It's Funny how the World Works!!! India is rising and leaving its neighbors in the DUST!... now China doesn't Like that... So china shows alittle stash of money, and turns these little satellite countries in to Anti-Indian countries(Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and PAkistan)
What we don't realize is these countries are going to be the Victims of war! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK these states will be Able to take INDIA on in a WAR>>> IF China starts a war with INDIA... OUR MISSLE ARE GOING BOMBARD these states FIRST!!!! and the WEST will aid us in Fighting China.... thats the current sceanrioe.... In the future when China attacks, India will occupy these countries because of chinese influence! that what will you DO,, China will be put on the defensive trying to protect you guys, or risk loosing u guys....., either WAY you are going feel the HEAT from INDIA....