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Australia eyes defence business in India

our stand is clear every,if it is about disarmament every nation should go for it,why just us,as far as i know it was not us who used nuclear bomb for killing people,remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki,if people r here so much concerned about nuclear weapons 1st go and strip them who used it

and by the way what is better ,rejecting the treaty initially or signing it and then withdrawing from it(north korea)
Looks like you're delusional, because looks like you can't reply back to what I said.

I didn't respond back to what you said because what you said doesn't make sense because you don't understand what the NPT is.

Come back when you understand it mate.
I didn't respond back to what you said because what you said doesn't make sense because you don't understand what the NPT is.

Come back when you understand it mate.

Actually you are the one who does not understand...first you claimed that if India signs the NPT it would not have to give up nuclear weapons.That is wrong.It will.

Second you claimed that once you sign the NPT you do not make new weapons.Again wrong.There is a commitment in the NPT that 5 nuke powers will try to disarm but it has never been followed.US was making new weapons as late as 2006.

There a separate treaty between the US and SU/Russia which reduces nukes on both sides.But that involves only reducing the total no of weapons nothing about not making new weapons to replace the old obsolete weapons.

Australia and India's relations will never get to the level it can unless Australia sells India uranium. That is obvious to anyone looking at the relationship between the 2. Australia so infuriated India after the 1998 nuclear tests that Australia was the only country against who India retaliated with sanctions of her own by banning Australian flagged ships from using Indian ports and preventing Australian companies from doing business there.

And frankly as the only sovereign country in the world who has given her territory to use as a nuclear testing range by another country..Australia walks on very thin ice talking about nuclear issues.
Australia and India's relations will never get to the level it can unless Australia sells India uranium.
What a silly assumption to make, especially no evidence to back it up with. The relationship has progressed alot in the past 10 years and wouldn't be based on weather or not we sell uranium to India. India can easily buy off another country.

Australia so infuriated India after the 1998 nuclear tests that Australia was the only country against who India retaliated with sanctions of her own by banning Australian flagged ships from using Indian ports and preventing Australian companies from doing business there.

Nuclear weapon tests are frowned upon by our country, not only are they highly dangerous, but they do damage to the enviroment.
And frankly as the only sovereign country in the world who has given her territory to use as a nuclear testing range by another country..Australia walks on very thin ice talking about nuclear issues.
So a country can't change it's behavior after past mistakes? If this was the case, black people would still be hung in america and Aboriginals would still be killed in Australia. These tests in Australia were conducted nearly 60 years ago, we have moved well on from those times.

Our country is a country that cares about our environment.
What a silly assumption to make, especially no evidence to back it up with. The relationship has progressed alot in the past 10 years and wouldn't be based on weather or not we sell uranium to India. India can easily buy off another country.

Nuclear weapon tests are frowned upon by our country, not only are they highly dangerous, but they do damage to the enviroment.

So a country can't change it's behavior after past mistakes? If this was the case, black people would still be hung in america and Aboriginals would still be killed in Australia. These tests in Australia were conducted nearly 60 years ago, we have moved well on from those times.

Our country is a country that cares about our environment.

Point well taken...
Nuclear tests do pose a serious threat to the environment and nukes are indeed a threat to peace and harmony in this World.

But NPT is not an answer to the issue as it is discrminatory.If,by any miracle the World leaders come up with the idea to put an end to nukes then I am quite certain,India would like to be a part of it.
We are not warmongers by nature.But we definitely reserve the right to defend ourselves.
What a silly assumption to make, especially no evidence to back it up with. The relationship has progressed alot in the past 10 years and wouldn't be based on weather or not we sell uranium to India. India can easily buy off another country.

There is literally nothing Australia can provide other than Uranium which India cannot get from somewhere else.Uranium also it can get from other places but it is cheaper and easier to get it from Australia.Hence the importance of this issue.

As for defense contracts other than JORN technology there is again nothing Australia can offer.And Australia cannot offer JORN anyway as it is a strategic asset.
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What a silly assumption to make, especially no evidence to back it up with. The relationship has progressed alot in the past 10 years and wouldn't be based on weather or not we sell uranium to India. India can easily buy off another country.

Nuclear weapon tests are frowned upon by our country, not only are they highly dangerous, but they do damage to the enviroment.

So a country can't change it's behavior after past mistakes? If this was the case, black people would still be hung in america and Aboriginals would still be killed in Australia. These tests in Australia were conducted nearly 60 years ago, we have moved well on from those times.

Our country is a country that cares about our environment.

Dude if Australia covets the environment so much how come you guys didn't do much when France and the US blew nukes over the pacific?
There is literally nothing Australia can provide other than Uranium which India cannot get from somewhere else.Uranium also it can get from other places but it is cheaper and easier to get it from Australia.Hence the importance of this issue.

As for defense contracts other than JORN technology there is again nothing Australia can offer.And Australia cannot offer JORN anyway as it is a strategic asset.

lol you obviously don't know much about the two countries relations.

Both countries share share political, economic, security, linguistic and sporting ties. Saying "The ties are based on weather or not Australia sells uranium to India" is fairly stupid. It's like saying U.S-Australia ties are based on weather or not the U.S will sell Australia fighter jets. Silly.
lol you obviously don't know much about the two countries relations.

Both countries share share political, economic, security, linguistic and sporting ties. Saying "The ties are based on weather or not Australia sells uranium to India" is fairly stupid. It's like saying U.S-Australia ties are based on weather or not the U.S will sell Australia fighter jets. Silly.

xdrive, are you delusional? Australia and India don't have any sort of ties. Nor do we Indians want any ties with Australia.
As regards Aussie companies trying to sell us weapons, I don't see that happening ever. We can get much better weapons from countries like France, US, Russia. etc.
These Aussie companies must be dreaming.
The UN Security Council should be expanded to include India, Pakistan, and Brazil. :tup:

That would be much more representative of the majority of humanity.

Would like to replace Pakistan with Japan..!!

I know you wont agree with that...

No offence Pakistani Bros..
i don't think we going to have any ties with australia in near future,with CWG fiasco comments by OZ premier SAY NO TO AUSSIE and i still remember when OZ supports china to block ADB bank loan to arunachal pradesh
xdrive, are you delusional? Australia and India don't have any sort of ties.

No, but you certainly are considering you think we don't have ties just because "you" don't know about any.

Here, educate yourself. Australia?India relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nor do we Indians want any ties with Australia.
You personally, but you do not represent the rest of your country nor your government, so please don't speak like you are the prime minister.

As regards Aussie companies trying to sell us weapons, I don't see that happening ever.
Again, your stating your own personal opinion. As the news article clearly states, aussie defence companies are starting to sell to India.

We can get much better weapons from countries like France, US, Russia. etc
But we have weapons that aren't made by any other countries, so again you have no idea what your talking about.

These Aussie companies must be dreaming.
Clearly not, as the article proves.

Actually know what your talking about before posting. Thanks.
i don't think we going to have any ties with australia in near future
As i told the other guy, the two countries already have ties.

with CWG fiasco comments by OZ premier SAY NO TO AUSSIE
Oz premier? Who's that? Also, the CWG games is a fiasco, so any comments are fair comments.
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