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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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Again, when has the bold statement ever not been true?

India may end up becoming an SCO member just as SCO may end up being a military alliance, how's that?


India can become an Sco members and most countries welcome it , but the idea Sco a military alliance has not been welcomed by most countries .
There is a difference . Read a little more.
why would we attack you when you attack America?

If china tries to enter Arunachal Pradesh, ITs WAR!

This is what you wrote,

If China attacks America... China is definetly going to be raped!... American and E.U. will lauch attacks on China... and India wil be neutral and than switch it's position mid way and Aid U.S. and E.U India, U.s. and Europeanen Union will demolish China

INDIA, US, E.U >>>> china... LOL

India can become an Sco members and most countries welcome it , but the idea Sco a military alliance has not been welcomed by most countries .
There is a difference . Read a little more.

If these countries are not part of the SCO then it really doesn't matter, does it?
i can't see America attacking China even if China attacks it.

Its reserve dollars are too much.
There are two funny parts about this post even though it is such a short post -

1. that this message was for USA
2. That India is a vessel state

If it's meant that India is a subservient state, this is entirely true. India requires the assistance of other states to grow. It is a vessel state and probably will remain so.
I can see paranoia running quite high in the Indians. Indians go cook some ''curry'' or make your semi-nude girls dance in the Bollywood, because that is what serves your right.
i can't see America attacking China even if China attacks it.

Its reserve dollars are too much.

America doesn't and will not back down a challenge, they are too STRONG and ARROGNT for their own good... China makes the slightest mistake by interveining in America's matters... Good bye China U re going bck to the stone ages... America has the most advnced missle shield systems in the world,, they will interceptt ur DONG FENG lol
America doesn't and will not back down a challenge, they are too STRONG and ARROGNT for their own good... China makes the slightest mistake by interveining in America's matters... Good bye China U re going bck to the stone ages... America has the most advnced missle shield systems in the world,, they will interceptt ur DONG FENG lol

You Indians are pathetic. Always expecting others to do something you yourselves are to weak and spineless to do.
America doesn't and will not back down a challenge, they are too STRONG and ARROGNT for their own good... China makes the slightest mistake by interveining in America's matters... Good bye China U re going bck to the stone ages... America has the most advnced missle shield systems in the world,, they will interceptt ur DONG FENG lol

Keep kissing their a$$ like a good Indian.

When was the last time India took a opposite stand to the US? Never. India always love to stand behind the US like some kind of cheerleader.

Everyone knows India is weak and inferior and will not stand up to US if push comes to shove and that is Indian mentality, not China's.

America doesn't and will not back down a challenge, they are too STRONG and ARROGNT for their own good... China makes the slightest mistake by interveining in America's matters... Good bye China U re going bck to the stone ages... America has the most advnced missle shield systems in the world,, they will interceptt ur DONG FENG lol

I disagree. The Americans are arrogant and arrogance will lead them to believe in the inferiority of China versus America. It's more a bad quality.

The Chinese will usually not back down on their word. It's traditionally that way in East Asia. I think the Chinese would probably do something, words are usually a matter of pride.
Keep kissing their a$$ like a good Indian.

When was the last time India took a opposite stand to the US? Never. India always love to stand behind the US like some kind of cheerleader.

Everyone knows India is weak and inferior and will not stand up to US if push comes to shove and that is Indian mentality, not China's.


I can not agree more with you. Indians are spineless and cowards, they have an innate inferiority complex. I do not why perhaps because for centuries they have been enslaved by foreign invaders.
I don't think that China will openly attack the US if war breaks out. In accordance to its defensive policy, it will probably support Pakistan by selling weapons and providing financial aid.

For the sake of world peace and no civilian deaths, I highly suggest China to make an emergency sell or lease of J-10Bs or J-11Bs to Pakistan.
Keep kissing their a$$ like a good Indian.

When was the last time India took a opposite stand to the US? Never. India always love to stand behind the US like some kind of cheerleader.

Everyone knows India is weak and inferior and will not stand up to US if push comes to shove and that is Indian mentality, not China's.


India opposed bombing of Libya. India did not go for American jets for its MMRCA. Just two examples.

If anybody is anyone's cheerleader it is China which is a cheerleader of Pakistan.
I can not agree more with you. Indians are spineless and cowards, they have an innate inferiority complex. I do not why perhaps because for centuries they have been enslaved by foreign invaders.

The reason is total frustration due to inability to change the surrounding world to their own likes, only hope is to beg/hope for help. Perhaps?
Maybe being an Indian living among Indians can take a toll, because by the end of days everybody is Indian. Perhaps?
When are Chinese contingents arriving Karachi, pun indeed. :D
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