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Australian Air force chief: PAK FA, J-20 years behind F-35 in development


It is too late because of its existing commitment to JSF. There isn't any alternative availble yet,except non stealthy air craft ie Typhoons or Rafale. Australia has a weak federal govt right now which cannot make drastic decision and which may put it at the odds with the US.

Australia may cut the order short but won't scrap it. It just cant.IDK if Canada has backed out yet or not.

I would think the reversal of an unpopular decision and a snub to the US will earn serious appreciation from the Australian voter? So either the decision is not as unpopular as you seem to think it is OR the Australian government is not as insecure about it is decision to go for the JSF? In any case, the JSF will go on even if Australia opts out.
F-35 is years behind F-22 which was developed long time ago.
Hard to belive an older aircraft is more advanced than world most expensive fighter.

That is why i stated above that Australia doesn't have a choice. JSF will be bought regardless of its unpopularity and all. Australia sees itself under threat and wants to maintain a qualitative edge over its competitors. This persumed threat being the chief reason why JSF wasn't subjected to competetion.
Canada did it, is Canada not dependent on the US?

No they didn't reversed their decision on F35:

National Fighter Procurement Secretariat Continues Evaluation of Options to Replace Canada's CF-18 Fleet

05/01/13 -- The National Fighter Procurement Secretariat today announced that Canada will be making its annual payment under the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This payment does not commit Canada to purchase the F-35. The funding for the purchase of a replacement for the CF-18 remains frozen. Canada remains in the Program to benefit from economic opportunities resulting from its partnership while it undertakes an evaluation of options...

National Fighter Procurement Secretariat Continues Evaluation of Options to Replace Canada's CF-18 Fleet

As I said, they will remain with it, but might take lower numbers on top of Super Hornets and yes they are dependent on the US, that's what I said and why no other fighter than a US one will be chosen.
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