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Attempts being made to free Indian soldier from Pakistani cutsody: Rajnath Singh

Mind Your Language We din't abuse you generals

Indian commandos attack Three Position Which one is you talking
Bc Indian army thi ya sulemani chadar lepaty jin... who attack at a time from 3 different potion and no 1 get alert on highly patrolled border ??????
shayd Pakistani were sleeping ..NO?
kesi qoam hai yeh had hoti hai jhot ki
Just kill him and send them his dead body.
Pretty sure that is what will happen..the young man will be tortured, killed and his horribly mutatilated body returned.

Of course with the Indian offensive defence doctrine, it means that the next time a PAkistani soldier inadvertently crosses the LOC he will be treated the same way. So no doubt another innocent life will be taken.

It would be good if people remembered that these soldiers from both sides are JUST DOING THEIR JOB.

The Geneva convention asks that enemy soldiers are returned without torture or interrogation.
indians are just the most hilarious creatures..according to their army multiple surgical strikes were conducted, yet a fully armed RR jawan 'inadvertently' strayed across the border. what was he doing? sight seeing or having a picnic with his family? they are so self indulged, and living in cloud cuckoo land that they think the world doesnt notice their pathetic lies

eat a bit of humble pie and accept one of your soldiers was captured, operation or no operation.
Perhaps when he is returned they will claim it was a Pakistani soldier since he was circumsized during a surgical strike.
Pretty sure that is what will happen..the young man will be tortured, killed and his horribly mutatilated body returned.

Of course with the Indian offensive defence doctrine, it means that the next time a PAkistani soldier inadvertently crosses the LOC he will be treated the same way. So no doubt another innocent life will be taken.

It would be good if people remembered that these soldiers from both sides are JUST DOING THEIR JOB.

The Geneva convention asks that enemy soldiers are returned without torture or interrogation.
I would suggest you read the Geneva convention on that bit.
Let him hang on the LOC to show other cowards dogs what happen when you mess with Pakistan---BTW since the surgical strike was 'successfull', we didn't have any dog in our possession :lol:
Perhaps when he is returned they will claim it was a Pakistani soldier since he was circumsized during a surgical strike..

Was that a joke about torturing a 22 year old doing his job? Just clarifying, that's all...maybe I misinterpreted.

Articles 13 to 16 state that prisoners of war must be treated humanely without any adverse discrimination and that their medical needs must be met.
Was that a joke about torturing a 22 year old doing his job? Just clarifying, that's all...maybe I misinterpreted.
It was a joke on the IA making a mockery out of "surgical strikes", and regarding the treatment the 22 year old would get.
Considering that statements from Indian PoWs begin with "was treated humanly" when they return and end up to " they cut my balls off" after the propaganda sources within India get done with him.
It was a joke on the IA making a mockery out of "surgical strikes", and regarding the treatment the 22 year old would get.
Considering that statements from Indian PoWs begin with "was treated humanly" when they return and end up to " they cut my balls off" after the propaganda sources within India get done with him.
As you like.

I personally am completely REPULSED by all forms of torture on ANYONE including terrorists or criminals least of all soldiers.

I am saddened and disappointed by people who support it from the comfort of their couches.

I sincerely hope that humankind will sooner than later dispense with all forms of torture....till then it is what it is for the unfortunate few who get caught in the web.
So India has declared war on Pakistan.
So fight the war ....how does torturung a boy who was just doing his job help in any way?

all that happens is next time a Pakistani soldier is caught by Indians, he will be mistreated in the same way.

And two innocent lives are ruined ...for what ? Do you win anything by doing that?
So fight the war ....how does torturung a boy who was just doing his job help in any way?

all that happens is next time a Pakistani soldier is caught by Indians, he will be mistreated in the same way.

And two innocent lives are ruined ...for what ? Do you win anything by doing that?
He will not be tortured but he is wounded.Single Pakistani soldiers are treated in a way for which we have Soldier Maqbool Hussain as example.
So fight the war ....how does torturung a boy who was just doing his job help in any way?

all that happens is next time a Pakistani soldier is caught by Indians, he will be mistreated in the same way.

And two innocent lives are ruined ...for what ? Do you win anything by doing that?

Jahil Indians Lol! :D

So India has declared war on Pakistan.

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