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Austrian far-right leader likens Turkish coup to Reichstag fire

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Feb 22, 2013
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Turkey's failed coup and President Tayyip Erdogan's subsequent purges of state institutions are reminiscent of the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany and its use by Hitler to amass greater power, the head of Austria's far-right Freedom Party said.

The blaze in the German parliament building in 1933 was portrayed by the Nazis as a Communist plot against the government, and they used it to justify curtailing civil liberties, consolidating Adolf Hitler's grip on Germany.

Austria's Freedom Party (FPO) leader Heinz-Christian Strache said he saw parallels in Erdogan's use of the July 15 coup by a faction within the Turkish armed forces to crack down on his opponents in the army, civil service, academia and the media.

"One almost had the impression that it was a guided putsch aimed in the end at making a presidential dictatorship by Erdogan possible," Strache told the daily Die Presse in an interview published on Saturday.

"Dramatically, we have experienced such mechanisms elsewhere before, such as with the Reichstag fire, in the wake of which total power was seized," Strache said.

"And now, too, one has the impression that a bit of steering occurred," he added.

Erdogan has angrily rejected suggestions that he or the government might have been behind the coup, which he has blamed on the followers of a U.S.-based Muslim cleric. Erdogan narrowly avoided capture and possible death on the night of the putsch.

Turkey's foreign minister called Austria the "capital of radical racism" on Friday after Chancellor Christian Kern suggested European Union leaders discuss ending Ankara's EU accession talks, citing democratic and economic deficits.

Kern's centrist coalition government is under pressure from Strache's resurgent FPO, which is currently leading in opinion polls. Its candidate narrowly lost a presidential election in May but has another chance in a re-run set for Oct. 2 following irregularities in the count.

Germany rejected Kern's suggestion on Turkey, but Chancellor Angela Merkel, Europe's most powerful leader, and other EU politicians have expressed concern over the scale and speed of the mass purges in Turkey.

Erdogan and many Turks accuse the West of focusing more on the rights of the coup plotters and their suspected supporters than on the putsch itself, in which more than 230 people were killed as rogue soldiers bombed parliament and seized bridges with tanks and helicopters.

In a tweet on Saturday responding to Kern's comments, a veteran lawmaker from Turkey's ruling AK Party, Burhan Kuzu, wrote a Turkish abbreviation widely taken to mean "**** off foreigner", adding: "The European Union is collapsing. NATO is nothing without Turkey."

It was retweeted hundreds of times within a few hours. Kuzu later tweeted again, saying he had not meant an obscenity, and had meant to say "Oh come on, foreigner".

The Turkish authorities blame Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen and his followers in Turkey for the coup attempt. Ankara has demanded the extradition of Gulen from the United States, where he has lived in self-imposed exile since 1999.

Gulen has denounced the coup attempt and denies any involvement.

Hahaha the same country that gave birth to Hitler and turned racism into a ideology/political tool now blames us of being extreme? Who the hell is Austria? Just a tiny pathetic little country that had a stroke of luck by still not being annexed by Germany.
I read a lonely planet guide-book on Austria that said non-white tourists will not be nicely treated in Austria.

Another time, I was listening to a white person who knew some friends(also white) that had take a non-white
foster child to Austria, and the boy was treated very rudely. That person was so angry that they said that they
would never visit Austria.

Bunch of pathetic racists Austrians are.
The country with the firm that is employed by the Turkish industry to develop a local engine for the Altay tank.
We can always find another one, or if need be design our own. Now shuffle along
Austria is right. Beside that austria just says what all others think.

I have no doubts that Erdogan at least knew about the coup.

That said there is no reason to insult Austria here since their leaders are just honest enough to speak openly what all others think as well. Its evident that we met a dead end with turkey and that all contracts will be erased in the next weeks or months.

Its better for both sides. Europe can´t allow an oriental dictatorship within its zone.

Austrias chancellor Kern said the membership talks are pure diplomatic fiction. Which is true.

Once they end turkey loses its status within candidates and several billion € each year payments. The money can better be invested in greece.

In the end only the interestes of the people of europe are important and its good our leaders finally see that. As the turkish guy said: "**** off foreigners". In this case turks.

Our party "Forza Italia" is supporting a cut with turkey as well. PM Renzi also is against turkey in EU and said so multiple times.

All of eastern europe, spain, portugal want this relations collapse as well. France is also against it but still silent.

If ay turk can explain to me why good relations with dwarf emperor Erdogan are good for me so move on and tell me.
Turkish coup was simply far big event to be planed by Erdogan.
If the head of Freedom Party has some proof, he should bring out these. Otherwise it's just his pure hate for Turkey.
Turkish coup was simply far big event to be planed by Erdogan.
If the head of Freedom Party has some proof, he should bring out these. Otherwise it's just his pure hate for Turkey.

big event? It was laughable small.

Within hours Erdogan had lists with thousands of people he arrested, fired ect.

Dont insult my intellect and tell me this wasn´t prepared.
big event? It was laughable small.

Within hours Erdogan had lists with thousands of people he arrested, fired ect.

Dont insult my intellect and tell me this wasn´t prepared.

Bring proofs !
Until you find,you still went to "tiny Austria".
Pff we have the money and time to develop our own if it's a do or die situation. We choose foreign partners because eit saves both. But receiving a tank engine 1 year late is well worth more than having to take shit from midget Austria. You are aware that they are being paid to assist us yes?

If need be we can and will find other partners, having a profit stake in the remaking of Natos second largest military's main tank force is a pretty juicy thing. People would line up:rofl:
Bring proofs !

I dont need proves. Erdogan fired thousands of judges one day afetr the coup. They had extensive lists with names.

The large majority of europeans believes teh coup was staged because of this.

Its turkey that needs to explain me why they had such lists ready within hours.
If ay turk can explain to me why good relations with dwarf emperor Erdogan are good for me so move on and tell me.
I'm not from Turkey but I can answer this question, if you don't mind.
It's about the big bear in the east. It has always been so, even during 19th century for Ottomans and european empires. remove the big bear from the equations, like the begining of 1990's and your "good" relations go to shitter. You guys are literally like two enemies sitting in a home closing the door to an angry bear outside of the house. You need to tolerate each other, whether you like it.
This friendship also had some advantages regarding middle east for you guys. Also add cheap labor after WWII to the list.
I'm not from Turkey but I can answer this question, if you don't mind.
It's about the big bear in the east. It has always been so, even during 19th century for Ottomans and european empires. remove the big bear from the equations, like the begining of 1990's and your "good" relations go to shitter. You guys are literally like two enemies sitting in a home closing the door to an angry bear outside of the house. You need to tolerate each other, whether you like it.
This friendship also had some advantages regarding middle east for you guys. Also add cheap labor after WWII to the list.

I see Putin as less dangerous than mini hitler from the bosporus. Putin is rational while Erdogan has gone loco. Erdogan has become unpredictable. Its almost like Kim Jong Un. Totally erratic behavior.
Erdogan fired thousands of judges one day afetr the coup. They had extensive lists with names.

The large majority of europeans believes teh coup was staged because of this.
I asked you a question earlier if you remember....for 3 times and you failed to answer.

You know nothing about the Gülen movement yet you repeat the same sentences like a parrot. If you search/research a bit, you would know how those Gülenists identified and why the coup started prematurely....but no, let's repeat the same sentences over and over again.

You are just fooling yourself.

If you still insist, babbling about Turkey. I will give you "our official answer to Austrian PM"

HS Gavur = Hassiktir Gavur = Fvck off non-Muslim foreigner.

Euros have nothing to do, except barking towards us....:rolleyes:
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