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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base


It should be but it won't be -- because if it is then the Fauj will have no choice it will have ot drop this ambiguity business - it will have to dismantle Jihadi organizations, it will have to tell the Saudis to stick it -- can they do all this and still be the Fauj?? If you see our threads on the land forces board we argue that the FAuj needs RECONSTRUCTION - the way it is, it's a liability

The problem with Pakistan is that it doesnt have a strong or component government. If it did then we wouldn't have issues of the army not being in civillian control and being able to run free. The government is SUPPOSED to keep tabs on the army and control them, but with this retarded government we know that is not the case. Until we can get a goverment who will prevent institutions like the army getting too strong or even taking an interest in Pakistan, situations like this will keep occuring.
There is a strong possibility that there was help from ex-army men and what not and that should be exposed and investigated.

With or without prior military help, just acts of terrorism, they will not go directly to the military resources, they undermine military resources, what they can get?
For those here claiming Pakistan's issues lie with a government and military whom are puppets of America, allow me to disabuse yourselves of that notion.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Your government and military have walked a fine line to keep a pipeline of money and material open during this war. Is it a war in which you'd be involved were that pipeline not open? Yes.

You became involved the day the Afghan taliban government stepped into your lands and set up their temporary abode among your tribal citizens, assuring their infection.

Now you've made war, to be sure. Both your citizens and soldiers have died fighting against Pakistanis. Not once, though, has your government or army done our bidding and made war upon the Afghan taliban upon your lands.

Congratulations...I suppose. Neither your army nor government have proved puppets of America no matter how corrupt or feckless they may seem to you. Trust we find them as you do. Whatever ends they serve those are not ours.

In holding out hope that these men will one day prove useful in Afghanistan you've imported the source of your own demise. In the process, your vaunted and precious sovereignty was rendered null and void long before the first PREDATOR appeared in your skies. Meanwhile men like Nek Mohammad, Baitullah & Hakimullah Mehsud, Mullah Faizullah, Hafiz Gul Bahadur, and Maulvi Nazir and their minions have learned closely the lessons imparted by the afghan taliban.

You've been at war, you are at war and you shall remain at war regardless of America's presence or money in your region.
They are saying the operation is in the end stages now.

Media saying 3 more terrorists have been killed
You Sir are making a bold accusation here, may i ask on what basis are those made on? Yes Pakistan is facing attacks on daily basis, but to say we have made no progress is a bit over stretch even for your standards...don't you agree?

I disagree strongly - perhaps you will point to progress, which of course the continued attacks will counter -- may I suggest that your talents in the practice of denial are best exercised elsewhere, perhaps where reality is in conflict with experience -
A military base is not guarded by 1000's of troops, there might be 1000's of troops at some but this one does not need that many troops. Bases like these are well guarded to deter spies and other sensitive information from leaking, for example checking credentials and no photography allowed and so forth. The guards if taken by surprise do not stand a chance against a platoon with a coordinated strategy. The loss of two aircraft's is a huge blow. The only positive out of this scenario would be to catch their commander and a few others to cross check the story.
Hi, this image says it all. Pakistan needs to realize the threat to it comes from within, from fundamentalists and corruption, and not externally.

You can compare mumbai with moscow theatre incident. It was very difficult with hostages involved, collateral damage is almost assured. It was not easy, ask the russians.

Atleast Russians had only one building with all the hostages kept inside the big hall. They had specific knowledge about the terrorists and the weapons they carried, through the video released by the Chechens. Also Russians had one thing that Indians lacked-TIME. Russians prepared for the attack, eventhen they had collateral damage.

In Mumbai notonly we had no time to respond but also the targets were spread across the city in different buildings. Even the no: of terrorists were a mystery until the last moments. Inspite all this shortcomings our security agencies did a great job. Thats why Mumbai attack and its response are being used as a template by many foreign governments to train their security forces.
A military base is not guarded by 1000's of troops, there might be 1000's of troops at some but this one does not need that many troops. Bases like these are well guarded to deter spies and other sensitive information from leaking, for example checking credentials and n photography allowed and so forth. The guards if taken by surprise do not stand a chance against a platoon with a coordinated strategy. The loss of two aircraft's is a huge blow. The only positive out of this scenario would be to catch their commander and a few others to cross check the story.

Well maybe for a country like Switzerland, a miltary base does not need to be guarded by 1000's of troops but we are talking about Pakistan, a country with thousands of internal and external enemies.
A military base is not guarded by 1000's of troops, there might be 1000's of troops at some but this one does not need that many troops. Bases like these are well guarded to deter spies and other sensitive information from leaking, for example checking credentials and no photography allowed and so forth. The guards if taken by surprise do not stand a chance against a platoon with a coordinated strategy. The loss of two aircraft's is a huge blow. The only positive out of this scenario would be to catch their commander and a few others to cross check the story.

Even as you say, but the military base is a military base, especially naval base in Karachi, which is close to India, its preparedness far more than the general military bases. And we all know, what is the situation now? they did not alert? That is Impossible, sir.
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