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Australian christian


do you know the reason why Sikhs get attacked in the US - mistaken identity, they are mistaken for someone else which they aren't, even Sikh gurudwaras vaguely look similar to something that it isn't, especially to a non discerning person.

Yes I know.

The main point was how it took a powerful "Muslim" organization to nationalize this issue, since Indians have no such powerful organizations with national reach.

and, that was the best you could come up with? - a personal story of bravery? - the fact is something else I believe - there are personal reports of Pakistanis themselves saying that they lie that they are Indians and not Pakistani's....but let that be..

Who told you a personal story of bravery?

I presented to you a clear example with National scope.

The point is, Indians align themselves to Muslims here in U.S..and vice versa.

Stop being an idiot that feels happy when the discrimination is against Muslims and not Indians--since discrimination against Muslims is also a bad sign for Indians.

You do realize that there are Muslims in India too, and many of them live in the US too and a few of them could very well be members of CAIR....right?.


also please check UK prison data and how many Muslims are lodged in them, their common complaint is that they are heavily discriminated against most countries, so some self preserving organizations which look into Muslim welfare is understandable.

Prison data? lol, Big deal.

Alot of Muslims in Prisons are actually converts who converted to Islam *inside* prisons...There is a whole phenomenon called "Prison Islam" ....

Secondly, since Muslims aren't weakass losers who just "take it"--like Jews of 1930's and indians today---you will see many Muslims in jails because when hooligans attack Muslims, guess what? They get attacked back. And hence you see police involvement here.

Anyways, I don't know where this is all going and whats your main point?


No just writing truth to which you have provided no counter points but just pictures...and understandably though..lol
Yes I know.

The main point was how it took a powerful "Muslim" organization to nationalize this issue, since Indians have no such powerful organizations with national reach.

Who told you a personal story of bravery?

I presented to you a clear example with National scope.

The point is, Indians align themselves to Muslims here in U.S..and vice versa.

Stop being an idiot that feels happy when the discrimination is against Muslims and not Indians--since discrimination against Muslims is also a bad sign for Indians.


Prison data? lol, Big deal.

Alot of Muslims in Prisons are actually converts who converted to Islam *inside* prisons...There is a whole phenomenon called "Prison Islam" ....

Secondly, since Muslims aren't weakass losers who just "take it"--like Jews of 1930's and indians today---you will see many Muslims in jails because when hooligans attack Muslims, guess what? They get attacked back. And hence you see police involvement here.

Anyways, I don't know where this is all going and whats your main point?

No just writing truth to which you have provided no counter points but just pictures...and understandably though..lol


Indian diaspora of both UK and US is extremely powerful and influential and I assure you that they dont require as you say "Muslims" and "Muslim organization" to speak up for them.

If you are talking about street level hooliganism then I have no idea about it.
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Indian diaspora of both UK and US is extremely powerful and influential and I assure you that they dont require as you say "Muslims" and "Muslim organization" to speak up for them.

If you are talking about street level hooliganism then I have no idea about it.

Can you name me the largest, or say most powerful Indian organizations in United States? U.K?

Indian diaspora is very 'prosperous'....yes. Powerful? Probably..probably not. More powerful than Islamic Communities across Western world? Never.
These idiotic westerners can't do much against Muslims since they know that it would turn ugly real fast.

However, same Austrailians raped an Indian student...then murdered three other indian students..and that was just in one month...and then there reports after reports of discrimination against indians..throwing curry on indian girls and so on.

Kid, "what you reap, you shall sow" .....right?

How pathetically weak you indians are. Shame.

Muslims "save" the likes of indians and others in the Western world..since we are in tens of millions throughout the West mashallah and hit idiots back if they try to hit us...

If there were no Muslims, few indians that are in Western world would've been chopped by now.

You Muslim-hating indian pricks should be shameful on your behavior...

They won't want to. Cuz its too insignificant to be even bothered about...

only ONE indian student was killed in australia ........typical pakie spreading BS
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Can you name me the largest, or say most powerful Indian organizations in United States? U.K?

Indian diaspora is very 'prosperous'....yes. Powerful? Probably..probably not. More powerful than Islamic Communities across Western world? Never.

U can look up for organisations for yourself...However, you reside in the US, you would know that there are quite influential...they do not require any help from "muslims" as you mentioned...kindly get your facts right.

on a personal lever, which state are you from from??
How is this news? Muslim extremists are doing the exact same thing. These extremists are fighting each other and shooting each other up and it's happening in every country around the world.

Tell me something i don't know.

Exactly, as the Indian students that were stabbed to death and tortured on the street reaped what they sowed.

Please don't take this off topic with the whole fake "racist" Indian student attacks nonsense or take it to a thread covering it. As an admin, you should know better.
Indian people especially Punjabis are Gujratis are there in many countries not necessraily first world,even countries like Guyana/Fiji/Kenya/Uganda etc and this dude here talks of muslims being good for indians.

Some sardars die because of being mistaken for Indians.
How are the Lebanese Muslims behaving in Australia? Worse than these preachers
Lol, what do you expect if bunch of noobs are excited and asking for sharia law in Australia . You will get a beating anywhere in the world for that. No country will accept this nonsense.

But if this shit affects the people who are normal tax paying civilized people then its a problem . Australia must ensure that people of any religion should not get affected by these thugs or goons.
How are the Lebanese Muslims behaving in Australia? Worse than these preachers

Lebanese Muslims are some of the worst in Australia, bunch of low lives, they were involved in a lot of attacks on Indians, and what is equally shocking is that most of the Indians who claimed they were attacked by racist "Aussies" were actually attacked by other Indians, or were involved in fraud. There was a story about a Indian who was murdered and burnt and left on a highway, the Indians were all screaming how racist Aussies were, but guess what after months of police work the murderers ended up being other Indians, so many case like that in Australia, was disgusting how Indians were accusing Aussies of racism when in fact Indians are the worst racist and that too against their own kind.

These Indians here in Australia caused a lot of harm to relations with other Australians, a lot of people were saying if they don't like it here they should piss of back their own shit holes. Muslims in Australia are the same, they come here and try and force their religious views on others, if they hate Australia so much they can piss right off to their so called wonderful Muslim home lands.
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