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Avalanche traps 10 Indian army soldiers in Siachen

My point concluded..
well about your so called :pleasantry: valid argument .. go through this thread again..slow this time..you'll get your answers..now stop B.shi**ng and stop quoting me..:wave:

first counter my statement kid... if you still want to ignore then go on.. i wouln't care a bit:wave:
Of course, your attempts at obfuscation and outright intellectual dishonesty merely allow for the arguments against Indian duplicity to stand unchallenged.
Come on mate. Be realistic. I am being blunt and honest. No intellectual dishonesty at all.

We are enemies and shall remain till one of us ceases to exist. That is the harsh hard reality. I spent years fighting with it. Now I accept it.
India initiated the Siachen conflict in 1984 by invading Pakistani controlled territory in Siachen. Of course our amazing ally the US turned a blind eye to this. However when we responded to it with Kargil we were ordered to withdraw by our great ally. Pakistani leaderships poor choice of allies continues to haunt us deeply.

India stole a large chunk of siachen from us. I am waiting for some form of payback. If Pakistan had even armed half of our Lucknowi brothers and given them space in the army to fight our sworn enemy India we could have made a difference. Sadly we have no sound policy using muslims occupied by India against India as they have used Bengalis, our own people against us. Pakistani history is filled with missed opportunities and deep failures on the foreign policy front, and warfare front

U used to sane once. :/

Pakistan controlled? :woot: :rofl: That was, is, and will always remain Indian territory! Period.

Payback like what? Your much talked about super SSG tried their damnedest to wrest the Soltoro Ridge West of Siachen from Indian troops in the 80s and early 90s but had to face the ignominy of being thrown out unceremoniously each time.

Even Gen Mush who led several SSG attacks in Siachen to dislodge Indian troops had to finally give up with a lot of egg on his face after unacceptable casualties suffered by his SSG! :P

He was so pissed, he tried to take revenge by launching his disastrous Kargil operation and from there capture Siachen. Again he had to beat a hasty retreat after Indian troops recaptured all posts and destroyed the main logistics base at Mantho Dhalo thereby starving Pak troops of supplies including food, water ammo etc.

So what form of 'payback' are you waiting for? :azn:

SSG's were beaten back by normal Indian troops? ! Not even Paras were there?
SSG's were beaten back by normal Indian troops? ! Not even Paras were there?
SSGs are no supermen. They didn't need special forces to beat them back. Just normal infantry sub units were enough!
I will put you in same list ................. and you are most welcome to believe what ever you like to believe,,,,,,,,
Hell Yeah India is never an aggressor........... Each and Every time it was their bloody neighbors who forced the war on India..................

Why should I debate with people of such mentality................???

"Why should you debate"........????????
You brought it up sooooo...............debate. It's that easy.

Just coz you are tongue tied and are desperately trying to hide it as condescension doesn't mean you have a legit response, you just have a boat load of ad hominems to spew.
If you are just here for a snappy jab then at least try to back it up if not then don't even bother replying.

BTW Pakistan was always the aggressor,

47- Militias among whom were pak forces initiated the attack
65- Op Gibralter
71- Op Chengiz Khan
99- Same thing again

So NO you don't have the benefit of the doubt.
india used KALI weather weapon on his own solders ?



The Kali (Kilo Ampere Linear Injector) is a linear electron accelerator developed by DRDO

The Wrath of KALI

In early 2012 it was rumored that India conducted a super secret weapons test called "Operation White Wash" in the treacherous Siachen glacier the highest battleground on earth. Personnel from RAW, NSA, ARC (Aviation Research Center the aviation arm of RAW), the Army, Air Force (for airborne and AWACS support), DRDO & BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) were roped in to plan & conduct the secret mission. The objective was to use avalanche to kill our enemies using a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) called KALI developed by DRDO scientists. All necessary permissions were obtained and a task force was constituted under National Security Advisor directly reporting to PM. On account of a technical prerequisite an air platform was decided instead of a land facility since heavy noise and vibrations from the hi-tech equipment could trigger an avalanche on our own troops. Two IL-76s were refitted with DRDO's Kilo Ampere Linear Injector electron accelerator named KALI-50000W on board.

Techically it is a pulsed accelerator of ~30 MeV electron energy, 50-100 ns pulse time, 90kA Current and 200 GW Power level.

With meticulous planning and surmounting tough operational conditions the test was triggered in the morning at 4:00 am, the softening of the target areas took around 2 hours to take effect and by 5:40 AM massive snow forms started hurtling towards the Gayari sector where the Pakistani HQ was situated. It was a dry snow avalanche and very soon massive slabs of snow attained speeds around 300 kmph, it was so monstrous that even our personnel were horrified at the magnitude of the event. In total 135 Pakistani men perished and the entire military base was wiped out beyond recognition.

Soon Pakistani and International news channels started reporting the tragedy which had struck the plains. It was a crippling blow to Pakistan's tactical positioning in Siachen, the scientists and armed forces stationed there soon realized that India now possessed a weapon of devastating proportions and that it could at will take out critical enemy positions without even firing a bullet. It was a landmark day for Indian hi-technology prowess.

Read an international media report here and a very impressive Wikipedia page on this event here.

The Concept

The idea of the Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) is believed to have originated as early as in 212 BC in Greece, when Archimedes used polished mirrors to direct sun-light on the sails of Roman ships while defending the city of Syracuse. It was not until 1890 that HG Wells resurrected this concept in his book The War of the Worlds. And taking a leaf out of history, on May 23, 1983, Ronald Reagan the US President urged the development of a system that could intercept and destroy strategic ballistic missiles before these could reach US soil or that of its allies. He was inspired directly by the blockbuster movie STARS WARS. Enough funding was promised and subsequently reports appeared that DEW was well on their way towards actual deployment.

Scientists knew for many years that either a coherent monochromatic light collimated beam; a beam of charged particles or neutral energy particles, can potentially carry destructive amounts of energy, capable under certain circumstances of melting or cracking metal. Effective range could be many thousands of kilometers.

The DEW is a sophisticated weapon capable of destroying a target by emitting and transferring the energy to a target in an aimed direction. Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) would replace the nuclear monsters soon enough and take the center stage, probably proving the legendary visionary HG Wells to be dead on target.

Read another detailed IDN report on KALI here

In India, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has been developing a series of directed energy weapons (DEW) to improve the country's anti-ballistic missile capability, in parallel an Advanced Air Defence (AAD) system is also being persued by DRDO with remarkable success.

DRDO Laser Science and Technology Centre director Anil Kumar Maini said a DEW laser weapon could generate high-energy pulses of 25kW, capable enough to destroy even a supersonic ballistic missile in its terminal phase within the range of 7km. Another deadly & spooky destiny awaits our enemies.

He said a gas dynamic laser-based DEW which can be flexibly deployed by a moving vehicle, is also being developed. The Indian laser weapons would serve in three platforms such as the air force's transport planes, fighters and navy's destroyers and submarines.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/when-a-terrifying-new-weapon-was-born.383172/#ixzz3zB1rQwcr
You wanted peace ....but become vassal state of super power for their games of death and still continue to do so
you wanted peace .....but wanted to have strategic depth and released reign of terror in afghanistan
you wanted peace .....but released reign of terror in kashmir and provok india
you wanted peace .....but got involved in arab wars and unnecessary hostility with Israel
you wanted peace .....but want on to become thekedar of Islam

Peace is just a figure of expression for pakistan.....it does not mean anything to pakistan

Got so much emotional, rather i was expecting something unexpected indeed in return but you are still not out of tide of senti river. Don't forget you are ain't a saint.

This statement only proof of your zero knowledge of maoist and NE insurgency

Educate me that's what i want, and you know that the truth will prevail in return.

forget about india ...tell that to paris attack , 9/11 attack or in urghier

I told you, need to get out of the box of your obsession and ego, trust me it will help you seeing things in true colors.

You do understand that Kashmir FF are now considered as islamic militant by many countries ...........
why do you think there is no interest in Kashmir dispute anymore or by anyone,including muslim countries? ...
Forget world even your country is not that much proactive if you have observed

That's what your Sarkar told you and keeping you in blind otherwise, it has been recognised disputed issue and all you need to do is break the curse drawn by your high-ups only to keep you happy and get votes of hatred against Pakistan and India. Declaring FF as Islamic Militants isn't new and don't you think why this all happens in the same method. Indeed the Kashmir has become more interested but the way you are feed doesn't allow to look around. You are not even aware of your Country yet talking about Pakistan which you know nothing but merely the facts being told by your Government for the sake of votes.
Siachen: All 10 missing soldiers hit by avalanche confirmed dead

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