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Australia not to supply uranium to India


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Australia not to supply uranium to India

Melbourne, April 06, 2010
First Published: 17:36 IST(6/4/2010)
Last Updated: 17:38 IST(6/4/2010)

Australia on Tuesday ruled out changing its policy and said it would not supply uranium to India, which is seeking fuel for its nuclear energy programme, a media report said.

Australian Trade Minister Simon Crean told reporters in Canberra: "There is no prospect for a change.
"We have consistently said, made this clear to India that we, because of our policy, cannot supply to countries that are non-signatories to the non-proliferation treaty," the Australian Financial Review quoted him as saying.

In August 2007, the government of John Howard agreed to sell uranium to India subject to the finalisation of a US-India nuclear deal and the conclusion of a bilateral Australia-India nuclear safeguards agreement.

But Kevin Rudd's government overturned the decision after taking power in December that year.

Australia not to supply uranium to India- Hindustan Times
No change in stance on uranium sales to India: Australia news

06 April 2010

Canberra: Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd is under increasing pressure to allow sale of uranium ore to India after cancelling a deal signed by the earlier conservative government of John Howard. It said there would be no change in its stance against sale of ore to India, as this rising Asian power hasn't signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) the Australian Financial Review reported.

Australia is a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, which has exempted India from the rule that countries must sign the treaty to get uranium supplies, according to the report.

Indian commerce and industry minister Anand Sharma told the Review he saw no reason for Rudd to not honour the previous pact. Sharma said his country needs Australia's uranium to secure a "clean" energy source for its population.

The fact that Australia sells uranium only to NPT signatories, Sharma said, must not allow it to overlook India's clean record on the issue. The world's second largest growing economy after China needs the supplies to help it cut greenhouse gases.

Trade minister Simon Crean on Tuesday ruled out a change in policy.

"There is no prospect for a change," he told reporters in Canberra.

"We have consistently said, made this clear to India ... that we, because of our policy cannot supply to countries that are non-signatories to the non proliferation treaty."

domain-b.com : No change in stance on uranium sales to India: Australia
lol Aussies!!!! Yes if you don't sell U than Indian nuclear power plants will not run!!!! ohhhhh we are so scared. Someone must inform them that India already signed deals with USA, Canada, Russia, France and working with some African countries. They can sit on their U storage and dream....
I think they are worried just like Carlo Kopp who fears Sukhoi Flankers .

Even more interesting thing is US is ready to sell , and here they are saying its against their policy .
Wats the big deal, We willl buy from other places.

Well they have over a million tonnes of the estimated world wide reserve of 3.6 million ....and it is cheaper to mine (less than US$40 per kilogram)... better quality .... greater yield ....

I for one support the Aussie decision.
Well they have over a million tonnes of the estimated world wide reserve of 3.6 million ....and it is cheaper to mine (less than US$40 per kilogram)... better quality .... greater yield ....

I for one support the Aussie decision.

Still they aren't the only ones producing it. And India signed a deal with Mongolia as well. So no problem on the supplies front. Though I suspect the Aussies will come around sooner than later.
No issues :pop:
We'll manage by lower quality US,Russian and Canadian stuff ;)
thank god india dont need a million ton of uranium.

the requirement of India will be more than satisfied from other supplier. and more over in orrisa the project is on table there may be a big store of uranium.
Still they aren't the only ones producing it. And India signed a deal with Mongolia as well. So no problem on the supplies front. Though I suspect the Aussies will come around sooner than later.

Yes of course not, supplies should not present a problem but expect to pay a lot more than NPT signatories since 40% of the available supplies are at present off limits. IMO the Indian government should be more concerned about the repercussions of the Australian stance, they are questioning the legitimacy of the India-US nuclear deal.
good step by a Aussies... I started loving loving them.;):D

i know one more country who has nt signed the NPT.

But we get our regular supplies from Canada. we already started loving them througha nuclear deal. :D
thank god india dont need a million ton of uranium.

the requirement of India will be more than satisfied from other supplier. and more over in orrisa the project is on table there may be a big store of uranium.

but that will be of low quality...
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