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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

They weren't worth 40 million but way more......because PN if buys more now, since some of them already on order in US, it will cost Pakistani tax payers 300 million or more. F*** Admiral. By god if i was in his place, i would take my naval gun and shoot myself.

Shameless bastards.
:what: search operation in Islamabad? and why they need to fly helis from Muzafarabad? they have at Dhamyal base
I have no idea...I just read it on geo. People are reporting they saw helicopters flying pretty low over Islamabad
Geo is saying 8 helicopters were flying from muzaffarabad towards Islamabad and it seems like search operation

TTP has claimed responsibility of this attack, they were behind the GHQ attack, they were behind the parade lane mosque attack, and they were also behind the murder of FC cadets.

TTP and its support network in all forms have to be eliminated at all costs and if that means country wide searches and arrests (extra judicial killings even) then we should put all our resources into doing the needful.

We know where TTP is operating from, their nerve centre is waziristan so obviously we have to hit the nerve centre however these rats have a support network in the country and that needs to be targeted also.

It’s all very obvious so why are we fooling ourselves.

americans , indians and others enemies will use these forces against us since that’s what enemies do!
They claim in the open after any terrorist attack that they were behind it so why we are not able to see the obvious, we have to carpet bomb that place, no ifs and buts
Well we know the government of Pakistan is useless and that they could decrease suicide attacks or even stop them of they made an effort. But why don't the people of Pakistan come out and say/do something? People could organize mass protests to have the government resign or hold early elections, but the problem is that when the people of Pakistan don't care enough to stand up and fight for their country then nothing will ever change in Pakistan. People in Pakistan are only willing to go on talkshows or post their frustrations online but not actually wiling to do anything productive
Good point ..... Can i answer you?

People, that common men, wont come out on Street. Does he have any incentive to do so?

As it stands today, he is more bothered about his livelihood, about the power cuts, the worry of reaching home safely at the end of day. BE gratefull that people have the courage to atleast go on talk show and Speak. They atleast care enough to protest online. The extremists have made it difficult for the commoners to attend such rallies without fear of getting blown by a suicide bomb.

So should we say , a average pakistani does not care any more ... Has he grown indifferent? .. or is it that he actually agrees with the ideologies of this extremists? .... We dont know. What we do know, is his capability to continue to bear the hardships while the elite and rulers continue to plunder the nation, year after year. No questions asked. No revolt on the street.

Your education has trained them to call this Government officials as Hukmuran -- Rulers, instead of Elected Representatives. YOur Education has trained them to accept things -- "Sab Chalta Hai". Dont challenge things -- "Kya fark padta hai" (Yes, its almost the same grouse i have with my country). So, why and how , will this crowd of middle class people bring about a change ? .... Are they even capable of even doing this critical thinking?

I have long held view, for Pakistan to grow, it has to make this Fundamental changes in its Education System. Easily said then done, but i see no way you can win this battle against intolerance/extremism using guns. This bombings, guns, might give your sparodic wins -- But unless you induce that love for life, tolerance in your masses -- You are just fighting a loosing battle.
8 Cobra Helis were on a training mission to train new pilots on how to take action in Night and hit the targets if required.. they flew from Rawalpindi to Muzzaffarabad and came back.. (Duniya news, right now)
300 deleted posts later ....

Stick to the topic please - this is not about Kashmir, China bases, Wakhan corridor or genocide of the people of FATA.
these talibums dont have an airforce so we should make high altitude blimps and develop his resoultion cameras for these and permananetly station these over FATA airspace , in these blimps we should have a single high explosive 'dive bomb' that can be dropped if a target is spotted if we flood FATA airspace with 10,000 of these armed blimps , not a single taliturd will be able escape.
300 deleted posts later ....

Stick to the topic please - this is not about Kashmir, China bases, Wakhan corridor or genocide of the people of FATA.

Difficult! isn't it mate?.. :lol: Well done to all the Moderators, Kudos for you hard work (appreciation well deserved)..
did you listen the PN cheifs news conference . he was saying that.he instructed SSG to capture the terrorists alive and thats why it took them so long.

in one of my earliest posts when the operation had just started, I had said that it's been an intelligence failure and a security failure so far. I hope it's not an operational failure.
I had expected the SSG's to capture at least one of them, so the authorities could extract any valuable information from them, which could lead to the planning of this operation.
I can swallow the fact that none of the attackers could be caught alive, but to hear that 2 of them ran away, 2 of them blew themselvs up and 10 of the troops involved in the clear out operation lost their lives makes me sick .
did you listen the PN cheifs news conference . he was saying that.he instructed SSG to capture the terrorists alive and thats why it took them so long.

in one of my earliest posts when the operation had just started, I had said that it's been an intelligence failure and a security failure so far. I hope it's not an operational failure.
I had expected the SSG's to capture at least one of them, so the authorities could extract any valuable information from them, which could lead to the planning of this operation.
I can swallow the fact that none of the attackers could be caught alive, but to hear that 2 of them ran away, 2 of them blew themselvs up and 10 of the troops involved in the clear out operation lost their lives makes me sick .

I can't, for the life of it, believe that they didn't captured anyone alive.. Its just not possible, if they had to kill them they could have done it in couple of hours.. btw, even if they caught few alive, do you think they are gonna accept it openly to make their job difficult? they are going to investigate them thoroughly and then take action accordingly..

Just my two cents..
Rehman Mailk said that Taliban are behind this attack. What makes no sense is why Taliban would be so determined to get rid of these Orion P3 aircrafcts that is used as an anti-submarine and maritime surveillance aircraft.

Does Taliban have a submarine? NO
Does Taliban have an aircraft? NO

Indian military would be the most beneficial, if Pakistani navy lost its anti-submarine and maritime surveillance aircraft.
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