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Australian think tank: China's radar can easily capture the F-35 fighter

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
Han Shasha | People's Daily Online

According to news report from Taiwan, Peter Kwan, founder of an Australian independent defense think tank, said that the Australian Air Force had set too much expectation about the performance of the F-35 stealth fighter and the combat capability of the fighter has also been exaggerated.

He stressed that the F-35 stealth fighters are vulnerable to advanced radar systems. After China and Russia acquire brand-new radars, they could easily detect the jet fighters.

The F-35 stealth fighters, developed by the Lockheed Martin, is taken by many countries as the lead fighter. Australia plans to replace its aging strike jets with up to 100 American F-35s.

However, in recent years there has been speculation that ongoing advances in radar detection and tracking will, in the near future, obviate the ability of all-aspect, low-observable aircraft such as the F-35 stealth fighter.
until they dont have NGJ (next gen jammer ) installed in it .But the problem is NGJ installation in f 35 has been delayed.:hitwall:
They want 5th gen fighter, why cribbing ?

Count your lucky stars you are getting F35.
Is it the same think tank which evaluated F 35 to be inferior to Mig 35???:rofl:
Anyways why are they so cautious of the Chinese???Chinese rivalries are limited o it's neighbourhood, a quality that Americans should learn,ie, Never spread your enemies too far, keep them close.........
Yes! the Australians are smart. They already found out the limitations of the F-35.......:lol:
Any radar can catch any aircraft...it depends upon the distance.So the article is actually full of bs without giving any info whatsoever...move on.
F-35 is designed to avoid normal radars which have high frequency and higher range but radars if tuned to operate at lower frequency can detect F-35 but range will be reduced significantly and also hige energy consumption. It will not be very good solution against Stealth planes but something is better than nothing I would say.
Any radar can catch any aircraft...it depends upon the distance.So the article is actually full of bs without giving any info whatsoever...move on.

F-35 is designed to avoid normal radars which have high frequency and higher range but radars if tuned to operate at lower frequency can detect F-35 but range will be reduced significantly and also hige energy consumption. It will not be very good solution against Stealth planes but something is better than nothing I would say.

The reality is that there are radars that can detect stealth aircraft. You must understand however, that detecting the presence of an aircraft and actually track it and target it are two vastly different things.
Australia should get F-22 on top of F-35. But weather Australians get that or not Ozzie believe "Lari Jao Mari Jao - sady Kangru nu thud hay".
Australia is biased next they will say that a single su-35 can take out 5 f-22s
Is it the same think tank which evaluated F 35 to be inferior to Mig 35???:rofl:
Anyways why are they so cautious of the Chinese???Chinese rivalries are limited o it's neighbourhood, a quality that Americans should learn,ie, Never spread your enemies too far, keep them close.........

they learned it from India, "all your neighbors should be your enemy"
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