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Averagely one car for every two people in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet


Nov 4, 2011
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Averagely one car for every two people in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet



"According to the current population of 550,000 in Lhasa, basically every two people own a car." Huang Jinlong, deputy director of the Lhasa Vehicle Administration, said, "The rapid increase in the income level of the people is the key to the increase in the number of cars. ."

At the same time, in recent years, Tibet has continuously increased the construction of municipal projects and improved its transportation infrastructure. It has successively built 51 municipal roads and 6 municipal bridge projects in Lhasa, Xigaze and other places, adding 154 kilometers of municipal roads. A road network system consisting of express roads, main roads, secondary roads and branch roads has been formed.

This ratio is higher than Beijing, Beijing has strict license plate drawing system, you can only get a license permit through drawing before being allowed to purchase a car, but the chance for winning a permit is almost zero.


According to the Beijing Municipal Passenger Car Regulation and Management Office announced the total number of base numbers for the 4th phase of 2020, after calculation, the 4th phase is about 3076 people grabbing one spot, the winning rate is 0.000325%

But almost all Beijing households already have at least one car, this policy is largely about trying to stop people from buying more cars.
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Good for car companies, not so good for the environment. Is Tibet densely populated? If not then maybe the car is a neccesity.
Averagely one car for every two people in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet

That should not be taken as a point of pride but as a fact to prove that China alongside India and USA are the top three polluters in the world and much of the pollution being via privately-owned personal cars and two-wheelers - directly, secondarily and tertiarily. India and China both seem to have around 300 million cars each - most of them for personal transport - and hundreds of millions more two-wheelers. My thread on this topic :
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That should not be taken as a point of pride but as a fact to prove that China alongside India and USA are the top three polluters in the world and much of the pollution being via privately-owned personal cars and two-wheelers - directly, secondarily and tertiarily. India and China both seem to have around 300 million cars - most of them for personal transport - and hundreds of millions more two-wheelers. My thread on this topic :
Check the second post, it shows how seriously China is dealing with explosive increase of private cars.
Check the second post, it shows how seriously China is dealing with explosive increase of private cars.
But this :
But almost all Beijing households already have at least one car, this policy is largely about trying to stop people from buying more cars.
is not really a serious effort. According to Google there are 20,896,820 people so that may mean around four million families plus many bachelors. So let's say there are around five million cars. Those cars continue to ply daily causing pollution at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. I speak of a simple solution which I linked previously. Please go through that thread. Any other solution is half-hearted and pandering by the government to the mindless Capitalist mindset of the car and two-wheeler manufacturers.
Well Tibet is very huge and sparse like the mountain states of America so people absolutely need a car
But this :

is not really a serious effort. According to Google there are 20,896,820 people so that may mean around four million families plus many bachelors. So let's say there are around five million cars. Those cars continue to ply daily causing pollution at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. I speak of a simple solution which I linked previously. Please go through that thread. Any other solution is half-hearted and pandering by the government to the mindless Capitalist mindset of the car and two-wheeler manufacturers.
Comparing to western countries, Beijing had done more than enough. But this thread is about cars in Tibet, Tibet and Xinjiang are two very sparsely populated regions with vast lands, they do need cars to get around. China also is the world leader in electric cars and has plans to replace all conventional cars with EVs in one decade.
Advanced world class highway and road system all across Tibet is part ot the reaon why every Tibetan family likes to own cars, the vast road and highway system makes life super conveninet with cars in Tibet

That should not be taken as a point of pride but as a fact to prove that China alongside India and USA are the top three polluters in the world and much of the pollution being via privately-owned personal cars and two-wheelers - directly, secondarily and tertiarily. India and China both seem to have around 300 million cars each - most of them for personal transport - and hundreds of millions more two-wheelers. My thread on this topic :
Don't put B.S. misleading info here, you use the same old trick to fool by putting india together with China.... China has 300 million automobiles (4+ wheelers: passenger cars, buses and trucks), mostly passenger cars, india might has 300 million vheicles, but 90% are 2 wheeler/3 wheelers.
BTW, this list is not accurate either, e.g., the data for Nepal also include motor cycles, etc. which is incorrect.
This number might be more accurate:
China now the worlds largest car ownership country:
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Check out streets in Chinese cities and Indian cities to find out what "cars" means in different countries.
Tibet has a geography which invites adventures on wheels. Hard to resist.
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