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Australians fear war with China, says Lowy Institute survey


Oct 21, 2009
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ALMOST half of Australians believe that China will become a military threat to Australia within 20 years, prompting record support for the US alliance.

According to the 2010 Lowy Institute foreign policy poll, 46 per cent of people think China will be a threat, with 19 per cent of them rating the possibility as "very likely".

And 55 per cent of the 1001 people surveyed named China as the world's top economic power, compared with 32 per cent for the United States.

The reality is that China is Australia's number one trading partner, but its economy rates number four, behind the EU, US and Japan.

While 73 per cent of people regard China's growth as good for Australia, 57 per cent said the Government had allowed too much investment from China, and 69 per cent said China's aim was to dominate Asia.

Of those surveyed, 55 per cent wanted Australia to join with other countries to limit China's influence.

While Australians saw America's economic power as waning, they were still strongly supportive (86 per cent) of the Anzus Treaty and a military alliance with Uncle Sam. That was up from 63 per cent just three years ago.

Lowy Poll Project director Fergus Hanson said the results showed people were positive about China's economic growth but fearful of its military aims.

"The two sides of the China relationship play in to the rising support for the US alliance that is evident in the poll," Mr Hanson said.

Climate change

The sixth poll from the Lowy think tank also showed that Australians remained committed to acting on greenhouse gases - but they don't want to have to pay too much and they don't want Australia to get ahead of the rest of the world.

Of those polled, 72 per cent wanted Australia to take action, but 66 per cent were against taking steps that had negative economic consequences for the nation.

Meanwhile, a majority of those surveyed (54 per cent) said Australia should not be involved in the Afghanistan campaign, up from 46 per cent in 2007.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's foreign policy priority of winning a seat on the UN Security Council didn't rate too highly with punters, and just 34 per cent said they thought it was important.

That placed it at number 11 on the list of 12 goals for Australia, just ahead of seeking to abolish the death penalty in the region.

Australians fear war with China, says Lowy Institute survey | Perth Now
there is large percentage of people Chineese origin including son in law of PM in Australia....................were those also questioned??
there is large percentage of people Chineese origin including son in law of PM in Australia....................were those also questioned??

No, they don't ask everyone. That's not how a poll works.

Basically they ask 1,000 people and then based off the answers the people give, they determine an average of how many people would agree or disagree if the whole population was asked.
These surveys are performed by having meditated questions presented. For example. If you ask someone;

Are the Chinese aggressive in their foriegn policy?

If yes, then could China attack Australia?

more than likely,
not likely at all,
somewhat likely ..

you could ask the same question another way and get a completely different response.

Either way, the Australian Goverment is not too keen on hearing the 1000 people the pollsters chose.

These surveys are performed by having meditated questions presented. For example. If you ask someone;

Are the Chinese aggressive in their foriegn policy?

If yes, then could China attack Australia?

more than likely,
not likely at all,
somewhat likely ..

you could ask the same question another way and get a completely different response.

Either way, the Australian Goverment is not too keen on hearing the 1000 people the pollsters chose.

Australia-China Free Trade Agreement Negotiations

The people were randomly chosen.
Dont understand why is every other country targeting Pakistan, china or Iran, what can they get out of it??
The people were randomly chosen.

When did i say they wernt. 1000 people were chosen and asked questions. Please put forward the questions that were asked to get a better idea how they came up with those numbers. I thought I made it crystal clear.
Its pure paranoia as Chinese are not going to attack Australia and this is why i Think so.

1: They already control Australian economy given that the Western Australian Mining sector is largely owned by Chinese companies including Iron ore , Nickel , Copper , Gold , even some off coast oil & gas projects are totally or partly owned by China.

2: China has maintained friendly relations with Australia which are largely based upon Energy and business ties ie 85 Billion dollar Coal project in Queensland.

3: One has got to be a fagot to Invade Australia as Australians themselves have not invaded it yet, its one hell of a challenge and Any army would die trying to invade and conquer the whole country as Australia undoubtedly is the World's largest desert too.

4: If China ever attacked Australia they wont occupy the whole country , they will just take western Australia which is almost the same size of India and is Rich in resources but they already have access to those resources so why on earth they will invade ?

5: If we look at the Track record of China we will see that they never have attacked anyone not even their legitimate territory like Taiwan , its Americans you need to look out for :lol:

6: Militarily speaking Australia if not aided by US would not be able to defend herself against a Military like China as Chinese Military is Much Bigger and capable.

End Assessment
In the End i think Australians should stop worrying about China and rather worry about building some great relationship with them on a scale like Pakistan China Relationship.

Australians should try to embrace them as friends and forget about the east and west difference as they have a chance to become a trust worthy friend of this rising super power.

Australia needs to strengthen the ties between both countries and stop taking dictations from USA.

I wish peace to both countries & i request my Chinese Friends not to Attack us as i cant afford my AFL match getting disrupted :lol: :coffee:

Australia is not an Asia-Pacific state, but typical Western White state.

No difference between Australia and USA but the power - USA is stronger than China, Australia is far weaker than China.
why would china invade Australia anyway already they own everything in Australia besides if Chinese decide to invade what can Australia possibly do except to sit and pray to god.
If China attacks Australia, the latter will collapse just as China. So how do these idiots 1000 Australians can really think that China will one day attacks its main supplier. There is more chance that India with all its Weapons of Mass Destruction from the terrorist Sionist and War Criminal US will one day attack Austratlia than China to attack Australia.Just like the US will never attack its banker (China) and China will never attacks its main client and Debtor (US). All this is paranoid and China has become an easy target for everything for instance:
Biggest polluting foe-The target is China but in reality it is British Petroleum:bounce:
Who is responsible for the economic crisis of 2008 and 2010?-The target is China but in reality it is US indebtedness, EU public debt and US investor like B. Madock
Who is killing innocent children and women? China of course but in reality it is US and Sionist bombing in Afganistan and Gaza
Who has depleted African human and natural resources? China obviously but in reality it is EU who is responsible for slavery, Indians mass killings and Utu and Toutsi Congo massacre
etc :pakistan::china:
China will make war against Australia, against India, against Japan, against South Korea, against Taiwan, against US, against Russia thus against the world. All these war, China will make them with fake and outdated weapons against F 35, F22, JDAM, Brahmos, SU30MKI, SU 35, MRCA, Mirage 2000, Raphale, Tycoon, UAVs, Aegis Destroyers etc. :rofl::rofl:
Who are rioting, stealing, drug dealing, making terrorist attacks, murdering, and raping in Paris suburbs, London, Athens, Geneva, Los Angeles, Gaza, Kaboul, Bagdad, etc.? Natives Chinese of course, it is certainly not the latino gangs, Hindus radicals, Black youth etc
Who are killing innocent children and women in Kaboul, Gaza strip, Bagdad? China and Chinese obvioulsy and certainly not the Yankees and Sionists.:victory::victory:
Australia is not an Asia-Pacific state, but typical Western White state.

No difference between Australia and USA but the power - USA is stronger than China, Australia is far weaker than China.

I have previously asked you to not post in any discussions i make.

Racists are not welcome. I hate racists.
I don't see any racist comments in that post. he said white so white is racist word? if you feel its a racist word call your self black than.:lol:don't deny most aussies are white you might get penalty.
I don't see any racist comments in that post. he said white so white is racist word? if you feel its a racist word call your self black than.:lol:don't deny most aussies are white you might get penalty.

He didn't say anything racist in that post, but for the last 3 months in nearly every discussion on this forum he has said racist things over and over again. Towards white people, and towards Indians and towards Pakistanis.

I have told him on numerous occasions that he should not reply to my posts as i DO NOT like racism.

I hope you understand.

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