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Australia: New U.S. Military Outpost Aimed Against China, India


Jun 28, 2010
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Defence ties with the US for upgrade
Defence ties with the US for upgrade | The Australian

Julia Gillard will today discuss the options for an escalation of military co-operation with the commander of the US's Pacific military operations as Canberra and Washington attempt to counter the rising power of China and India.

The Prime Minister, en route to Australia from the US, will stop in Hawaii to consult US Pacific Commander Robert Willard about a possible dramatic reconfiguration of US military assets in the Asia-Pacific region. Sources said last night the talks would focus on the US's ongoing defence posture review, examining the footprint of US assets in the light of changing political balances, including the rise of China and India.

Earlier this week, Ms Gillard told US President Barack Obama that Australia was ready to co-operate with any shift of US assets to the Asia-Pacific region.

Ms Gillard was expected to tell Admiral Willard Australia was happy to increase co-operation with the US military, particularly with regard to accepting US warships in Australian ports.

I thought India was Uncle SAM's ally ?
I was never happy with US buttering India.It's all to contain China thereby containing India automatically.
India and China should understand it and cooperate with each other than falling prey to US's tactics.The early we understand,the better for us.
US is a trustworthy ally, it sticks to it's ally no matter what world opinion is.
Example: israel, pakistan

Israel: Yes
Pakistan: No Wayyyy

United States is a super power that is only interested in expanding its interests. It has never been a trust worthy friend to any country, Israel is an exception. This is exactly why you can see your countries strategic planners are cautious of US's overtures to India, because they know that the Americans will definitely ask something in return and that might be unacceptable to the public of India. It looks to me that India is following the correct policy, its accepting America's overtures, but is being cautious and not revealing any of its cards on the table. This cautious approach is obvious as the Indians are not purchasing big ticketed American military items, this is why the MRCA contest has not been won by American firms although they are providing the best weapons. What remains to be seen is, how is this relationship going to play out in the end.
If India and China continue to work closely together and maintain its strategic partnership, then no amount of US pressure or tactics will blunt the two nations.
Israel: Yes
Pakistan: No Wayyyy

United States is a super power that is only interested in expanding its interests. It has never been a trust worthy friend to any country, Israel is an exception. This is exactly why you can see your countries strategic planners are cautious of US's overtures to India, because they know that the Americans will definitely ask something in return and that might be unacceptable to the public of India. It looks to me that India is following the correct policy, its accepting America's overtures, but is being cautious and not revealing any of its cards on the table. This cautious approach is obvious as the Indians are not purchasing big ticketed American military items, this is why the MRCA contest has not been won by American firms although they are providing the best weapons. What remains to be seen is, how is this relationship going to play out in the end.

MRCA contest is yet to be won by anybody. And if you see the recent purchase, we have bought a lot from US.
Indian policy makers do not want themselves to be seen in US camp, but in reality we already are. If you see the recent wikileaks, you will know how much influence america wields in India.
There is a difference between public posturing and diplomacy. But I will agree that russia still has lot of influence in India.
I thought India was Uncle SAM's ally ?

No, India is a non-white non Western country who adheres to non-Christian religion, as such they will never be an ally to Uncle sam in the same way Australia is, unless India is willing to be another dog willing to cower at every demands of Western countries, then they can be an ally as long as it serves Western society interest.

Didn't those Indian student got a racist beat down by white Australia. Yet India still think their former white master loves them. LOL.

India should cooperate with her neighbor and China, India have long exchange with China in ancient time, so India should be very wary of Western country using her to further Western interest.
^^^ Agree with your points except for this part.

Didn't those Indian student got a racist beat down by white Australia. Yet India still think their former white master loves them. LOL.

Whats there to LOL when someone gets racially insulted.

Yet India still think their former white master loves them

How did you come to this conclusion.

For your information, Indian is a founder member of Non Aligned movement (NAM). It did not align with the alleged "white masters" when its economy was in shambles during 50's, 60's and 70's, certainly will not align with anyone now
It was good to see how many people lack basic comprehension of the English language.

read the article again.. it is the Aus pm who wants to discuss and get the US to invest more assets- he is pushing it because AUS wants US to invest more military in that region , since they don't spend much on it.

US policy shows no concern on India, as evident of it opening up India to previously banned technology and the tons and tons of cooperation it has has w/ india and in many fields.

What more does the US need to give India to show otherwise?

Pak and Chinese will always sell you their propaganda to make sure you don't get close to the US, my fellow Indians. how many times will you keep falling for it?

But carry on...
I was never happy with US buttering India.It's all to contain China thereby containing India automatically.
India and China should understand it and cooperate with each other than falling prey to US's tactics.The early we understand,the better for us.

I hope you wrote that just to please the Chinese trolls in here, because in your myopic analysis you forgot the fact that India was never attacked by the US - even when India was an outright enemy! But was surely attacked by China - right after Indians thought we were friends.

Even if it is true that the US, for its own benefits, wants to help India counter China, then what is wrong with that? India is not able to counter China on its own. What you are suggesting will ultimately lead to India becoming China's proxy.
No, India is a non-white non Western country who adheres to non-Christian religion, as such they will never be an ally to Uncle sam in the same way Australia is, unless India is willing to be another dog willing to cower at every demands of Western countries, then they can be an ally as long as it serves Western society interest.

Didn't those Indian student got a racist beat down by white Australia. Yet India still think their former white master loves them. LOL.

India should cooperate with her neighbor and China, India have long exchange with China in ancient time, so India should be very wary of Western country using her to further Western interest.

dude , you bow down to the white master everyday and hell to every color coded master everyday.

AND what is this a new racists lingo by chinese being used here now days- " white master" a highly racially charged description ? .
I thought India was Uncle SAM's ally ?
NO, Russia is the only country which has been a long time friend of India in every field. Post cold war, India normalised its relations with the west. The truth is that we need western technology and industrial expertise. If we are buying American weapons systems today, it is because they are the best in the market and that they are available to us now where they weren't available earlier.

As Anglo Saxons, the Australians are natural allies of the Americans. India is not. If the India and the US are coming closer today, it is because of certain common geopolitical considerations in Asia and because of economic compulsions.

India has its own interests and key result areas which may or may not coincide with the American perspective. We have an independent foreign policy and wish to chart our own course in international geopolitics.

If India and China continue to work closely together and maintain its strategic partnership, then no amount of US pressure or tactics will blunt the two nations.
I don't know about a strategic partnership with China. Yes India and China can cooperate in most areas and develop ties far closer to what exists today, but for that to happen, China has to recognise India's sensitivities in south Asia and the Indian Ocean, otherwise closer ties will never materialise and India will forever remain wary of China. Indo-Chinese stragegic partnership can only come about to counter US influence in Asia and that will not be in India's interests.

We all agree on DO NOT TRUST US portion -
What is in it to agree or not to agree, if ever there is a conflict between US interests and those of its allies, the Americans will give preference to their own interests ten times out of ten. Aren't we all like that? Don't we all consider our national interests as supreme? At least we should. We understand this very well and since there exists a lack of convergence on many international issues, that is why Indo-US relations can grow closer only till a certain point. We may become friends but never will we be allies. Not in the sense of Pak-US or Israeli-US alliances.

US policy shows no concern on India

Is that right? What if India gets closer to Iran, which most Indians want. What if we start supporting Iran in the UNSC, again, as most Indians want? We have seen the American reaction to India's support of Myanmar. There are a host of issues where our interests do not coincide, as of now, India is being cautious about US sensitivities but sooner rather than later, we have to take stands on issues not to US likings and that will not be pretty, I can assure you.
Yes, Australia can be a nuisance at times with their continuous wooing of the Chinese, refusal to sell us Uranium on flimsy and farcical grounds etc, but they have little to fear from India unless they start claiming the Andaman islands tomorrow.
Is that right? What if India gets closer to Iran, which most Indians want. What if we start supporting Iran in the UNSC, again, as most Indians want? We have seen the American reaction to India's support of Myanmar. There are a host of issues where our interests do not coincide, as of now, India is being cautious about US sensitivities but sooner rather than later, we have to take stands on issues not to US likings and that will not be pretty, I can assure you.
Yes, Australia can be a nuisance at times with their continuous wooing of the Chinese, refusal to sell us Uranium on flimsy and farcical grounds etc, but they have little to fear from India unless they start claiming the Andaman islands tomorrow.

yes thats right. did the US stop India being allowed that sweet nuclear deal or being taken off the banned technology list ( just weeks ago)even with India's stance with those two pariah nations. and what's with the love for nations hated by 99% of the world- one who is going have the ayatollah having a nuke. same damn ayatollah who said Kashmir should be Pakistan's? and calls for wiping off countries from the map

... and the other being a ruling Junta who kills and suppress it people like N Korea. wait- i guess you are for India to be known among that list of rogue nationjs... heh.
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