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Attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh hurt India, says BJP leader

These eff-ing turds are trying to bring us into chaos and make the India-pak drama into bd-india-pak.... everyone for every one..

Toilet barren waste land.

This initiative could have come at a better time obviously there's a few rss illegal Indians working and getting goof pay, whilst paying nothing back, whilst trying to create trouble for us.

First video looks like a propaganda piece by removing the audio. In no way that looks like a conversion. That can be an abduction/extortion case or I have seen similar videos where people in village/remote areas think they are possessed by jin and bring hujurs to get rid of that.

Second video is about a criminal who tried to create communal violence and got a 5 year sentence.

The girl is being saved by the grace of God, rejoice

You can't complain about Bangladesh with hindutva extremism in india
Do you have any reference of saving the girl? Is she even a Hindu? Why the voice is removed from the video?
Hinduvta turds are the last ones that should be talking about attacks on minorities.

If BD was so bad for Hindus then why are we seeing so many BD’shi Hindus coming back to their homeland after many years or decades trying to make a life in India?

Shut up muppet!
They are coming back because BD is a heaven compared to India.
The girl is being saved by the grace of God, rejoice

You can't complain about Bangladesh with hindutva extremism in india
This girl is not being forcefully converted to Islam. She is undergoing treatment of Jinn possession. There are many such videos in internet where the socalled Jinn plead not to torment him ! Possibility of this girl being Muslim is 99%, rest of the 1% are also non Muslim people who undergo jinn treatment in Bangladesh by this way by maulanas. But sickening hindutva scum are spreading these videos with nasty accusation against Bangladeshi Muslims to whip up anti-Muslim hatred in India and increase BJP vote share in election and win.
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"janani janmabhumisha svargadapi gariyasi"
Fantastic Words, it has its origin in Ramayan.
But made popular by Anushilan Samiti during the Independence movement of India.
Also read about Charles Tegart and his role in Palastine.
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