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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

News Update.Tribune reporter Faraz Khan reports another blast in the PAF compound.
Pakistan Navy Spokesman confirms there are no casualties and only two people have been injured so far. He has confirmed that the Pc3 Orion aircraft was attacked.Navy depot and a godown was attacked as well, say initial reports.Firing is continuing inside the PAF base.The fire in the compound has died down substantially.DG PR Navy Irfanul Haq also confirms two injuries in the attack.
RMS AZAM on PAkdef.info
Another P-3C Orion just went up in a ball fire
Can be seen on Dawn TV as well showing the flames.
You can't just carry a nuke out of a compound....

Access codes... Red card.... allocated trigger...

even with inside help, you'd get nowhere near actually being able to use the thing.

question is not about stealing those nukes..even a single blast inside nuclear plant can cause huge damage :(
lol most Pakistanis here are more obsessed in getting me than really worrying about Pakistan, w.e. dude im out, take care of your country, you live there I dont.

Thanks for deciding not to post more cr@p. We respect you for this.:tup:
cant really buy that argument, an attach of such a nature on a nuclear base can be disastrous, the same blast that took out the Orion plane could easily take out the cooling measures in nuclear plant causing severe fallout or even a big blast. Insiders were involved in this attack for sure, passing inside info to the terrorist, who can guarantee that such info about nuclear establishments is not passed onto terror outfits ? Pakistan has to answer some serious questions, its obvious now that nothing is safe in the country.

Such a blast cannot take out the entire cooling mechanism of an NPP, since the cooling mechanism is not constructed in the form of a thin metal sheeted aircraft with jet fuel in it parked in the open. In addition, most NPP's have redundancy in their safety mechanisms so it would require a massive bombing (more along the lines of a jumbo jet being flown into a reactor or a fighter jet bombing it) to destroy all safety mechanisms and induce a meltdown.

Your analogy is absurd.

Terrorists entered from the back of the base, say sources. They had information regarding what aircrafts were inside. The attack was well planned.
Earlier reports that Americans were present when terrorists targeted P3C Orion plane have been refuted by a US Embassy spokesman.

Its a shame that the military bases in the country are not well-protected like it is in other powerful countries. PAF museum and the entire area should not be open to the public, especially not in Pakistan, a country so famous these days and not for good reasons.
Thi is what I posted few days ago, and now both of the examples are active to the sh1t here...!

Thanks for honouring me.

Dawn says the security was tight but 15 - 18 terrorists are calling the shots. The terrorists came and have destroyed 3 aircrafts completely. The aircrafts had full fuel in them helping the fire.

PNS Mehran is highly secured. Several operational aircrafts are parked in the campus. The terrorists are armed and dangerous. P3C, Elvis, Sea king and other aircrafts in harms way.

The anchor claims that the terrorists were sitting behind bushes near the runway inside PNS Mehran.
around 1K security personnel r inside the base & SSG is leading
There is no need of getting so sentimental.What desiman asked is actually very pertinent.If the terrorists can enter a high security military installation , they can easily improvise and target places of higher value.

bro... they didn't get the point.. a attack of this caliber on the military base cannot be done without any mole... so there is growing concern that anyone from inside may help the terrorists to get the weapons..
Pakistan's security is now on mercy of terrorists .ISI army navy totally failed .as a whole .:tdown: i have 0.01% trust on these forces now.
There is no need of getting so sentimental.What desiman asked is actually very pertinent.If the terrorists can enter a high security military installation , they can easily improvise and target places of higher value.

I got his statement in the first instance, there is no need for a translator.
all of you guyz are stupid..........
desiman is just trying to piss u guyz off!
so stop replying....
and dont bring any other country or religion!
why alquaeda only attack pakistan??

Well one of the reason could be.. Pakistan has proved to be terrorist safe haven and at the same time an American ally (at least on paper)..so they don't have to go very far to get themselves noticed.
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