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Awami govt proved again - they are indian stooges

Sheikh Hasina Awami league prime minister and already famed herself for being chief of indian stooge govt this time appointed an indian born expatriate Gauhar Rizvi as her foreign relation advisor.

Rizvi also served as south Asian representative in Ford foundation in New Delhi. Ford foundation, that has been famously used by RAW infiltrating into american think tank circle.


Correct. You guys don't deserve such intellects. why don't you recommend someone?

University of Virginia Appoints Gowher Rizvi, Renowned Political Scientist, as Vice Provost for International Programs

Dr Rizvi, the immediate past director of the Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, will enjoy the rank and status, salary-allowances and other facilities similar to a full minister.

Sources said in the recent times he met the prime minister twice. With the latest appointment, now the panel of advisers to the PM is seven strong.

Rizvi was the vice-provost for International Programs at the University of Virginia, USA from August 3, 2008 to 2009.

He was the Ford Foundation's representative for South Asia, New Delhi office from 1998 to 2003 and deputy director, Governance & Civil Society at New York office from 1995 to 1998. He was the director of contemporary affairs of The Asia Society, New York from 1994 to 95.

Dr Rizvi was the United Nations' Coordinator for Afghanistan, Geneva, Islamabad & Kabul from 1988 to 90. He has worked recently as the consultant of UNDP for reforming civil service change management in the country.

He authored a number of books that include South Asia in a Changing International Order; South Asian Insecurity and the Great Powers; Bangladesh: The Struggle for the Restoration of Democracy; Perspectives on Imperialism and Decolonization; and Linlithgow and India.

He is the founding editor of Contemporary South Asia, an academic and policy studies journal published from Oxford.

Rizvi earned a double first in BA honours and MA from the University of Dhaka while DPhil from Trinity College, Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar.

He is also married to a christian (going by the name). All the more reason for you to suspect him to be a CIA agent.

Dr. Arthur Garson, U.Va's executive vice president and provost, said, " Gowher Rizvi brings ideal experience to U.Va., being a Rhodes scholar himself, having lived in a number of countries and directed the Ford Foundation in Asia. He has become known at the Kennedy School at Harvard for his ability to draw faculty together, a talent that will surely fit well here."

In a career of more than 25 years across four continents, Rizvi has combined academic appointments with positions in international organizations, not-for-profit institutions and the media. He originally trained as a social scientist, but is an area studies and development expert.

His publications have spanned the disciplines of history, politics, international relations and development economics. His books include "South Asia in a Changing International Order," "South Asia Insecurity and the Great Powers," "Bangladesh: The Struggle for the Restoration of Democracy," "Perspectives on Imperialism and Decolonization" and "Lord Linlithgow and India."

Rizvi earned a "double first" in B.A. Honors and M.A. from the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh. He earned a D.Phil. at Trinity College, Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes scholar.

He taught for nearly two decades at several British universities, including Oxford University, the University of Warwick and St. Anthony's College. He also served as the Asia-Pacific region head for the Oxford Analytical Daily Brief, an Oxford think tank. He is the founding editor of Contemporary South Asia, an academic and policy studies journal published at Oxford.

Rizvi has also been widely engaged in working to manage conflicts and strengthen democratic institutions and processes in Asia. From 1988 to 1990, he served as special assistant to the United Nations coordinator for Afghanistan, participating in several missions to that country and developing close links with Afghan leaders on both sides of the civil war.

In 1992, he collaborated with the Royal Institute of International Affairs to organize a high-level Anglo-Iranian Roundtable in order to facilitate direct dialogue between senior officials of the two countries.

Since 1986, he has also been involved in promoting unofficial contact and dialogue between South Asian leaders, and has both organized and participated in nongovernmental monitoring of elections in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh.

Rizvi joined the Ford Foundation in 1995 as the deputy director for governance and civil society with responsibilities for the foundation's work worldwide. He became the representative to New Delhi in 1998. The New Delhi office, with a grant-making budget in excess of $56 million in 2001, is the foundation's oldest and largest overseas office. Prior to joining the Ford Foundation, Rizvi was the director of contemporary affairs at the Asia Society in New York, the leading public education organization dedicated to increasing American understanding of peoples and cultures throughout Asia.

Rizvi succeeds Dr. Leigh Grossman, professor of pediatrics and chief of the division of pediatric infectious disease, who has held the post since 2003.

Rizvi is married to Agnese Barolo. They have one daughter, Maya, a 2008 graduate of Vassar.
Mr. Rizvi could be Einstein but his origin, association and affiliations are far more important than his educational credentials in a national security and policy related appointment.

Gowher Rizvi is in cahoot with Ford foundation which has been known for one of RAW infiltration point into US think tank circus and fact that he is indian born expatriates make this appointment unprecedented. Off course for indian stooge govt in Bangladesh and its prime minister that is what expected.

Interestingly enough, indian promotional galore for Gowher Rizvi further validate my points.
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Mr. Rizvi could be Einstein but his origin, association and affiliations are far more important than his educational credentials in a national security and policy related appointment.
Not entirely correct. As a security advisor the point about country of origin holds true. But what portfolio will he handle in BD?

I wouldn't know what credentials is needed for security advisor, but news from BD just mention that he is appointed as advisor to your PM. So i will leave alone that point. His birthplace is Bangaldesh. He was however raised up in West Bengal.

Regarding his Education, again, BD news post says he is appointed as per Rule 3I B (Do you know what that is). Anyway, his education does seem impressive.

Now coming to affliation's, he was in INDIA as a ford representative.

Gowher Rizvi is in cahoot with Ford foundation which has been known for one of RAW infiltration point into US think tank circus and fact that he is indian born expatriates make this appointment unprecedented.

First, he was born in BD. He is not Indian born.

Second, its not unprecedented. Look at Obama's advisor. He has advisers from Indian origin as well.

Can you point to a single such statement from any of your previous government (any one Gov will do) which highlight this or have accused Indian gov of using Ford foundation?

The Ford thing is largely based on a Jaideep Saikia's research paper/book?

Vision Books

The lad is being labeled a RAW operative purely because he published that book!!!! Ingenious.

Born in 1966, Jaideep Saikia had his education at the Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehra Dun and at St Stephen’s College, University of Delhi. He has travelled widely in USA, Europe and in South and South East Asia on academic assignments. He travelled to Pakistan as the guest of President Gen Zia-ul-Haq in 1988. Earlier, he travelled to Kashmir and studied the security situation on a fellowship from the National Foundation for India, New Delhi and to Sri Lanka on a Regional Centre for Strategic Studies fellowship. He visited the People’s Republic of China where he lectured and interacted with the top think tanks and universities of Beijing, Fudan and Zhejiang. He was also an ‘International Visitor’ to USA to study ‘International Crime Issues & Global Cooperation’ on the invitation of the US Department of State. Saikia was part of an international expert group for a mandated agency of the United Nations in its project ‘Devious Objectives and Spoilers in Peace Processes.’ He examined the thesis with an eye to Kashmir.

Interestingly enough, indian promotional galore for Gowher Rizvi further validate my points.

No it doesn't. Our media reports on everything. Waiting for your response.
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He was awarded the postion to established the south asian univ. in Delhi by indian govt. of Monmohan Sing. He help Hasinas son Joy during his Harvard year and a key negotiator for AL with general Moin.

He is a foreign adviser to Hasina not the security adviser. Security Adviser is General Tariq. A good career guy but will do whatever it take for his benefit. Also acting like now Syed Iskander the hated brother of Begum Zia.

Also, your media report is better than our own but give only your side of the story that you think is right.

He was awarded the postion to established the south asian univ. in Delhi by indian govt. of Monmohan Sing. He help Hasinas son Joy during his Harvard year and a key negotiator for AL with general Moin.

He is a foreign adviser to Hasina not the security adviser. Security Adviser is General Tariq. A good career guy but will do whatever it take for his benefit. Also acting like now Syed Iskander the hated brother of Begum Zia.

Also, your media report is better than our own but give only your side of the story that you think is right.


I'm sorry, but i could not make out what you are trying to point out here.

Can you elaborate further , also kindly provide links if you are alleging something.
bangladesh is a small but a potential country to play s strategic role...more like a pivot between south east asian countries and btw china, pakistan and india...and this is a real problem that bangladesh is un necessary forcing itself into....bangladesh has to see and their leaders has to realize that there is no time for bangladesh to think of skinny politics...but try to become more like hongkong, singapore...and this can only be done when the leadership of the country decides that we aint need any weapons but we need millions of dollars from foreign...from world bank, from neighbouring countries to help developing its insfrastructure ...this is a short cut for bangladesh to escape from the south asian politics and not to fell prey btw china pakitan india and other countries...the leadership must try to become more moderate...more growth oriented....because if this does not happen in next 20 years....it will come to the same league of chaos as other states that could have been far developed till now...but are far to away from the right path...
Not entirely correct.

Says who, an indian with circular logic? I rest my case there.

First, he was born in BD. He is not Indian born.

Gowher Rizvi born in Murshidabad, West Bengal, India. His family moved to Bangladesh during 1947 partition. You can try hiding his indian identity and indian allegiance but will not work.

Second, its not unprecedented. Look at Obama's advisor. He has advisers from Indian origin as well.

Well well well !!! in line with your logic, can india appoint Hamid Gul prominent name associated with ISI, as defecto indian foreign minister? If the answer is yes then come back with argument. If answer is no then you have no valid argument other than you are desperately supporting indian stooge govt acts in Bangladesh and supporting indian interference.
Awami govt following indian prescription not only promoting Tipaimukh dam and indian deception but also acting and attacking any opposition to the dam.

Hush-hush govt approach creates confusion about Tipai dam: experts

Raheed Ejaz

The government’s hush-hush approach over information on India’s Tipaimukh dam project is deepening confusion about its possible environmental impact on Bangladesh, water experts and environmentalists alleged.
Some government MPs, including the water resources minister, reportedly said that data received from India on the proposed dam are insufficient to make any assessment on its adverse bearing on the country.
Water experts however feel that Dhaka did not seek relevant data from New Delhi on the proposed dam to be built on the river Barak in the eastern Indian state of Manipur.
Water resources secretary SM Wahid-uz-Zaman told New Age on Saturday that they had requested for the basic information about the project which India sent last month.
Says who, an indian with circular logic? I rest my case there.
Thats the best you guys do when confronted with logic. Run away, sir.

Gowher Rizvi born in Murshidabad, West Bengal, India. His family moved to Bangladesh during 1947 partition. You can try hiding his indian identity and indian allegiance but will not work.

I don't have to hide anything, specially from BD member's. You can go on ranting for all i care.

Coming to the point, Maybe Virginia Univeristy is wrong about his birth place. Can you let us know the URL from where you deduced his birth place please?
U.Va. Vice Provost Gowher Rizvi Calls for South Asian Unity in Wake of Mumbai Terrorist Attacks

Well well well !!! in line with your logic, can india appoint Hamid Gul prominent name associated with ISI, as defecto indian foreign minister? If the answer is yes then come back with argument. If answer is no then you have no valid argument other than you are desperately supporting indian stooge govt acts in Bangladesh and supporting indian interference.

Idune, you either have a twisted logic or you are deliberately digressing since you don't have any clue as to the credentials needed for being a adviser to your government. For a change, instead of rhetoric show us some logic, debate and a few URL's. Awaiting.

NOTE: We are not talking about FM's here. And as i said, if your logic (for Mr.Rizvi) reflect the mind-set for other BD member, you truly done deserve him. All you have provided so far is your rant (without proof) that he is Indian Stooge.

So if you need to debate, let us know why you think he is not qualified to be a advisor to your government.
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Idune, you either have a twisted logic or you are deliberately digressing since you don't have any clue as to the credentials needed for being a adviser to your government. For a change, instead of rhetoric show us some logic, debate and a few URL's. Awaiting.

As I said [If you can not appoint and ISI associates as defecto indian FM then you have no valid argument comparing US and Obama examples. You are simply and desperately supporting indian stooge govt acts in Bangladesh and supporting indian interference].

NOTE: We are not talking about FM's here. And as i said, if your logic (for Mr.Rizvi) reflect the mind-set for other BD member, you truly done deserve him. All you have provided so far is your rant (without proof) that he is Indian Stooge.

So if you need to debate, let us know why you think he is not qualified to be a advisor to your government.

Once again you proved to know very little yet wasting our time with typical indian circular logic. Current BD FM Dipu Moni has lost credibility and inexperienced. So Rizvi appointment was to fill the experience gap . Besides these PM advisors holds more power and operate more close to PM than ministers. Therefore Rizvi will be defecto FM.

This is not debate about qualification as you desperately trying to shift there. Its about Rizvi being indian born and his association with RAW, indian govt and other harmful groups and places.
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As I said [If you can appoint and ISI associates as defecto indian FM then you have no valid argument comparing US and Obama examples. You are simply and desperately supporting indian stooge govt acts in Bangladesh and supporting indian interference].

idune, you are again digressing and running away from topic at hand. for your logic to hold true, you first have to prove that Mr.Rizvi is a stooge. Just you labelling him something, does not make him one. I have already provided link from virginia stating his birthplace as BD. Also GoB has stated the rules as per which he is appointed. Its upto you now to prove that his appointment is unconstitutional.

Once again you proved to know very little yet wasting our time with typical indian circular logic. Current BD FM Dipu Moni has lost credibility and inexperienced. So Rizvi appointment was to fill the experience gap . Besides these PM advisors holds more power and operate more close to PM than ministers. Therefore Rizvi will be defecto FM.

Idune, i can get a 10 year old kid and even he can give you a masterpiece on what he think's will be the next sh1t thing to hit BD. That however does make it the truth. Kindly provide us with any proof of why you think will Mr.Rizvi be the next FM!!

This not debate about qualification as you desperately trying to shift there. Its about Rizvi being indian born and his association with RAW, indian govt and other harmful groups and places.

Rant's, unfortunately do make up for a reason and logic.
Information has been posted and point has been made. No intention to waste my time in indian circular logic. So your babbling will be ignored.
Running away, is a choice, after all.

Gowher Rizvi is indian born.
Gowher Rizvi has association with RAW
Gowher Rizvi has association with indian govt

you can not hide these facts.

By promoting indian born RAW associates Gowher Rizvi be Bangladesh defecto FM shows you are desperately supporting indian stooge govt acts in Bangladesh and supporting indian interference. I am just letting that fact be visible.

Running away? far from it. I just don't waste time on your pointless desperate circular logic.
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