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Aurat March 2020: LHC Chief Justice says cannot ban freedom of expression

mplementation is indeed the most crucial part. But what about culture, norms.

Norms and cultural codes are considered as the unwritten laws. These need to change as well, do they not?

I mean. You cannot possibly deny that many cultural and social issues exist for women, don't they?

There are pros and cons of every culture. You take one thing out of it and suddenly it becomes bland and robotic. Does western culture have no issues? I am not going "Whataboutism", I am saying every culture has its pros and cons.

I have seen many times in rape cases, and kidnap cases. People saying that the girls were probably dressed provocatively, weren't covered head to toe, that it was good because this was the freedom they wanted.

As I wrote before, no one here is defending any rapist or kidnapper. If any-one can/should, its the lawyer of the accused. I am genuinely against any kind of rape and kidnapping. Hope now it makes clear, I did write it before but hope this time, it is made clear.

What about harrassement. I can't believe your blatant generalization.

So you are not making any generalizations but I am? I literally gave you examples of what type of work majority of men do in Pakistan, and that is the type of hard/harsh work that no women should do. We have certain %age of women working inside house crafting, in factories, in farms, as doctors/nurses etc. They aren't sitting in offices sipping up tea or coffee, 40% our population is in multi-dimentional poverty. Now, are you assuming I am opposed to women working? While in actuality I want them to work so that the pressure men are facing in our society is at-least lowered to some extent. And many of the families I know, both the partners are working and are having a good life. Would I want to see that more sure. But what I precieve from the marches like these is not that.
There are pros and cons of every culture. You take one thing out of it and suddenly it becomes bland and robotic. Does western culture have no issues? I am not going "Whataboutism", I am saying every culture has its pros and cons.

As I wrote before, no one here is defending any rapist or kidnapper. If any-one can/should, its the lawyer of the accused. I am genuinely against any kind of rape and kidnapping. Hope now it makes clear, I did write it before but hope this time, it is made clear.

So you are not making any generalizations but I am? I literally gave you examples of what type of work majority of men do in Pakistan, and that is the type of hard/harsh work that no women should do. We have certain %age of women working inside house crafting, in factories, in farms, as doctors/nurses etc. They aren't sitting in offices sipping up tea or coffee, 40% our population is in multi-dimentional poverty. Now, are you assuming I am opposed to women working? While in actuality I want them to work so that the pressure men are facing in our society is at-least lowered to some extent. And many of the families I know, both the partners are working and are having a good life. Would I want to see that more sure. But what I precieve from the marches like these is not that.

To you, your opinion, I respect it. I wish I could take out more time to research it in detail and give an answer.
You conservatives people are the only ones who notice these posters. To you, they're like sex objects who if they don't observe pardah, then their harrassment is justifiable.

I need not argue with people who can't come up with counter arguments, only hate. This is a social topic and very much debatable.

Like I said, ask your female friends how they feel about this march, maybe they will be able to give you a better insight. You need to be able to listen.

Quaid e Azam said that they're to equal citizens, and should be side by side with men in all matters of society and the fuctioning of nation. I consider that enough.

I request you to go deeper into the argument. Don't stop short of Islam, tell me the specifics you're referring to because everyone has a different idea of what rights Islam gives. So instead of saying Islam gives equality and appropriate rights, tell them specifically, and will be happy to judge and debate.

Not a single counter argument by people here. Only abuses, name calling, and a release of their built up life frustrations.

@waz @Dubious

Reality hurts, no one above Islam. This is what happened in society when sleeve less women roaming and say mera jism meri marzi then this things happened. Defend now all I care.


Above is so called freedom for women and civiliazed society, one can imagine what ranking we will get if same freedom given.
Now follow freedom and enjoy.
Woman privilege in Pakistan...
And I bet it's predominantly Women like this who will partake in this Western Liberal BS March. Yes there are issues in society but the issue is with law enforcement.


Its now a health hazard such large congregations for the government.

So its alladeen news for the Dajjali Khawateens


you do realise this is one year old thread. Aurat March and PSL did go ahead while government was proudly boasting of young populace.

apart from the most poor. who is held accountable in the country?
The objectives of the organization and day should be closely watched
The objectives of the group appear to be to introduce dysfunctional thoughts into society

One aspect of such event is to improve social awareness of women issue however the mindset of the march organizer is
very chaotic

There needs to be a proper vetting of organizers of this group , to understand their main charter and objective
and hold them responsible for any banners or false advertising that goes on at ground level which is not inline with
Islamic Republic of Pakistan's values




There are may prominent women in Islamic society however this is generally not a proper mindset

The version of ideals being promoted here are more in line with a dysfunctional women

The objection has to do with the morals or ideals which are suggested which do not meet a certain standard of ethics from Pakistan's cultural stand point

Pakistan offers women various benefits

a) Education
b) Work
c) Safe homes 99% ', like in rest of world 1-2 % people are impacted with some domestic situation common world wide
d) Access to will
e) Access to pension
f) Women Prime Minister one of first Women PM
g) Full access to courts
h) Access to work
j) Access to be in politics

This type of entity needs a oversight , women with certain character and morals should be in charge who understand the women issues form Islamic Republic of Pakistan's stand point, may be someone who have certain credentials or background experience

We already have example of Um Ul Momineen and their habits to understand what is inline with good virtues for a women
This narrative has to be represented

Oversight :
1- Does the planned political stance is inline with that of a Islamic Nation
2- The banners and ideas reflected do they fall in line with certain moral standards
3- Is the Entity promoting certain views which have nothing to do with Women Issues
4- Does the Leadership / Board of directors include enough women who have background in Islamic studies 8-)

Without morals , it is like a blind person leading a blind group of people

The current leadership I am afraid is not idea, these banners unfortunately sound like a dysfunctional Women normally divorce is the fate of the ideas mentioned in the banners
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These vermin have infested our nation and continue to spew their Indian and Western inspired propaganda against the state or push a degenerate foreign culture on our nation to sow chaos and weaken our resolve.

My simple questions is how do these protests help women?

On the points you made...

Rape isn't legal in Pakistan are they protesting to demand that criminals not be criminals?

Forced Conversions aren't happening and if they are its on the most minute scale:
Forced Conversions or Faith Conversions: Rhetoric and Reality

Pakistan put into law the Dowry and Marriage Gifts (Restriction) Bill in 2008, over 12 years ago, so if a law already exists to protect women and even men in civil disputes over dowry what's the purpose of these protests?

These protests aren't about rights for women in Pakistan because whatever rights they are legally allowed already exist.

A woman doesn't have the right to do whatever she wants in the Islamic Republic nor do men.

I come from a conservative family, none of the women in my family support this march or participate in it because they're too busy being doctors, engineers, researchers or happy housewives.

Who participates in these marches?

Filthy lesbians, terrorists, communists, unemployed or chronically underemployed marassi's, foreign funded human rights activists, etc...

Khan is going to need to learn that the only way to deal with this disease is to make people disappear and bury them. If he can't do it we'll need someone who can.

I guess Pakistan is now gonna be the lab for Globo Homo in South Asia now American Cultural Imperialism at its best no wonder DPRK is the shining hill these days in blocking trash out

Khan should have shut down Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google and Youtube if they refuse to block what we want when we want and allow our peoples personal data to be stored outside of the country. China got it right and we can garner their experience and technologies to help us do it.

Social media has become a prime recruiting tool for hostile foreign governments and their terrorist proxies.

We can also block all VPN's in Pakistan only allowing access to companies for marketing purposes overseas.

I've said it for years Pakistan must ban English as a medium of instruction in the country, ban it in all aspects of the government.

We should also be shutting down foreign consulates in Pakistan and allowing their citizens to access them online or through a third party like we could go through the Chinese or Turkish embassies overseas.

Our government and military need to deal with this now... no more of this disgusting degeneracy.
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Domestic issues, harrassment against women, and so on, are very much real issues in Pakistan. Specially in lower strata of society where they're barred from going outside, pursuing careers, pursuing education. It is considered their fault when others harrass them. Even in upper strata of society harrassment, domestic violence is present. It is openly portrayed in the media, from social media to operas; no one considers it out of the ordinary.

and all these issues will be solved by the ngo's funded by countries like america which tops in rape crimes+ domestic violence by boyfriends, very funny!
The young ones have spoken, they did chitrol of feminist mera jism meri marzi creatures and some she males whole day on social media (specially twitter).
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