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Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

Yeah its ok if certain religious people kill atleast three persons for holly cow.
@Sarthikganguly tumarey hindu bhai goro sey dar gaye.kam az kam aik ko marna chaye tha na?
what makes you think I was ok with that ?
Wt so evr is da case no one should be allowed to make joke f any religion by any means...tatooss etc
.. police did best protectd da foreignrs and aslo made them know how to respct othr religions
I was not thrown out. Not my family. The 1% of the 7% who decided NOT to leave. Not out of faith in the Indian Union alone. But with faith on our own guns.

That is nice to know. But still the Irony of saying that absurdity to a kashmiri pandit stands.
It is dharmic. We are not taught to turn our other cheek. That is adharmic.
nobody was insulting our faith, that was completely unnecessary how they harassed those kids, might've ruined a potential return traveler's business apart from giving us a bad name.

He was simply asked to apologize. Without violence. Perfectly within his rights. Nothing illegal.
no, a bunch of zealots ganged up on those kids, had the girl in tears, not cool, at all.
Open your eyes Bhakt.... someone is getting raped in India every other minute.

Foolish Chaddi ideology....

Remain in your cukoo world of supreme Aryan Race.

LOL. The only one who got raped here is you. India continues to rank low in rape statistics. A LOT lower compared to christian nations. Now that should OPEN your Eyes :P

Aryan race was again the twisted product of a Christian supremacist nation. :cheesy: ....... now why would I be proud of that ? Its more likely YOU are proud of their product (being their product) and methods.
LOL..... and you are seriously saying that to an Kashmiri pandit who was harassed and thrown out of his own home ? :lol:

Your love for fellow christian blinded you to your own absurdity.

Yup. Then he would have a better understanding on what harassing is all about and I know its futile but which part in my post shows my love for christians?
nobody was insulting our faith, that was completely unnecessary how they harassed those kids, might've ruined a potential return traveler's business apart from giving us a bad name.

Gods pic, poster, artefacts, tattoos, below the navel is disrespect. All these guys did was educate them. It is good if we get tourists educated in cultural sensitivity to come to India. After all, we are not in the business of making money for sadomasochism.
Yup. Then he would have a better understanding on what harassing is all about and I know its futile but which part in my post shows my love for christians?

Clearly a much better understand than you :lol: .......... don't you agree ?

I know you are a christian based on your past posts ...... are you denying this ? :azn:
May be we should Tattoo Jesus on our Penis.

Feel free to do that if u want to.. But inorder to offense christians, you will have to show it off now and then..
Wait till next election, until then keep crying about it.
Next election too we will win.As long as Hindu votebank is looked after,BJP will win.
BJP was not voted by the urban youth (their support notwithstanding). The cow belt, the conservatives, etc voted them to power. And they shall keep them there. It will be clear to you in time.
No, it was the disenchangted urban youth who voted enmasse for the BJP. FYI BJP won only 31% of total votes, while congress won ~20%. So no, the Hindu vote bank is very fickle and consists mostly of independent people who can vote any which way. More of this BS Hindutvavadi dadagiri and see all those votes dry up!

racism - definition of racism in English from the Oxford dictionary

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior:

The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races

go back to elementary school... err i mean go back to 7/11 :coffee:

and we should visit you guys country and eat the Holy Cow Steak! :dance3::dance3::dance3:


Indonesian Italian?:rofl:

did you ever go to the school? ever graduated from Elementary School? :rofl:

but hey, as if a random Indian Hinduist comments matters? LOL supa powah India much? better clean up those Gangga river from Trashes first! :sarcastic:
Gods pic, poster, artefacts, tattoos, below the navel is disrespect. All these guys did was educate them. It is good if we get tourists educated in cultural sensitivity to come to India. After all, we are not in the business of making money for sadomasochism.

Not the place, nor occasion nor method to educate.

He was a mature politician picking on a 21 year old foreign kid out with his girlfriend.

There are much better ways to educate a kid new to your culture, values and way of life. The BJP guy was not in the right either.

Both were in the wrong.
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