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Attack on Saudi Aramco: what does it mean.?

how do cruise missile make so tiny holes, and the containers didnt explode,,,,,,1 bs story after another.. by amerki donkey.....we r slave , so i hope iran can kick shaitans ***.....

post stress dramatic disorder patients

gogi baba

if you ask me i will say those are not a cruise missile marks my theory is those burn marks are from UAVs with smart bombs like these but of course a more stealthy version.


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Apparently Saudi has most sophisticated air defence

Why did they not stop a slow moving drone?

All this doesn’t add up
Apparently Saudi has most sophisticated air defence

Why did they not stop a slow moving drone?

All this doesn’t add up

if all added up....by now the lid cover would have blown up....these kind of missions never add up to a bystander...aamm public, or voter,,,thats the purpose of special ops..

answer lay,,in,,,,,,,, who has most to gain from it??

on a lighter note, the houti,s cant shoot a donkey standing 10 feet in front of them,,soooo you know where not to look for......????
My theory is Saudis responsible for air defence were fast asleep in the middle of the night, since you know, the enemy is probably asleep as well ... I would not be surprised if there are going to be a lot of heads on the chopping block for officers in charge of those sectors as well as intelligence. Even the most sophisticated radar and SAM system will not help if it is turned off or not being monitored.


The article in the link above is pretty damning as well and I think highlights the truth as far as SA-Iran asymmetry goes. "They will not go to war with Iran if the return address is in Saudi Arabia". That is why I think they have been cozying up with Israel and pushing the US to take a tougher stance against Iran ... except both those countries are shrewd enough to know the reality as well and wont be pawns for Saudis gains. In the end, Saudis will either have to back off or be willing to bleed. I doubt they are ready for the second option.

Also, so glad Pakistan wisely choose not to involve itself in the cluster f*** that is the war in Yemen now.
Yesterday, two drones attack Saudi Aramco assets, halt half of oil production of Kingdom, send reverberation around the oil market n strategic commands center of the world. So lets analyze how this is important n a Strategic failure for SA.

SA is one of the highest military spender since 2010. It has been investing in its militarily capabilities but this attack only prooves just one thing that by spending huge amounts on your defense you can't make yourself "war prepared".

This is also important in sense that US simply alleged iran for carrying these out, keeping in mind the Iran-us president meeting in the sidelines of UNGA. Can we call it a pressure tactic by US to pressure Iran beforehand or someone else is trying to take benefit of US-Saudia-Iran acrimony. Decision is yours.

This is also important in sense that Aramco was gonna b listed in domestic market soon, keeping in mind that it announced to get listed in other markets as well especially London n New York Stock exchanges but reports were that it preferred to delay listing amidst falling oil prices n US possible disclosure of Personality allegedly involved in 9/11. Here also decision is yours.

Last but not least, we should also consider the role n pressure on Alliance of ISLAMIC countries against Terrorism under the leadership of Gen Raheel Shareef. Agree or not but this is something which has put pressure on this organization's capabilities to counter Terrorism. So how things will unfold here, future will tell but right now a huge pressure is being observed on multiple stakeholders especially this organization.

Now, your turn.
Please take part.

One can build up whatever capability they want. But when the mother Zion and her puppets in the USofA decide to pull off a false flag, they will always possess a better capability to do it.
After US, Saudi Arabia has also levelled allegations on Iran for the involvement in recent attacks on SA. If SA goes for retaliatory action in tandem with US then it will loose its remaining clout over Muslim world. Today's press conference will b cruicial in determining Arab future..
Interesting, let's see what happens after this. Don't think it will lead to war between KSA and Iran though. More like a limited covert strike back AT MOST.
Interesting, let's see what happens after this. Don't think it will lead to war between KSA and Iran though. More like a limited covert strike back AT MOST.
A punitive action is being mulled over at certain level n this will definitely translate into something definite. War starts inadvertently.
Geolocation of Buqayq facilities Air defense systems. this facilities at least defended by one Patriot PAC-2/3 , 3 Skyguard and one Shahine Batteries.

I would rather look into how a similar attack using a combination of Brahmos and Harpy could be carried out on Pakistani targets without us ever being awarw.
If we want to answer the question about what this attack does mean one need to know who did it.

To answer that question you need to answer at least two questions: 1) who has the motive? 2) who has the capability.
I do not have any info and hence cannot answer these questions
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