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Australias secret war on Iran

Why does Australia favor such backstab thing?

What do you mean?

Australia has an obligation under the UN guidelines to ratify the sanctions brought against Iran.

What do you want? Australia to totally ignore the UN and it's allies and let shipments of products to make nuclear weapons go to iran? :lol:

Australia is certainly not friends with Iran, and does not wish to be.
What do you mean?

Australia has an obligation under the UN guidelines to ratify the sanctions brought against Iran.

What do you want? Australia to totally ignore the UN and it's allies and let shipments of products to make nuclear weapons go to iran? :lol:

Australia is certainly not friends with Iran, and does not wish to be.

But UN is meaningless now ... :coffee::sick:, its like VHS videorecorder

But you do know Iran could just fly a direct flight in future
But you do know Iran could just fly a direct flight in future

What? Do you not understand the situation?

The Iranian government orderd parts from australian companies under a fake company, as the companies were about to ship the parts, the Australian goverment stopped the shipments.

Iranian officials can not just fly here and pick up parts, the government wouldn't allow it.

Also the UN does matter. Australia is a UN member and enjoys working with the countries around the world to help make the world a peaceful place, so why would Australia break a UN resolution that it agreed in favour of? Not only work that hurt Australias alliances and reputation, but Australia would then recieve sanctions against it's self.

Anyway Australia is not a friend of Irans and doesn't wish to me, so why would the government do it any favours? it wouldn't.
New Zealand actually has a more consistent policy. I seem to remember they denied permission to a nuclear powered US Navy ship to dock onto NZ territory.
New Zealand actually has a more consistent policy. I seem to remember they denied permission to a nuclear powered US Navy ship to dock onto NZ territory.

The ships that were stopped had no nuclear material............. They just had 1 type of conponets that could be used to make nuclear weapons.
Australian mob think that you are superpower.

But Australia is good for nothing.

Australia will not be future G5 (USA + BRIC)
Australian mob think that you are superpower.

But Australia is good for nothing.

Australia will not be future G5 (USA + BRIC)

I was wondering when the forum racist would arrive.

Have you even read the thread or the news stories posted?

How does Australia think it's a super power? By stopping a couple of ships in it's own waters? rofl :disagree::lol:
We should fedex some Indians to Australia lol.

What was that for? I lived in iran for more than half my life and always felt that iranians had nothing against the indians. Well the Civilised Iranians of Tehran sure didnt. In my time there i met many Iranians who often traveled to India for education or Medical needs. Hell i went to India last month to see my sick grandfather in MAX hospital in Saket and the place was full of Iranians. I think out of the 100 or something people i saw about 60 were iranians as that part of Delhi is very heavy with Iranians. All i mean is your comments missrepresent the people of iran as they are very humble, giving and respecting people.

How many secret wars are there??????

Yesterday i have read here about Obama's secret was and now Australia. And not to talk about Israel and India' secrete wars.......................
Get over yourselves buddy. Australia reminds me of Canada. Another insignificant country. Always is search of an identity and the willing gofers of the big boys. Their mentality can summarized as "Don't forget us. We are part of the Anglo Saxon gang too..." A not has been and a never will be country. Enjoy your war against Iran... in your own waters. lol :coffee:

So basically you are saying that Australia should never have stopped those ships leaving our own ports and totally ignored the UN and the UN resolutions so that sanctions get brought against Australia then totally ruin our economy?

Wow, you truely are a moron. :rofl::lol::disagree:

How many secret wars are there??????

Yesterday i have read here about Obama's secret was and now Australia. And not to talk about Israel and India' secrete wars.......................

Their isn't actually a war :P The title is a figure of speech.

I agree. They are insignificant, they have no history and it is not their land. They have a lot of resources and a small population and they think they matter in the world. To make themselves seem important, they do as America says.

Now, please explain what Australia apparently being insignificant, has to do with the Australian Government complying with UN resolutions and stopping ships in it's own waters, carrying parts to Iran to make nuclear bombs?

Completely nothing.

Either stay on topic or get out. Don't just come in here and start bashing a country.
So basically you are saying that Australia should never have stopped those ships leaving our own ports and totally ignored the UN and the UN resolutions so that sanctions get brought against Australia then totally ruin our economy?

Wow, you truely are a moron. :rofl::lol::disagree:

Listen to you speak like an Indian... paralyzed in fear of being reprimanded by your betters. I'm surprised you even dare show your face in a Pakistani forum. Lest the wrath of gods descend upon you!

You mean the UN security council now sets the bar for your moral standards? The same institution where 5 countries can legally ride roughshod over everybody else in order to secure their interests? And when they don't get their way, they reserve themselves the right to fully ignore it and wipe their *** with its charter? You mean the same UN that refused to recognize Saddam's invasion of Iran or its use of biochem weapons despite it happening repeatedly and in bright daylight? The same UN where the US has been vetoing thousands of resolutions passed by the majority against Isreali actions? And here you are making sure they recognize you as an obedient gofer, for fear of having any consequences implied at you. And you wonder why I consider you an insignificant nobody, a tool, and a gofer? That's because you are one. You certainly aren't bringing anything new to the table. You're not contributing to the plurality of opinons out there. You don't have one your own. All you do is to echo the voice of Israel and the US. Now scurry back to your hole before the UN notices you and decides you're not a good boy...
Bradar boz indians claim of making placing there naval fleet on indian port to attack Pakistan?how do u see it.
They claim that Iran will help them do the same,And iran has better relations with them then Pakistan-Iran?
What do u say?
Bradar boz indians claim of making placing there naval fleet on indian port to attack Pakistan?how do u see it.
They claim that Iran will help them do the same,And iran has better relations with them then Pakistan-Iran?
What do u say?

Brother, I will tell you it will be a snowy day in hell before Iran allows its soil to be used against any of its neighbours, or against anybody else for that matter. That was one of the tenets of the revolution. People took offence to the presence of foreign troops and military on our soil. And that's one of the reasons they viewed the Shah as western puppet. That's why it was explicitly stated in the 1979 constitution that no foreign military base shall ever be allowed on Iranian soil. Just in case you have any doubts about my claim, here is the exact passage in the constitution:

Article 146 [No Foreign Military Base]
The establishment of any kind of foreign military base in Iran, even for peaceful purposes, is forbidden.
ICL - Iran - Constitution

What is interesting, is that unlike some of the other articles where a general guideline is stated, but the ultimate decision is left up to the parliament, there are no buts and ifs in this case. Very clear and categorical.

What's more important is that the Iranian people stand behind that principle, and so does the government.

Now Indians have been running their mouths for a long time about that subject. They claim that they are developing the Chah-Bahar port and building a highway and railroad from there onto the Afghan border. Now I don't know if you have traveled to Iran or seen pictures of it. But our roads and highways are of incomparably better quality than theirs. And our railroads ain't so bad either. And I don't remember Iran asking anybody else to develop any of its other ports either. So I have my doubts as to the veracity of Indian involvement in these projects. But that is what they say. And they boast that this involvement will entitle them to some kind of special privilege and a free hand on parts of Iranian soil. I say they have mistaken Iran for their own country. And I will also say if they are stupid enough to think so, by all means, let them come and build us ports, roads and railways. Why not? Who would say no to free service? What is certain is that Iranians are not going to compromise one of their bedrock principles for a shi!tty relationship such as the one with India!
Iranian soil is sacred. It is against our constitution to allow another country to station their troops in this sacred soil.
Oz use these types of cheap tactics to gain the world's attention.

Because they have realized that in the modern world they are insignificant.And they can't just accept the fact.They want to be treated like a world power if not super power.

And i doubt that Australians have anything rare or important for making nuclear Bombs.After all they only export cow and it's milk and raw minerals.Which china buys from you and sell you back in form of Products.(May be a few more techy things but basically you are an agro based economy).

Not some Industrial Power like Japan or USA or China.

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