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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Well anyone need a ball of steel to name Amrika.
PNS Mehran attack: Suspect arrested in Faisalabad​

FAISALABAD: Security forces on Friday arrested a suspect from Faisalabad who is believed to be involved in the PNS Mehran attack in Karachi.

Express 24/7 correspondent Ejaz Hussain reported that the suspect, known as Qari Qaiser, was living in the Satiana area of Faisalabad and originally hailed from Dera Ghazi Khan. The suspect was reported to be running a Madrassah in DG Khan.

Qaiser was traced with the help of a cell-phone that was being used by the terrorists.

Up to six militants, armed with rocket-propelled grenades, explosives and automatic rifles, had attacked the navy airbase in Karachi on May 22.

They managed to destroy two P-3C Orion aircraft, costing an estimated $36 million, which had only been delivered by the United States a year ago.

The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had claimed the attack on the base, calling it revenge for the killing of al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.
Express NEWS is saying that 4 people are arrested from Karachi & r being just questioned.. its no formal arrest ...
Al-Qaeda had warned of Pakistan strike
By Syed Saleem Shahzad

SLAMABAD - Al-Qaeda carried out the brazen attack on PNS Mehran naval air station in Karachi on May 22 after talks failed between the navy and al-Qaeda over the release of naval officials arrested on suspicion of al-Qaeda links, an Asia Times Online investigation reveals.

Pakistani security forces battled for 15 hours to clear the naval base after it had been stormed by a handful of well-armed militants.

At least 10 people were killed and two United States-made P3-C

Orion surveillance and anti-submarine aircraft worth US$36 million each were destroyed before some of the attackers escaped through a cordon of thousands of armed forces.

An official statement placed the number of militants at six, with four killed and two escaping. Unofficial sources, though, claim there were 10 militants with six getting free. Asia Times Online contacts confirm that the attackers were from Ilyas Kashmiri's 313 Brigade, the operational arm of al-Qaeda.

Three attacks on navy buses in which at least nine people were killed last month were warning shots for navy officials to accept al-Qaeda's demands over the detained suspects.

The May 2 killing in Pakistan of Osama bin Laden spurred al-Qaeda groups into developing a consensus for the attack in Karachi, in part as revenge for the death of their leader and also to deal a blow to Pakistan's surveillance capacity against the Indian navy.

The deeper underlying motive, though, was a reaction to massive internal crackdowns on al-Qaeda affiliates within the navy.

Volcano of militancy'
Several weeks ago, naval intelligence traced an al-Qaeda cell operating inside several navy bases in Karachi, the country's largest city and key port.

"Islamic sentiments are common in the armed forces," a senior navy official told Asia Times Online on the condition of anonymity as he is not authorized to speak to the media.

"We never felt threatened by that. All armed forces around the world, whether American, British or Indian, take some inspiration from religion to motivate their cadre against the enemy. Pakistan came into existence on the two-nation theory that Hindus and Muslims are two separate nations and therefore no one can separate Islam and Islamic sentiment from the armed forces of Pakistan," the official said.

"Nonetheless, we observed an uneasy grouping on different naval bases in Karachi. While nobody can obstruct armed forces personnel for rendering religious rituals or studying Islam, the grouping [we observed] was against the discipline of the armed forces. That was the beginning of an intelligence operation in the navy to check for unscrupulous activities."

The official explained the grouping was against the leadership of the armed forces and opposed to its nexus with the United States against Islamic militancy. When some messages were intercepted hinting at attacks on visiting American officials, intelligence had good reason to take action and after careful evaluation at least 10 people - mostly from the lower cadre - were arrested in a series of operations.

"That was the beginning of huge trouble," the official said.

Those arrested were held in a naval intelligence office behind the chief minister's residence in Karachi, but before proper interrogation could begin, the in-charge of the investigation received direct threats from militants who made it clear they knew where the men were being detained.

The detainees were promptly moved to a safer location, but the threats continued. Officials involved in the case believe the militants feared interrogation would lead to the arrest of more of their loyalists in the navy. The militants therefore made it clear that if those detained were not released, naval installations would be attacked.

It was clear the militants were receiving good inside information as they always knew where the suspects were being detained, indicating sizeable al-Qaeda infiltration within the navy's ranks. A senior-level naval conference was called at which an intelligence official insisted that the matter be handled with great care, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous. Everybody present agreed, and it was decided to open a line of communication with al-Qaeda.

Abdul Samad Mansoori, a former student union activist and now part of 313 brigade, who originally hailed from Karachi but now lives in the North Waziristan tribal area was approached and talks begun. Al-Qaeda demanded the immediate release of the officials without further interrogation. This was rejected.

The detainees were allowed to speak to their families and were well treated, but officials were desperate to interrogate them fully to get an idea of the strength of al-Qaeda's penetration. The militants were told that once interrogation was completed, the men would be discharged from the service and freed.

Al-Qaeda rejected these terms and expressed its displeasure with the attacks on the navy buses in April.

These incidents pointed to more than the one al-Qaeda cell intelligence had tracked in the navy. The fear now was that if the problem was not addressed, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) supply lines could face a new threat. NATO convoys are routinely attacked once they begin the journey from Karachi to Afghanistan; now they could be at risk in Karachi port. Americans who often visit naval facilities in the city would also be in danger.

Therefore, another crackdown was conducted and more people were arrested. Those seized had different ethnic backgrounds. One naval commando came from South Waziristan's Mehsud tribe and was believed to have received direct instructions from Hakeemullah Mehsud, the chief of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (Pakistan Taliban). Others were from Punjab province and Karachi, the capital of Sindh province.

After Bin Laden was killed by American Navy Seals in Abbottabad, 60 kilometers north of Islamabad, militants decided the time was ripe for major action.

Within a week, insiders at PNS Mehran provided maps, pictures of different exit and entry routes taken in daylight and at night, the location of hangers and details of likely reaction from external security forces.

As a result, the militants were able to enter the heavily guarded facility where one group targeted the aircraft, a second group took on the first strike force and a third finally escaped with the others providing covering fire. Those who stayed behind were killed.

Next: Recruitment and training of militants

Syed Saleem Shahzad is Asia Times Online's Pakistan Bureau Chief and author of Inside al-Qaeda and the Taliban: Beyond Bin Laden and 9/11 published by Pluto Press, UK. He can be reached at saleem_shahzad2002@yahoo.com

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan
Out goes the Amreeki agent theory and of the RAW involvement too because India would never back an attack on US and Chinese nationals through proxy.

If by any chance their involvement is revealed, the two powers of the world will pounce on them so India is out of the question too.
On May 23, this year, six terrorists who were equipped with heavy weapons attacked Pakistan Navy’s airbase, PNS Mehran in Karachi. They also destroyed two P-3C Orion aircraft, detonating explosives at the naval base. Afterwards, an intense gunfight broke out between the attackers and the security forces including naval commandos. But after 16 hours, the PNS Mehran base was cleared from the terrorists. Spokesman Navy said that 10 security personnel were martyred in the operation, while four terrorists were killed, and two escaped. It is mentionable that unlike the past wars, being fought between two sovereign state actors, in the present era, non-state actors employ lethal weapons such as suicide attacks, bomb blasts, targeted killings and similar other tactics of guerilla warfare which can be more harmful in damaging the interest of a target-country. As part of the new warfare, these tactics are being employed by the foreign elements inside Pakistan.

In this connection, Pakistan has become special target of the new warfare being waged by external powers such as the US, India and Israel through their secret agencies like CIA, RAW and Mossad which have also availed the services of foreigners and some Pakistani nationals in order to conduct subversive acts in Pakistan. In this regard, although terrorist events such as suicide attacks, bomb blasts and targeted killings have been conducted by these foreign elements intermittently in the last 10 years, yet such incidents have accelerated in the two years. In this respect, more than 30 people had been killed when an explosive loaded car exploded near the main gate of a sensitive agency in Faisalabad. According to reports, the occupants of the vehicle parked it near a barrier erected in front of the main gate of the office and left it. On March 9 this year, more than 35 people were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up at funeral prayers in Peshawar.

As regards Karachi, in the past few months, a fresh wave of violence sparked by the killings of several political activists has swept the city with the terror-events of targeted killings, burning of vehicles and firings between two groups. Especially, on April 28, 2011, a blast had hit a bus carrying Pakistani navy officials in Karachi, killing five people, while that blast occurred two days after two other navy buses were attacked in the city, killing four people. Similar wave of terrorism continues in other form in Balochistan, particularly targeting the Punjabis. If we witness the previous terrorist attacks, we can easily analyse that our foreign enemies have been applying various tactics of subversion inside Pakistan. In this context, in the past, massive explosion destroyed the Pearl Continental hotel in Peshawar, killing, more than 15 persons in a suicide attack. Sources said that the gunman, sitting in one car, first started firing at the security persons and then exploded their first vehicle to give a safe-passage to other truck which was carrying 500 kilograms of explosives and stormed into the heavily secured hotel.

It is notable that on October 15, 2009, at least 16 people including 12 personnel of the security forces had been martyred in foiling three separate terrorist attacks by killing 9 terrorists at FIA Building, Manawan Police Training Centre and Bedian Elite Police Training Centre in Lahore. Four days before that event, nine militants targeted the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi where in a successful operation of 18-hour, Pak army foiled a major tragedy by rescuing 39 hostages and killing eight terrorists. In the event, 12 soldiers, a Brigadier and a Lt. Colonel had also been martyred. In a similar type of terror-attack which had targeted the bus of Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore on March 3, 2009 had killed 8 persons in wake of a continuous gunfire by the militants. Pakistani officials confirmed that “grenades and rocket launchers had been recovered” which were of foreign origin. Afterwards, official inquiry disclosed that RAW was behind that terror incident.

However, besides other previous suicide attacks, conducted in the Marriot Hotel at Islamabad, Rescue 15 building at Lahore which also damaged other buildings of the Lahore Capital City Police Office (CCPO) and Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) which was the main target, but could not be hit due to heavy firing by the security guards on the terrorists who came along with the vehicle and arms—were some of the other events of the same war against Pakistan. Nevertheless, the terror-incidents, especially at Naval Base in Karachi, at GHQ in Rawalpindi and in Lahore at FIA Building, Manawan Police Training Centre and Bedian Elite Police Training Centre which had involved gun battles between the terrorists and the security forces along with pattern of subversive acts through suicide attacks and bomb blasts which have also been intensified in the past few days—clearly show that secret CIA, RAW and Mossad have been waging a new style war against Pakistan, which also includes tactics of guerilla warfare—through their well-trained insurgents who could conduct attacks in major cities despite Pakistan’s successful military operations against the militants and the death of the renowned militant commanders.

While, a perennial wave of these attacks clearly proves that foreign intelligence agencies have modified their tactics of subversion in Pakistan. Apart from direct suicide events, militants, armed with hand grenades, machine guns and other latest weapons also come to help the explosive-laden vehicles so as to penetrate the security at the target points and to clear the way for the blast. Sometimes, exchange of fire takes place between the saboteurs and the security guards, and sometimes, purpose is directly to kill the security personnel. In this regard, in most of the terror-tragedies, huge quantity of explosives is also being used. Another technique of the foreign-trained terrorists is that they camouflage themselves by wearing the uniform of Pakistani security forces so as to deceive the security guards and to get inside the targeted point for conducting their assigned task. In 2009, U.N.’s World Food Program in Islamabad was attacked by a suicide bomber who was wearing an official uniform. Again, the militants who attacked the GHQ were also wearing army uniforms.

Notably, on January 27, 2011, in Lahore, an American national, David Raymond shot dead two Pakistani youths, while a third was crushed by the driver of a Parado jeep, who was called by him for help. David and persons, sitting in the jeep were also carrying weapons. Police arrested David Raymond and registered a case, while loaded weapons, a GPS satellite tracking device, photographs of Pakistan’s defence installations including tribal areas were also discovered from him. Pakistan’s sources and some American media indicated that David Raymond including his companions were agents of the American CIA and were on an anti-Pakistan mission. In fact, he is part of the illegal activities of the Blackwater whose employees entered Pakistan in the guise of diplomats.

It is of particular attention that a few days before the arrest of David, Pakistani security officials foiled an attempt by the Indian intelligence agency to enact a fake encounter for implicating Pakistan in incidents of cross border terrorism. The plan was unearthed when a suspect, working for the Indian RAW was apprehended at Sialkot border area, while attempting to cross over to India through the border security fence. Entrance points on the fence are locked and controlled by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF). The suspect has confessed to work as an Indian spy who was tasked to recruit agents from Pakistan to work for Indian intelligence. On March 2 this year, the cold-blooded murder of the Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Minorities Affairs, Shahbaz Bhatti distorted the image of the country abroad. It is another tactic of the foreign elements who wanted to show that religious minorities are not safe in Pakistan.

Particularly in the last three years, a number of times, arms and guns were also captured from Americans traveling in vehicles in various cities of Pakistan, camouflaged with dark mirrors. In fact, in the past 12 months, Pakistan’s security forces and ISI have broken the backbone of the suicide bombers by arresting most of their commanders and insurgents, while thwarting a number of suicide missions through pre-arrests. But RAW, CIA and Mossad have succeeded in training the new culprits who are regularly being sent to Pakistan with a view to destablising our country. Now, this fact is known to everyone that Pakistan is the only nuclear country in the Islamic world. Hence, US, Israel and India are in collusion to weaken it by creating lawlessness for achieving their secret strategic interests. For this purpose, they are waging a new style guerrilla warfare against Pakistan. Without any doubt these foreign elements are behind the Naval Base attack in Karachi.
Out goes the Amreeki agent theory and of the RAW involvement too because India would never back an attack on US and Chinese nationals through proxy.

are you serious??? why wouldnt they? Doesnt it suit their interests 100%

they want Pakistan isolated, and Chinese defence cooperation with Pakistan causes them much discomfort and upset stomach problems.
are you serious??? why wouldnt they? Doesnt it suit their interests 100%

they want Pakistan isolated, and Chinese defence cooperation with Pakistan causes them much discomfort and upset stomach problems.

Because China and America are NOT dumb, they will find out eventually.

That will only work against us.

Also, terrorists attacking Chinese in Pakistan is NOT going to deter China at all, thats some seriously immature way of thinking you are crediting us with, so much adventurism, smells Pakistani.
Security forces arrest close aide of GHQ attack mastermind | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

KARACHI: Security authorities have arrested Ahmed Shahzad, a close aide of Aqeel Ahmed, alias Dr Usman, the mastermind of the terrorist attack on Pakistan Army’s General Headquarters, DawnNews reported.

Sources said that intelligence agencies arrested Shahzad from the Karachi airport while he was attempting to flee from the country. Shahzad was found in military police uniform.
are you serious??? why wouldnt they? Doesnt it suit their interests 100%

they want Pakistan isolated, and Chinese defence cooperation with Pakistan causes them much discomfort and upset stomach problems.

Are you of the opinion that India requires to take on the Chinese through proxies and that too, on Pakistani soil?

I am a little confused as to why Chinese should cause anyone discomfort and upset stomachs. They are human beings and not Chinese food!
Because China and America are NOT dumb, they will find out eventually.

That will only work against us.

well according to your media, they are already.....indians often accuse them of support the Chairman Maoists in the northeast --though so far it appears to be a local tribal indigenous movement

Also, terrorists attacking Chinese in Pakistan is NOT going to deter China at all, thats some seriously immature way of thinking you are crediting us with, so much adventurism, smells Pakistani.

i have no proof....i'm just saying that india would have an interest in something like this attack to take place. I personally do believe there was some degree of indian involvement, but it's my own assesment. I don't trust the indians. So let's leave it at that
Just as the whole nation all of us and all of us Pakistani's aborad were sad and upset about this sage which took place in PNS Mehran... my father was deeply upset and sad to be wathching the news as to what was going on ... as being a ex PN capt he said to me in these words > I belive its an inside job it had to be i have been to PNS Mehran a few times in my time of service and no doubt the walls and barb wire needed to be more better but on a over all thought he said trust me it is just not that easy to come in to the base without some sort assistance from someone inside its really a shame he said and said even when PN does look in to the issue and finds that it perhaps was a inside job it most likely won't leek out to futher make the navy look worse then it already looks in front of the nation its only logical .
Should not Indian, not the Indian way, although there are motives, but not enough direct and strong, even the ability I have doubts, you need deep intelligence, I do not think India can touch such a deep intelligence.
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