re read my previous post.
I have clearly said that Awami munafiq target people with beard and hijab in the name of Jamat-shibir. Any one with Islamic out look are called Razakar, Jamati and anti liberation force.

So does this mean that only bay-din are pro liberation? :undecided:

I do not want to be part of so called pro liberation forces that encourage bay-diniyat and Jahannami activity. You decide your destiny.

Even in my uni,I have seen some people teasing anyone with beard and terming them "JMB".Don't you think this has more to do with whatever we see in western media?

Don't you think those JMB members are responsible for putting a bad names to all other devoted muslims?

Don't you think the Razakars who killed and raped civilians and talked about Islam,are the ones responsible for putting a bad names to all other devoted muslims?

Now don't say the killing and raping didn't happen and there was no razakars,then you will be turning a blind eye to the truth.Which is equal to lying.

I understand you do not like them but you have no right or power to banned them. :tdown:

How are they threat to Islam? Give me some specific examples where they have done any anti Islamic activities. Spare me form 71 garbage. I am not interested. ;)

I have no power to ban them,but I have the power to support their ban.This is democracy remember?

Another example of hypocrisy:

Jamat talks of establishing Islamic law.Very well.

But according to Islamic law,the head of the state can not be a woman.

Did that stop Jamat from coming to power under a woman who doesn't even wear a hijab?Aren't they disobeying Islamic shariah?

Another example:

How come every top JMB leader we arrest,happens to have links with Jamat or shibir?
Doesn't this mean that there's something wrong within the organization?

In this forum,I have seen Pakistanis also don't like Jamat because they support TTP. Since Jamatis around the world follow same principle, why should we support Jamat in BD?

Especially when we know their links with JMB,HUJI?

Don't tell me JMB was created by India,because Jamat's founder was also born in India.
Banning Tagore music and Boishakhi mela.. LOL.. don't counter him dude, I'm actually enjoying it =D

Personally, I do not have any problem with Tagore's music and Boishakhi mela and I consider Tagore's music as decent literature and Boishakhi mela as Bangladeshi people's native old culture of sharing common norms and values. But the problem is too much Tagore and Boishakhi lovers (like some media personalties like ALi Zaker, Sara Zaker or Asadul Zaman Nur) are more prone to lean to AL and Indian ideology forgetting Muslim ideology.
ehh...acting as if you don't know anything....

JMB chief claims link with Jamaat

Remember Bangla Bhai?He was active member of shibir

<i>From Jamaat dist ameer to JMB boss</i>

Your evidence is some hearsay, unknown source article written by some news outlet that tell lie about its opponents?? Then I can pay dime a dozen reporter and create hearsay article saying you are member of al-qeada, doest that make it evidence????

Have these hearsay article been proven true???? Now you will go on your typical slipping and sliding bs.

By the way Awami MP Mirza Golam Azam is brother in law of JMB chief Abdur Rahman. That should make Awami League to be kicked out of Bangladesh.

To make things worse for Azam, he is the brother-in-law of Shaikh Abdur Rahman, the notorious JMB chief who orchestrated the countrywide bomb blasts. Many believe the militant issue may be detrimental for Azam in the elections.


Jahangir Kabir Nanok, Awami league minister has been involved in massacre of 58 Bangladesh army officers, that should be reason enough to kick Awami league out of the country.

Yes, Faruk Khan&#180;s statement is partially correct. There was JMB hand behind the massacre, possibly, otherwise, who Colonel Gulzar was killed in the most barbaric manner? Moreover, it is important to note that, Mirza Azam, brother-in-law of JMB kingpin Shaikh Abdur Rahman, who is a whip in the Parliament from the ruling party was evidently having some contact points inside the BDR headquarters, which let him and Jahangir Kabir Nanak in entering the massacred area right on February 25, 2009, when no one else [even members of the press or Red Cross Society] could even approach the area. But, this is only one fraction of the entire conspirators. For, example, Jahangir Kabir Nanak is not connected to JMB. Or, how about Awami League leaders like Abdul Jalil, Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir, Liakat Sikder, Hassan Mahmud [now state minister for Foreign Affairs], Bahauddin Nasim, Sajeda Chowdhury [who is now deputy leader of the house], Jahangir Kabir Nanak or BNP leaders like Moudud Ahmed, Mirza Abbas, Nasiruddin Pintu, Shah Abdhul Hannan, Salauddin Quader Chowdhury, Khandekar Delwar Hossain etc., who had been demanding &#180;stern action&#180; against army officers? Their body language in a number of television talk-shows were sufficiently vindictive.


Your juvenile and idiotic logic are laughable and even worse you dont have any REAL proof other than hearsay dime a dozen write ups.
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Your evidence is some hearsay, unknown source article written by some news outlet that tell lie about its opponents??

Read before ranting.

Former Habiganj Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Maulana Saidur Rahman alias Zafar took over as the JMB chief in mid 2006 after JMB kingpin Abdur Rahman was arrested in February 2006, sources said.

Saidur was the financial coordinator of JMB and he primarily dealt with foreign funding, according to a statement of arrested Huji founder Abdus Salam.

You call confessions as hearsay??Way to go..... :lol:
Ok let me post from a newspaper you often quote from:

Ex-Shibir man Sunny an
explosives expert

The arrested Jamaatul Mujahideen commander, Ataur Rahman Sunny, has attained the capability of manufacturing bombs of different types, including grenades, intelligence agencies said. A former leader of Islami Chhatra Shibir, student front of Jamaat-e-Islami, Ataur Rahman received extensive training in explosives for years from the Rohingya experts who returned from the Afghan war.
Intelligence agency sources said after Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami leader Mufti Abdul Hannan, Sunny is the most experienced in explosives among the Islamist militants.
They said the latest version of the grenade found at Manda in Dhaka was the outcome of his long-term efforts. The bombs used in the August 17 countrywide blasts and the subsequent suicide attacks are also his creation, they said.
Born at Chashara in Jamalpur, he got involved in Shibir politics soon after he had taken admission to the Islamic University in Kushtia in 1999.
A year later, he stopped studying dawah and Islamic studies and joined his elder brother, JMB chief Shaikh Abdur Rahman.
He passed dakhil examinations from the Kamalkhan Hat Senior Madrassah in 1996 and alim from the Beltia Madrassah in Jamalpur in 1998.
Inspired by his brother, Ataur had many Shibir leaders and activists involved in Jamaatul Mujahideen and managed to establish a countrywide network. He then concentrated on training in explosives.
He was assigned to form a special squad of the outfit and became commander of the JMB&#65533;s military wing. He also recruited members of the suicide squad and trained them.
Ataur was arrested along with 18 other militants after a gunfight between suspected JMB militants and the police at Khetlal in Jaipurhat when a conference of the JMB militants was going on.
He later managed his release allegedly at the blessings of influential Jamaat leaders and went into hiding. He had continued underground activities since then.
Before the August 17 bombings, he set up a secret militant camp in the remote village of Gonarchar at Sharishabari in Jamalpur, on the bank of the River Jamuna. He began living in districts such as Kushtia, Rajshahi, Jaipurhat, Dinajpur, Rangpur, Bogra, Chittagong, Cox&#65533;s Bazar, Comilla and Gazipur.
The local residents in Jamalpur said Siddiqul Islam alias Bangla Bhai used to visit the place with Ataur and used to stay in his residence. But he was not seen there for long.

Front Page

Now don't tell me NewAge is also politically biased,because you have posted lots of news from this newspaper.

P.S.: Ataur Rahman Sunny is now executed.
So apparently Awami will reestablish secularism based on supreme court recent rule. I would have respect them if they would have done it without using supreme court as proxy. Nevertheless I will congratulate Awami league and it's secular supporter. You have won the battle as of now but there always will be another balltle in diffrent time.

I will wait till the day when Awami league amend the constitution in parliament then I will change my flag from my profile. :tdown:

OIC should kick out Bangladesh from Islamic circle. I beg to them. :angry:

It will be interesting to see how people of Bd react to secular constitution. Interesting days coming ahead.

Supreme Court scraps 5th amendment of constitution with modification

The verdict paves the way for restoration of preamble and articles 8, 9, 10, 12, 25, 38 and 142 of &#8216;72 constitution

Thursday July 29 2010 01:27:24 AM BDT

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court Tuesday upheld the High Court verdict that scrapped the 5th Amendment of the Constitution, with certain modifications recognizing citizens of Bangladesh as Bangladeshis.(UNB)

The modified judgment of the six-member Appellate Division paved the way for restoration of the Preamble and Articles 8, 9, 10, 12, 25, 38 and 142 of the 1972 Constitution.

On August 29 in 2005, the High Court in a historic verdict declared illegal the 5th amendment to the constitution, meaning that the rules of Khandker Mushtaque Ahmed, Abu Sadaat Mohammad Sayem, and Maj General Ziaur Rahman from August 15, 1975 to April 9, 1979 were unlawful.

In the first paragraph of the Preamble, it will now be read as "a historic struggle for national liberation" instead of "a historic war for national independence."

The verdict also restored in the 2nd paragraph of the Preamble of the original Constitution the words "Pledging that the high ideals of nationalism, socialism, democracy and secularism" which inspired our heroic people to dedicate themselves to, and our brave martyrs to sacrifice their lives in, the national liberation struggle, shall be the fundamental principles of the Constitution.

It replaces the words "Pledging that the high ideals of absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah, nationalism,
democracy and socialism meaning economic and social justice, which inspired our heroic people to dedicate themselves to, and our brave martyrs to sacrifice their lives in, the war of national independence, shall be the fundamental principles of the Constitution.

The Article 8 (1) of the 1972 Constitution will revive the words "The principles of nationalism, socialism, democracy and secularism, together with the principles derived from them as set out in this Part, shall constitute the fundamental principles of state policy

It replaces the words inserted through the 5th amendment by the words "The principles of absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah, nationalism, democracy and socialism meaning economic and social justice," together with the principles derived as set out in this Part, shall constitute the fundamental principles of state policy."

The Appellate Division verdict deleted the Clause (1A) of Article 8 saying that absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah shall be the basis of all actions".

The verdict paves the way for restoration of Article 12 of the original Constitution that says: The principle of secularism shall be realized by the elimination of - (a) communalism in all its forms.

Following the verdict, Article 38 with proviso will be restored. Article 38 says "Every citizen shall have the right to form associations or unions, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interests of morality or public order:

"Provided that no persons shall have the right to form, or be a member or otherwise take part in the activities of, any communal or other association or union which in the name or on the basis of any religion has or its object, or pursues, a political purpose."

In their observations the Appellate Division judges put on record their total disapproval of Martial Law and suspension of the Constitution or any part thereof in any form.

"The perpetrators of such illegalities should also be suitably punished and condemned so that in future no adventurist, no usurper, would dare to defy the people, their Constitution, their Government, established by them with their consent," the verdict said.

The Appellate Division, however, said: It is the Parliament which can make law in this regard. Let us bid farewell to all kinds of extra constitutional adventure for ever.

It said: "We are of the view that in the spirit of the Preamble and also Article 7 of the Constitution the Military Rule, direct or indirect, is to be shunned once for all."

"Let it be made clear that Military Rule was wrongly justified in the past and it ought not to be justified in future on any ground, principle, doctrine or theory whatsoever as the same is against the dignity, honour and glory of the nation that it achieved after great sacrifice; it is against the dignity and honour of the people of Bangladesh who are committed to uphold the sovereignty and integrity of the nation by \all means."

No Muslim can even think to delete this line from highest law of the country. Hence it prove my claim that Awami league is the party of pure Munafiqs and Mushrik.
"Pledging that the high ideals of absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah
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Thank God bangladesh is moving to become a secular modern economic tiger nation instead of indorsing a wahabi arabic form of islam like saudi arabia and elsewhere.
How come every top JMB leader we arrest,happens to have links with Jamat or shibir?

Let me take to for a remand and let see how can you not be link with Shorbohara outlaw in Bd. You get to come up with better evidence than this BS claim by Awami league. :undecided:

How is it that you are tolerating chatra league when it has cross all the limit of decency and has established rein of terror in BD? How come you are not for banning this thugs Mr. Neutral. I have not seen any anti state activity by Jamat or Shibir although you want to banned them but not terrorist chatra league. I smell hypocrisy here. :coffee:
Let me take to for a remand and let see how can you not be link with Shorbohara outlaw in Bd. You get to come up with better evidence than this BS claim by Awami league. :undecided:

How is it that you are tolerating chatra league when it has cross all the limit of decency and has established rein of terror in BD? How come you are not for banning this thugs Mr. Neutral. I have not seen any anti state activity by Jamat or Shibir although you want to banned them but not terrorist chatra league. I smell hypocrisy here. :coffee:

This is my post from another thread:

I advocate for banning all sort of student politics in govt. institutes as we have in private unis,where all sort of politics is banned.


Here is another:

and shyt chatra is a terrorist group funded by bhartis . Their brutalities have left behind even the most fakest horrible propaganda of bhartis about 71.

Chatra Leauge is a shyte..I agree x 1000 with you.


You see,my words are as straight as it should be.

If BNP comes to power one day,and bans BCL,I will support it with same enthusiasm as I support the ban of Jamat-shibir.

If you smell hypocrisy,then its your problem.

And as for not believing the confessions:

well I can't help you there as you have made up your mind.It is apparent you won't agree that Jamat is involved in terrorism even if Nizami himself confess.

So what's the point of arguing,isn't it?

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